Chapter 20: The Ginyu Force

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To the eyes of all but Guldo, it appeared the little green alien teleported away from Gohan's barrage. Gohan frantically looked around. He spotted him, then he vanished again. But Gohan could still sense him behind a rock, so he flew right at him. Then Guldo jumped out from behind the rock.
"Paralysis!!" He yelled as Gohan froze.
"Wha- I cant move!" He yelled as his body floated still.
"Idiot! I said specifically to watch out for his tricks!" Vegeta growled. Recoome laughed.
"Wow. The little kid sure is strong Vegeta. He your kid?" He asked, his trademark grin still unnerving. Guldo moved a hand toward a tree a little ways off the battle field, and it floated to his side.
"I'll turn you into a shish-kabob, you freak! Here I go!" Guldo yelled as the tree sharpened itself into a stake. But right as Guldo began moving his hand, he lowered his guard. And that was all Vegeta needed. He appeared behind Guldo in a flash, and with one swift chop took off his head. The green alien's head rolled onto the blue grass next to Bardock.
"What the- Vegeta?! Did you cheat?!" Recoome asked in an aggravated voice. Vegeta scoffed as he crushed Guldo's head beneath his white boot.
"There's no cheating in a war, idiot." Vegeta said with a grin as he resumed his original spot.
"Aw man! Now we have to make a four person pose! Ok, let's play Rock Paper Scissors to see who fights next!" Recoome exclaimed loudly.
"Uh...Recoome? Didn't we just play to decide the order?" Jeice asked, confused. Recoome shook his head 'no'.
"No, we played to see who would fight Vegeta, but that was when Guldo was still alive. Now we have to play again, just in case." Recoome said with sincerity. After a moment of hand waving, Recoome stepped forwards.
"Ok. You vs me, Vegeta. This'll be fun." Recoome laughed. He started doing stretches while chanting to himself. Gohan, Krillin and Bardock all took a step back as a slight sound was heard coming from Vegeta. It sounded like the breaking of the last straw.
"That's it! YOU'RE DEAD!!!!" Vegeta screamed with bloodshot eyes. He rushed as fast as he could, punching Recoome square in the jaw. Then he sped behind him, hammering him into the blue ground grass. Vegeta then shot downwards, slamming his knees into the tall idiot's back. Vegeta then grabbed Recoome's leg and hurled him into the nearest mountain, then began focusing his ki into both hands as he brought them together in front of him.
"DIE!!! FINAL.....BLAST!!!!" Vegeta screamed as a massive explosion enveloped the mountain, and a good deal of ground around it. Vegeta panted heavily as he stood crooked, catching his breathe. The three warriors all grinned for their victorious ally. The grin was only for a fleeting second, as Recoome stumbled out of the dust, missing his amor but still wearing a torn black unitard.
"That was a pretty good warm up. I'm ready to fight now." Recoome smiled widely, showing off his missing teeth.
"" Bardock gasped. He had never seen anything like it. He'd heard legends as to the Ginyu Force's power, but he had thought them exaggerations. But now, seeing the hulk of muscle that had tanked a blow powerful enough to destroy a planet, it was hard to call them stories anymore.
"Ok, my turn. Recoome....Kick!" Recoome shouted as he drove his foot into Vegeta's jaw, stunning him. He flew into a rock, but quickly bounced back towards Recoome. Recoome blocked his every blow all while laughing.
"Wow, you're better then I thought. Recoome...Elbow!" He yelled as he drove his elbow into Vegeta's skull, plummeting him into the ground. Vegeta tried flying away, but Recoome was just too fast.
"Haha, is this a race now? You're even slower that Guldo!" Recoome laughed as he chest-bumped Vegeta into the water below. Recoome descended slowly.
"Ooo, are you playing a fish game? I like-" his words were cut off by Vegeta leaping out of the water, slamming into Recoome's stomach with all his might. After a short pause, Recoome grinned and wrapped his arms around Vegeta's waist.
"Can't run now! Recoome..... SLAM!" Recoome yelled as he smashed Vegeta into the dirt below. Only Vegeta's legs could be seen sticking out of the dirt. Recoome landed next to him.
"Now it's a mole game. Peek-a-" Recoome pulled Vegata out of the ground by his leg, only to be blasted in the face by Vegeta's ki attack. Vegeta struggled to his feet as Recoome rebound gracefully.
"Yeah! I like it when they fight!" Recoome yelled. Bardock grimaced and leaned closer to his shorter allies.
"As Vegeta said, all's fair in war. Next time he goes to attack, Gohan and I will attack him while Krillin saves Vegeta." Bardock said quietly.
"What?! Why me?" Krillin snapped back in a hushed voice.
"Because I said so! Shut up and get ready, he's doing something!" Bardock pointed to Recoome who was opening his mouth and widening his stance.
"Recoome....ERASER GUN!" He yelled as a massive blast of ki emerged from his mouth towards the wounded Vegeta. Krillin tackled Vegeta out of the way while Gohan slammed into the top of Recoome's head, leaving Bardock to kick him....where it hurt.
" teamed up on me. Burter! Jeishe! I wanna pway wif aww ob fem!" Recoome slurred through his words, missing most of his teeth. The other two members nodded their heads. There was no stopping him when he got like this. Recoome's eyes settled on Krillin, who had backed away from Vegeta.
"Recoome....Kick!" He yelled as he drove his foot into Krillin's side, sending him flying. Gohan rushed to his side, where Krillin choked out a laugh.
"I don't think even you can count how many bones he just broke. Ow." Krillin moaned.
"Uh-oh! I bwoke him!" Recoome called as he lumbered towards Gohan.
"I'll...I'll fight him with I'll I've got!" Gohan steeled himself. Bardock took place next to him.
"Now you're talking. Let's go, Gohan!"

Power Levels-

Bardock: 18,900
Goku(post training/zenkais): ????
Gohan: 22,700
Krillin: 19,400
Krillin(ow): 15,000
Bulma: 8
Vegeta: 32,500
Vegeta(ow): 20,000
Frieza: 530,000
Ginyu: 120,000
Jeice: 64,000
Burter: 68,000
Recoome: 71,000
Recoome(ow): 65,000
Guldo: Dead
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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