Chapter 33: Final Assualt

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All eyes turned to Frieza as he slowly(and dramatically) began floating across the calm green waters to the island everyone was on.
"This is... his true form? He's smaller." Krillin said after a moment.
"Kami are you one to talk? Can you not sense that?!" Bardock gestured to the massive power level before them.
"I'm sorry. I made you guys waste the dragonballs to get me here, and now it's not going to matter. Hell, I've barely mattered. I should've left this to you saiyans." Piccolo said solemnly.
"Don't say that, Mr. Piccolo. You came to save your home planet. A noble goal, even if circumstances have left you feeling undercut." Gohan tried cheering up his namekian friend.
Without warning, a flash of light from Frieza's direction sailed past the chatting warriors and exploded. Everyone looked to see a crater... and in its center, Dende, who had narrowly finished healing Vegeta.
"No more healing." Frieza said curtly, his voice heavily reminiscent of his first form's.
"Damn! He saw Dante heal us!" Bardock cursed. Then Frieza vanished. Bardock immediately flipped and faced the opposite direction whilst everyone else looked around for the vanishing enemy.
"He's right there!" Piccolo yelled as he found the monstrous foe.
"I promised you all a fate worse then death, didn't I?" Frieza chuckled as he held up a single finger.
With no hesitation whatsoever, Bardock dove at Frieza and began swinging. Gohan joined, then Piccolo. Even Krillin sprung into action. But even against an assault from the four of them, Frieza easily dodged their every blow. It almost appeared that he was dancing in the center of the flurry. Piccolo leaped backwards to fire a ki blast, but Frieza quickly jumped to avoid it.
The others seeing their chance, they all quickly fired ki blasts into the air hoping to hit the now airborne arcosian. But to the warriors dismay, Frieza vanished, the ki blasts sailing aimlessly. The fighters quickly looked around before a familiar voice warned them all, "He's behind you!" Vegeta yelled as they whipped around to see Frieza with his hand outstretched, a single finger pointing forwards.
"Bingo." He said evilly as a quick flash of crimson light fired. Quicker than most(but not all) could comprehend, 3 beams of deathly ki raced towards Gohan.
Luckily for him, just as quickly Vegeta kicked Gohan out of the way, into Bardock's arms.
"Don't just stand there and wait for death!" Vegeta yelled at the youngest person on the planet.
"Vegeta... you could see that?!" Piccolo gasped as he quickly realized the hopelessness of his position.
"Heh. No better way to show off my incredible strength. Now step aside. It's time I finish this." Vegeta cracked his neck as he gallivanted towards the Emperor of Space.
"Now there's an attitude I know well. Has your fear driven you mad?" Frieza shook his head sadly.
"The only mad one here is you, Frieza. As now I have ascended to that which you have always feared. I am the super saiyan!" Vegeta pointed towards himself with his right thumb and flexed every muscle in his body.
Frieza stood in silence for a moment before laughing.
"You tell the funniest jokes. How about this? Bardock. Do you too believe that Prince Vegeta here is the so called super saiyan of bedtime story renown?" Frieza gloated as he stood unperturbed.
"Damn it! I'll show you!" Vegeta yelled as he raced headfirst towards his ancestral foe.
Everybody else could only watch as Vegeta's very confident attack slid right through an afterimage of a Frieza who was not there.
"Most impressive. I swear I could almost feel that one." Frieza laughed again, standing on a different island entirely.
"No...... he's not the super saiyan." Bardock grunted out at last.
'I don't get it. Someone of his generation has to be the super saiyan of legend. But how does one know? Would they just be that strong?! Who the hell meets the bill?!' Bardock's thoughts raced as he tried thinking of every saiyan in the same generation as his kids.
"Oh thank you for answering the rhetorical question, Bardock, but I believe we've already established that." Frieza shook his head as Vegeta took a deep breath before slamming his hands together to fire a massive ki blast.
"Damn you! I am a super saiyan! And you- Can burn in hell!" Vegeta screamed as he fired the huge beam. The size of it(and the angle) dawned on the others moments afterwards.
"Vegeta! You planning to destroy the whole planet?!" Piccolo yelled in realization. Hearing the namekian's cry, Frieza's eyes widened before he quickly sprung into action, literally kicking the blast into the air, where it continued to fly aimlessly until it burned out. Everyone else was slack-jawed.
"He...with just a kick?!" Piccolo said with shock reverberating through his body.
"That...that was Vegeta's full power..." Krillin bemoaned.
"What... the hell are we gonna do?" Bardock gasped as he began to pant.
'No.... No! I'm so close to revenge- but at the same time, never farther. How... how do we beat this bastard?!' Bardock glanced nervously to Vegeta, and was stunned to see the Prince of all 3 and a half saiyans in the known universe crying. Seeing that he had lost the will to fight, Frieza launched himself at full speed towards Vegeta. He began mercilessly beating the stunned saiyan, all while the spectators were frozen in fear. This truly was... hopeless.
Vegeta slammed into the ground next to them, knocking at least Bardock out of the stupor.
"Feel free to jump in. While I need to pay Vegeta back for the insults he's spat today, the pain you are owed has 30 years interest attached." Frieza chuckled as he glared daggers at the older saiyan.
"Tch! I swore- I'd kill you myself! You will die on this planet, Frieza!" Bardock screamed as he launched himself at the foe that haunted his nightmares for so long.

Power levels- about to get a whole lot worse

Bardock: 2,444,000
Goku(Healing): 550,000
Gohan: 1,000,000
Krillin: 88,000
Bulma(off-screen grinding): 10
Vegeta: 2,500,000
Frieza: 530,000
Frieza(2nd Form): 1,060,000
Frieza(3rd Form): 1,590,000
Frieza(Totally his final form): 3,000,000
Dende(I'll be honest I forgot he dies): Dead
Piccolo Jr.: 1,060,000
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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