Chapter 18: Race Against Time

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Zarbon quickly dashed at Vegeta, who dove to the ground to dodge. Bardock tried punching his back, but Zarbon whipped around, punching him into the dirt. While his back was turned, Vegeta tackled Zarbon to the ground, giving Bardock the opportunity to recover. He jumped up and slammed an elbow into Zarbon's back, getting a pained grunt in response. Zarbon flung the two off of him before roaring loudly.
"You apes will die here!" He screamed as he slammed into Bardock, sending him into the mountain. Vegeta stood up and taunted with a single raised finger. Zarbon roared and swung wildly, but Vegeta dove to the ground and threw a fistful of dirt he held into Zarbon's elongated eyes. Zarbon screamed and frantically tried getting the dirt out of his eyes, but while his guard was down, Vegeta drive his fist into Zarbon's stomach. Bardock dove out of the mountain into Zarbon's back, knocking him to the ground. The two saiyans now stood above the fallen lieutenant. They charged ki in their palms as they exchanged glances.
" dirty of you, Vegeta." Bardock grinned as he continued charging.
"Hmph. Says the one losing." Vegeta grinned back. The two saiyans slammed their hands down, earning a loud scream of pain from Zarbon. He flew away and stood his ground as his crumbled armor lay around him.
"Ha.....ha.....even with all of your training, you monkeys won't be able to beat me." Zarbon wheezed. Vegeta began strutting forwards, confidence in his every move.
"Ha. We saiyans were made for fighting. Strike us down as much as you want, we'll get up again and again, stronger every time. That's what it means to be saiyan. It means we never surrender!" Vegeta screamed as he slammed his fist into Zarbon's exposed stomach. He slumped to one knee and coughed up blood.
"Please Vegeta...spare me....we can fight together against Lord Frieza..." he wheezed as Vegeta's smirk widened. Bardock staggered forwards.
"Oh we'll fight together all hell!" Bardock roared as he slammed a burst of ki into Zarbon's head. The two stepped back as Zarbon's body fell. Vegeta laughed.
"I must say Bardock, even if you don't have the strength to back it up, you sure talk like a true saiyan. what? Frieza's two lieutenants are dead, I have 6 of the dragonballs and you have the last one. Am I missing anything?" Vegeta asked while looking around, purposely avoiding where Bulma stood. Bardock adjusted his shoulder strap.
" grandson is getting the last Dragonball you missed then heading back here." Bardock grunted.
"Hmm? Missed? I didn't miss any. I've got 5 in a ravine, one underwater, and the last one is in baldie's hands." Vegeta looked at him with a very confused expression on his face.
"Oh. See, he thought the one underwater had been hidden by the namekians, so he went to go grab it." Krillin explained, leaning against the massive one star ball.
"Ah. Unfortunately for him, the namekians weren't smart enough to hide it underwater. They had it in plain view." Vegeta cackled as he waved a hand for emphasis.
"You bastard! What did you do to my people?!" Dende screamed as he popped out of the cave.
"Hey, calm down little guy! Here's an idea. We're all at an impasse until Gohan gets back, so I'll fly out, find him, then give him a ride here. I'm a lot faster than he is." Krillin explained, obviously thinking on the spot.
Vegeta stared at him.
"Sure, why not. I'll spar with Bardock till you get back, but first let's got grab the five dragonballs I hid." Vegeta motioned for Bardock to follow, and so he did.

Somewhere in space: Meanwhile/Timeskip!

"Ka Ma Ha Me Ha!" Goku screamed as he fired a blue beam. He then focused the beam to curve it around within the interior of the ship, narrowly avoiding a wall. The beam then split into 7 before sailing back and slamming into his chest. He stood for a moment before dropping to one knee.
"Wowch....that hurts a lot. I'd better.." he didn't finish his sentence as he reached into the satchel and pulled out yet another senzu bean. He ate it, then bounced onto his feet.
"Alright! That's x100 down! Yippee! Although, I've still got two days till namek.... I might as well kick this baby all the way!" Goku smiles giddily as he cranked the dial to the furthest bar- x150 gravity. The red air got hotter as Goku slumped to his knees.
" we go again...I'll keep going guys.... just you wait...I'll be so strong...even dad will say wow." Goku grinned as he struggled to his feet.

One day later: Timeskip!
Goku jumped from his one handed-handstand onto his feet with ease, then did a flip. He landed and looked around at the red air.
"Wow. x150, Huh. Easier then I thought. I've still got 5 senzu left. Well... still a full day till I make it to Namek. Might as well take it easy and readjust my body to normal gravity." Goku walked with ease to the machine, and flipped the dial all the way back to x1. He then bounced around a little, getting used to how light his body felt.
"Wow. I feel so light. Like I can float, almost." Goku said aloud as he picked up a chunk of the ruined floor. The ship hadn't been able to handle his power after all. He tossed the chunk at the wall as hard as he could, then moved with extreme speed and caught it before it could connect with the wall.
"Huh. Guess I'll go downstairs, relax, and take a nap. Afterall, I don't think I've slept in the last five days." Goku shrugged as he approached the ladder to reach the relaxation area of the ship.

Back on Namek: Meanwhile!

"It's been 4 days. How is that brat not back yet? Or the half-breed, for that matter." Vegeta asked as he threw a punch at Bardock, who narrowly dodged it.
"No clue. Maybe they got lost." He responded as he threw a punch of his own. Vegeta cackled.
"The only reason I haven't become immortal and crushed Frieza is because the boy still holds a Dragonball. But now... what the... oh no. Surely you know what this means, right?" Vegeta had been distracted by the five massive ki sources racing towards Namek. Bardock gulped. He did indeed know what that meant. 5 insane power levels could only mean...
"The Ginyu Force."

Power Levels-

Bardock(Post training): 18,900
Goku(post training/zenkais): ????
Gohan(Post Guru): 22,500
Krillin: 19,400
Bulma: 8
Vegeta(Post training): 32,500
Frieza: 530,000
Zarbon: Dead
Zarbon(Monster): Monster Dead
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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