Chapter 39: Desperation

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"Your boldness never ceases to amaze. That's one thing I could always respect about you, Bardock." Frieza scowled as he easily dodged Bardock's flurry.
"That's been annoying me for a while now- Frieza. Why do you know my name?" Bardock asked as he jumped a distance away and shot a ki blast with the same motion.
"Is this really the time, ape? The end of your species is at hand. Why does it matter if I happened to learn the name of the only saiyan to have fought in my army and lived to desert it?" Frieza's frown deepened as he easily bat aside Bardock's ki blast.
"That.. that sounds like it matters to you." Bardock grinned as his blast hit the water below.
"Gah! So what?! You tell me! Why do you recall the events of a lifetime that never came to pass?!" Frieza's eye twitched as his composure shook.
Bardock stopped midair as he heard Frieza's words.
"Heh... I didn't tell you that. But thanks for confirming it." Bardock gathered up all his remain ki into his fist. One last attack. All the ki he had.
"Grrrr... you infuriate me so. Now I'm going to kill you to make up for the 30 years you've haunted my dreams!" Frieza screamed as he launched on the offensive, battering Bardock's thoughts of attacking. After punching Bardock several times in the chest Frieza quickly elbowed him in the gut before slamming into his skull with his long white tail.
Bardock stopped himself narrowly before landing in the water, coughing blood into the green waters below, but still had a smile on his face.
"Khkhk... hey Frieza. I just thought of something. I didn't see anything." Bardock gasped as the blood trickled down his chin.
"Congratulations. Is that supposed to mean something?" Frieza raised an eyebrow and glanced around, prepared for another sneak attack.
"It's simple. I didn't see my own future-" Bardock was cut off by the arcosian's foot connecting with his abdomen, sending him crashing onto the shores.
"That is good." Frieza said with a chuckle.
"But I didn't see yours either." Bardock coughed as he pulled himself back to his feet.
"I retract my prior statement. I don't care what you're blabbering about. Die." Frieza pointed his finger forwards with the ominous red glow enveloping it, but was quickly cut off by a green arm literally stretching around him, which Frieza swiftly cut off as Piccolo joined the fight.

"You planning on being a punching bag forever?" Piccolo asked as he grunted, regrowing his arm.
"Gah... thanks Jr." Bardock coughed as he staggered back into a fighting stance.
"Hope you're ready. The final son of Namek and the last Father of Saiyans are going to make you pay." Piccolo swore solemnly as he assumed his own stance.
"You're more than welcome to try, you amalgamation of dying breeds." Frieza hissed with an evil glare. Bardock looked over to Piccolo, who looked at him in synch. They both darted, Bardock on the left and Piccolo on the right, flanking Frieza who easily caught both of their fists. Bardock grinned wildly, giving the appearance that his blood loss was getting to him as he cackled.
"Now Piccolo!" Bardock screamed as Frieza's eyes immediately glanced at the namekian, who only smiled. Piccolo didn't do anything but hop back. He had done exactly what he intended to- he caused a split second distraction. In the fraction of a second that Frieza tried finding Piccolo's nonexistent attack, Bardock brought down his full might on Frieza. The Final Spirit Cannon he had been charging up all this time, more ki then he had gathered ever before, was brought to fruition with a bright flash as Bardock slammed himself down ontop of Frieza, bringing them both down towards the water.
"THIS IS FOR EVERYONE YOU'VE KILLED! BURN IN HELL!!!!" Bardock screamed as the ki blast exploded, sending the two foes flying in opposite directions. Frieza flew into the bottom of the sea floor with a pained cry, while Bardock sailed into the air and collapsed in a heap near Piccolo.

"King Kai... that was incredible Bardock." Piccolo smiled. For that brief second, Bardock's power had dwarfed even Goku's.
"Gah.... I don't think I'll be moving for a minute." Bardock gasped, completely spent. Maybe he put too much into that.
Piccolo glanced towards Goku, hands still raised up to charge, and nodded slightly. The time was almost upon them. Soon, the battle for Namek- no, the whole universe- would see it's conclusion.

That time approached rapidly as the momentary respite was broken with an enraged roar, Frieza blasting out of the water with such force that a deafening boom followed him.
"Damn you, you meddlesome little gnats! I'm going to kill you all- by destroying this ugly world, and everyone on it!" Frieza screamed as he pointed a finger straight up, beginning to charge up a ki ball of destructive power. As he did so, Piccolo and Bardock both glanced towards Goku, who smiled brightly.
"It's done! Just in time!" Goku whisper yells, before he fully exerts himself to bring the massive spirit bomb crashing down. Everyone on the surface of Namek watched with glee as the blue orb draws closer and closer, Frieza so blinded by rage that it is only in the final second that he remembers what Goku had been doing. A panicked scream as he abandons his own blast to try catching the spirit bomb. The fierce fighters on the ground running for cover. A final, desperate scream from the panicked arcosian- and then a deafening boom, visible from numerous other planets.

After a full minute of silence aside from the rushing waters filling Namek's newest(and largest) crater, Gohan pulled himself ashore and coughed up some green water.
"With the additional knowledge of hindsight, perhaps it would have been wise to not impart the entirety of my remaining ki into Mr. Piccolo." Gohan chuckled dryly. From across the lone solace amongst the raging waters, Krillin coughed.
"Oh! Mr. Krillin! I had worried that the tempestuous seas had dragged you under, given that the both of us are likely equivalently depleted of ki." Gohan smiled weakly seeing his friend. Krillin chuckled this time.
"Gohan? You talk too much." Krillin said simply before standing up slowly.
"Where are the others?" Krillin asked as he looked out at the waters before them.
"Given that the three of them were all sufficiently exhausted and their close proximity to the blast, either they were sent directly into the chasm or they were sent hurtling off into the distance." Gohan said after studying the surroundings.
Krillin looked around, studying the surroundings.
"Well... guess we should get looking." He sighed.

Power levels-

Bardock: 2,444,000
Bardock(tired): 2,000,000/???
Bardock(Final Spirit Cannon): 8,000,000
Goku: 3,550,001
Goku(post kk): 3,000,000/???
Goku(Spirit Bomb): 107,999,999
Gohan: 1,000,000
Gohan(post transfer): 1
Krillin: 88,000
Krillin(post transfer): 1
Bulma: 10
Frieza(50%): 60,000,000/???
Frieza(60%): 72,000,000/???
Piccolo Jr.: 1,060,000
Piccolo Jr.(post transfer): 3,315,000/???
Vegeta: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.
Dende: Dead.

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