Chapter 19: TokuSentai!!!

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"Damn it all! The Ginyu Force is here?! Quickly! We're going to need your little friends as fast as possible if we're to survive this." Vegeta grimaced. Bardock nodded. There wasn't anyway to get a message to the others. discreet methods.
"Alright. Here's an idea. We'll both flair our ki as high as possible. The Ginyu Force already knows we're here, but maybe the others will detect us and realize something is wro-" Before Bardock could finish his sentence, a massive burst of ki could be felt from even here.
"What the- is that the half-breed?" Vegeta asked, shocked. Bardock nodded.
"Well I'll be. What do you say we meet them halfway? If we're all flying max speed, we should get back here before the Ginyu Force even lands." Bardock started flying upwards. Vegeta scoffed, but followed nonetheless. They flew with all haste to where the power had burst from. This was going to be close.

Somewhere in space: Meanwhile!

"Twenty minutes until arrival. Twenty minutes until arrival." Goku sat up from the bed and scratched his head. He brushed his teeth and began looking for a change of clothes. He had trashed his other set during his training. He opened up a bag and found just what he needed. He put the outfit on and stared out the window. He could just barely see the blue planet on the horizon.
"It's so weird. There's ten minutes left, but I don't feel scared at all. I'm as calm as can be and I don't know why. My friends could be fighting for their lives against the strongest foes we've ever seen, yet I feel calm. It's so weird." Goku pondered aloud as he watched the planet grow ever larger.

Back on Namek: Meanwhile!

"Gohan!" Bardock yelled as the speeding figure grew closer.
"Grandpa! Look at me! I'm even stronger than you now!" He giggled happily. Bardock grumbled something, but Vegeta interrupted.
"There's no time! We've got to get back to the cave! Full speed ahead!" Vegeta barked. And with that, the four fighters flew as fast as they could to the cave they had called home.

The crew barely managed to touch down when an ominous voice spoke out.
"So, this is where you've been hiding, Vegeta. Greetings, everyone else. I am Captain Ginyu, and this is...." the purple captain posed, and the other four aliens behind him all assumed really weird poses.
"Recoome!" The tall buff humanoid with red hair yelled as he posed.
"Burter!" The tall blue alien yelled as he posed beside the first.
"Jeice!" The short red alien yelled as he posed in front of Burter.
"Guldo!" The shortest green alien yelled as he posed in front of Recoome.
"Ginyu!" Their captain shouted as he posed in the very front.
"And together we are... THE GINYU FORCE!!!" They all yelled in unison. Everyone was awestruck. They were clueless how to respond.
"Now here's the deal, Vegeta. I'll be taking those dragonballs, and then we'll be killing all of you. Now hand them over, nice and easy." Captain Ginyu motioned with a smirk to the dragonballs that lay behind the warriors. Vegeta grimaced.
"Damn it....fine. Go get it!" He yelled as he hurled the ball into the air. But in a mere second, the blue alien disappeared then reappeared with the ball in hand.
"What the- so fast!" Gohan exclaimed. Vegeta grunted, then turned to Krillin.
"Quick! Destroy the damn thing!" Vegeta barked. Krillin nodded and raised his hand, but then chopped down on empty air. The ball that had been in his hand now lay in the clutches of the small green one, Guldo.
"Damn it all!!!! The rumors are true... he can stop time!" Vegeta gasped. Within moments, all seven namekian dragonballs were in the clutches of the Ginyu Force.
"I'll be taking these to Lord Frieza. You four fight them one on one. It'll be fun." Ginyu said with a smirk as he flew away, the seven orbs trailing with him. The Ginyu Force members immediately huddled up. The warriors followed suite.
"Alright, basically we're screwed. They gonna decide who's fighting who, and I'm betting the big guy's going for me. That means you three will have to survive long enough for someone else to win their fight. And watch out for Guldo. While he isn't strong, he's got plenty of tricks." Vegeta broke the huddle to see the Ginyu Force staring them down.
"Are you ready?" Recoome asked with a sinister smile.
"I won Rock Paper Scissors, so I get Vegeta." Recoome smirked.
"I got second, so I get the saiyan with a scar." Burter said with obvious disdain as he locked eyes with Bardock.
"I'm fighting you, pipsqueak." Jeice called while pointing at Krillin.
"Huh...that leaves you and me, little guy. Least no one has the height advantage, right?" Guldo joked with a frown as he stared down Gohan.
"Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we all fight one at a time so it doesn't get confusing! Then the others can watch as all your friends die." Recoome said with an idiotic grin. Bardock smirked at Vegeta.
"Sound familiar?" He whispered. Vegeta scowled at him before answering.
"Sure. Fine by me. Who'll be going first?" Vegeta asked, buying as much time as he could.
"Hmm. Well, I'd get bored if I killed you first, so I'll save you for last! Guldo, you go first!" Recoome yelled with another smile. Guldo grit his teeth.
"Fine. Let's go, kid." Guldo entered a stance. Everyone not fighting backed up. Gohan entered a stance and released his ki, showing for the first time his new full power. Guldo nearly choked.
"What the hell?! How's this kid so strong?!" He wheezed.
"Oh man. Bad luck for Guldo, haha." Recoome's grin never left his face. It was extremely unnerving.
Gohan flew up with incredible speed with ki blasts charging in his hand.
"Here I come!" He yelled as he stopped flying, only to release a torrent of ki blasts where Guldo was.

Power Levels-

Bardock(Post training): 18,900
Goku(post training/zenkais): ????
Gohan(Post Guru): 22,500
Krillin: 19,400
Bulma: 8
Vegeta(Post training): 32,500
Frieza: 530,000
Ginyu: 120,000
Jeice: 64,000
Burter: 68,000
Recoome: 71,000
Guldo: 19,000
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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