Chapter 38: Final Gambit

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Frieza slams into the ground mere inches from the still recuperating saiyan. Without giving even a second to defend himself, Frieza pounds into him, sending him sprawling through the dirt. As Goku struggles to even get off the ground, Frieza kicks him in the face hard enough to send him into the air. Then Frieza hops and kicks the airborne saiyan back down to Namek. Goku once again struggles to his feet as Frieza draws closer.
"Finally run dry, monkey? All that power you had is gone." Frieza spats as he sends a blast of ki towards a scrambling Goku.
'He's right... I'm drained from the x 20 kaioken. Welp. Since the fate of my family is riding on this, might as well give it a shot.' Goku decided as the blast created a hole in the ground separating him from his foe.

"I'm getting in there." Bardock said after a moment, unable to watch the show before him any longer.
"Me too, grandpa!" Gohan chipped in, fired up.
"What could we do? Even as exhausted as he is, Goku is still leagues above us. Look at him, he's... what's he doing?" Piccolo asked, drawing attention back to the last hope of the universe, who was standing still with his hands up.
"Ahah! That's the... the uh, the psyche missile or something like that." Bardock started, but quickly trailed off as he failed to recall the technique.
"The spirit bomb! He used it against Vegeta!" Krillin exclaimed excitedly.
"Did it work? What is it?" Piccolo asked, the only one who hadn't seen it first hand.
"Some sorta ki blast made up from other people's ki. He borrows ki from people, animals- practically the whole damn planet." Bardock simplified.
"That... sounds incredible." Piccolo was stunned.
"King Kai taught him it! It almost killed Vegeta kinda in a very technical sense, at least from a certain point of view." Gohan dawdled as he thought about it.
"That.... Sounds like it didn't work." Piccolo said quietly.

'I really didn't want to do this... might accidentally blow up Piccolo's home planet! But if I don't stop Frieza here and now, the entire universe will be in danger. Every planet close to Namek! Please, give me just a little of your energy!
"What are you up to over there, monkey? You're barely standing and you choose to do this? Is it a sign of surrender or something?" Frieza asks, glancing around for some unseen threat.
"Heh... I ain't telling." Goku gasps with labored breaths, focusing solely on the Spirit Bomb.
"Well how long do you plan to stay like that? I'm growing bored, you know." Frieza narrows his eyes at his unmoving foe.
"Too bad... I ain't telling." Goku gasps again, this time with a hint of a smile.
"Dammed ape!" Frieza yells as he kicks Goku, sending him sprawling.

"Damn! Krillin, give me all the energy you got left." Piccolo barked, watching this development.
"Gohan, you do the same." Bardock says after a moment.
"What? No, Gohan you give it to Bardock." Piccolo shook his head as Krillin's ki begins to flow into him.
"It isn't gonna matter. All we gotta do is stall, right? You can regrow limbs. I don't have that luxury. Give it to Jr." Bardock says decisively. After another second of deliberation, Gohan begins transferring his ki to Piccolo.

"Ow... don't be so impatient..." Goku groans as he resumes his charging of his secret move.
"You're going to die like that, ape!" Frieza yells as he launches a ki blast at Goku, sending him flying into the green waters. Frieza saunters over to the edge as Goku grasps to get out of the water.
"I hate you saiyans. Never able to tell what you're planning, but the plans are always so brain-dead. I'm going to kill you. Then your son. Then your father. Then, the universe will be free of the saiyans at last. Then- I might blow up this heap just for the fun of it. There are no super saiyans, and there never will... what is that?" Frieza monologues before seeing a bright blue light reflected in the green waters before him.
"What! What is that?! It's huge! Is that what you were doing?!" Frieza exclaims after looking up at the light source, seeing the spirit bomb in its full glory.
"Well... I ain't telling." Goku grimaces.
'Damn it! He saw it too soon! Now he'll just dodge- and it's still not large enough to be a threat!' Goku thinks as he repeats the words he knows Frieza hates.
"What a waste of the final minute of your life. Goodbye, monkey." Frieza raises his hand to fire the red beam of death when a foot clad in saiyan armor slams into the back of his neck. Frieza hurtled off into the green waters, and Goku turns to see Piccolo and his father both with their hands outstretched to help him out of the water.
"We'll buy you all the time you need. Just make sure you kill that bastard." Bardock grins as he helps his son to his feet, purposely fighting off any visions he may receive. But then it hits him-
'Wait... have I had a single vision since I arrived on this planet? Bad time to try finding out- here he comes!' Bardock frowns as he watches Frieza rise from the depths, hate dripping off of him alongside the green water.
"Damn you Bardock! I overlooked you!" Frieza screeches as his eyes lock with his oldest foe.
"C'mon, Frieza! Let's finish this! What we started 30 years ago!" Bardock yells, drawing focus towards him.
"Junior. He hates me more than anything else. I'm gonna get you an opening. Then Kakarot- is that thing ready?" Bardock says quickly to the ones besides him, trusted allies both.
"Just a little more... I need to account for what his full power might be." Goku says after a second of thought.
"Well catch him off guard and it won't matter, right? I'll make sure he's distracted." Bardock grins, a slight tint of sadness in his eyes.
'It's been nagging at me for a while now... hope I helped change your future, Kakarot. Even a little bit.' Bardock thinks as he floats towards the awaiting arcosian.

Power levels-

Bardock: 2,444,000
Bardock(tired): 2,000,000
Goku: 3,550,001
Goku(post kk): 3,000,000
Gohan: 1,000,000
Gohan(post transfer): 1
Krillin: 88,000
Krillin(post transfer): 1
Bulma: 10
Frieza(50%): 60,000,000
Frieza(60%): 72,000,000
Piccolo Jr.: 1,060,000
Piccolo Jr.(post transfer): 3,315,000
Vegeta: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.
Dende: Dead.

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