Chapter 36: Going All Out?

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'I'm betting that Frieza can't sense ki, just like Vegeta and that other saiyan couldn't. So... distraction time!
The plan was simple:
1- hope Frieza can't detect ki without a scouter.
2- make one- scratch that, make two ki orbs just in case.
3- send one of the orbs towards Frieza, but not directly.
4- if he thinks that the orb is me for even a fraction of a second or two, then send the other one
5- if he also thinks that the other orb was also maybe me for like a second(maybe two) then I'll jump him or something
See? While Kakarot wasn't the best at making a traditional plan, the amount of hoping that went into it made it a saiyan plan all the same.
With the plan made, it was time for action. Goku makes two volleyball sized ki orbs, then floats away from them.
'What did Yamcha call this? Soul Ball?'' Goku wonders as he copies the technique Yamcha used against the Kami-possessed Shen so many years ago.

Back above the waters, Frieza is scanning frantically for his foe.
"Can the ape not swim? I was all set to destroy him, too." Frieza says with a pout. Just then, the surface of the water breaks. Frieza hears it and is stunned when a ball of ki sails past him.
"What? That wasn't him?!" Hearing the water break again, he spins around and fired a death beam, only to watch his red beam detonate another orb of ki. Then the real deal appears, Goku nailing him with a flying drop kick. Goku watched Frieza sail into the island below with a chuckle, but quickly falters when he sees Frieza rise up and simply crack his own neck. Frieza begins to laugh as he stares down at the dust on his body.
"You're even better than I thought! You're the first person aside from my father to ever get dust on me. This is the first time in my life I've felt this excited. But... I think it's time you realize precisely what you're messing with here." Frieza extends a hand, and the rocks around him begin to tremble and float. Frieza then glared at Kakarot, who isn't sure what to expect. A bunch of rocks getting slung at him at Mach 3 isn't it.
"Woah!" He exclaims as he begins dodging and weaving around the flying rocks. As he dodges around the last one, he shoots a quick glance and realizes far too late that Frieza is gone.
"You lose." Frieza says, directly behind him.
"Oh son of a-" Goku starts before being enveloped in a painful yellow light.
"Shocking, isn't it?" Frieza asks with a gleeful smile as he sends the blast hurtling towards the planet.

Meanwhile, the only other people still alive on the entirety of Planet Namek: the other cast members!

"Geez... this is stupid." Krillin says with a nod and a grimace as he watches the two titans of power duke it out.
"It gets worse..." Piccolo shakes his head.
"Whosainwha? Whereami? Gine?" Bardock slurs and stutters as he wakes up with a start. He looks around for a second before the situation comes back to him.
"Right. Frieza! Is that bastard dead yet?!" Bardock slams the ground as he stands back up.
"No. Goku is still fighting him." Piccolo shakes his head, not looking away.
"How?" Bardock asks with surprise in his voice. Surely one of them has to be strong enough to kill the other.
"Frieza is toying with him. He hadn't gone all out." Piccolo sighs.
"Why would he- has Kakarot gone red and fast yet?" Bardock asks with concern as he glances towards the battle.
"I.... Don't even know what begins to mean, Bardock." Piccolo says honestly.
"The Kaio-Ken!" Krillin laughs, recalling the mileage Goku got out of it against Vegeta.
"The kaio-what?" Piccolo asks with narrowed eyes.
"Not important- the important part is that if Kakarot hasn't done that, he's not going all out either!" Bardock laughs as he looks back to the battle.

Back to the strongest warriors in the known universe at this particular moment in time:

"Tell me. Would you like for this battle to continue in the air, or should we move to the ground?" Frieza asks after a pause, the two glaring at each other midair.
"Awful kind of you to ask... I prefer the ground." Goku answers. Frieza nods then points to a nearby island. The two zoom over, landing a distance apart.
"So what, you just that confident Frieza?" Goku asks as he tears the top part of his dōgi off, the blue undershirt the only shirt now on.
"While I may not look it, I think myself quite a kind soul. Here's to prove it- I won't use either of my hands!" Frieza grind while raising his arms innocently before crossing them behind his back.
"Damn. I'd say almost too kind... mind if I start us off?" Goku asks as he finishes stretching for the next round.
"Be my guest." Frieza chuckles.

Goku launches himself at Frieza, who quickly jumps and kicks him in the face. Goku grasps the ground below and uses the momentum to kick back at Frieza, who easily dodges before kicking Goku off into the distance. Goku immediately charges right back at the arcosian, but instead of throwing a punch grabs Frieza's long white tail. With all of his might, the young saiyan begins to spin around, using the momentum to hurl Frieza far behind him. It doesn't last long, as Frieza flies right back into the fray. He quickly throws a kick, but Goku blocks it. They begin trading blows quickly, with Goku seemingly gaining the upper hand for a moment. Then Frieza's long tail snakes around Goku's neck to strangle him. Goku panics for a moment before using his saiyan brain. And bites down on the tail- hard. As Frieza screeches in pain from the bite, Goku spins around and kicks him in the neck, before quickly punching him in the gut. Losing his composure, Frieza quickly lashes out with a punch, connecting squarely with Goku's cheek. The two fighters break apart, glaring at each other from a distance once again.

"You said you weren't gonna use hands." Goku says dryly after a moment.
"You bit me, you ape! The time for that kindness has ended." Frieza winces as he looks back at his tail.
"Then let me give you some kindness of my own- advice." Goku stands up straight as he cracks his neck and knuckles.

Power levels-

Bardock: 2,444,000
Goku: 3,550,001
Gohan: 1,000,000
Krillin: 88,000
Bulma: 10
Frieza(maybe not his full power): 3,550,002
Vegeta: Dead.
Piccolo Jr.: 1,060,000
Tien: Dead.
Dende: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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