Part 7: Hopeless Battle

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"What? Killing Frieza?" Bardock gasped. Vegeta laughed.
"But of course! That bastard will perish at the hands of the very saiyans he tried exterminating." He stated boldly, with sounds of combat behind them. Bardock stood there, heavily tempted. He weighed his options. He considered the pros and cons. He spoke slowly.
"I...would...stop Frieza at the earliest opportunity. But...But my son... he isn't a...old fashioned saiyan. The universe is changing, Vegeta. Saiyans like us... we're old fashioned, nowadays. Kakarot wouldn't allow me to side with those who are killing his friends. But trust me Vegeta: I've got a good feeling a better opportunity will present itself. And when it does, know that I'll be at your side, fighting against the bastard that tamed us." Bardock breathed heavily. This was it. The thing he had been looking for. A chance! But what would Kakarot say if he was here? 'Is this freezer guy strong?' Bardock laughed at the fictional Kakarot within his head. Vegeta snorted.
"Your time on this planet has made you soft, Bardock. But it's time we returned to the others. I'm very excited to see this 'Kakarot' of yours." Vegeta laughed as he flew back to where the others were. Bardock followed suite, but when he arrived he was greeted by three people.
"Hope you enjoyed your talk. Tien and Chiaotzu are both dead." Piccolo spat. Vegeta laughed and sat down.
"I'm willing to give you all a stay of execution. Three hours. If your Kakarot doesn't show up in the next three hours, he'll arrive to find your corpses in four." Vegeta said, smirking.
A silence hung over them for the next three hours.

3 hours of uncomfortable silence: Timeskip!

"It's been three hours." Vegeta stood up and removed his red scouter. Nappa, who had taken off his armor, stepped forward.
"Ah well. Least it's finally time to have some fun. I'll take you three." Nappa pointed at Piccolo, Gohan and Krillin. Bardock wondered-
"You have the distinct honor of fighting me, your prince!" Vegeta stood and approached Bardock. Bardock hid his fear.
'Kami, there's no way I stand a chance. Luckily, he seems like the kind of person to play around. I just have to keep him busy till Kakarot arrives.

Meanwhile, in Otherworld:

Goku was moving faster then he had ever moved before. What had taking 5 1/2 months to cross the first time took 28 hours the second. There it was! King Yemma's checkpoint! Goku barreled into the room at full speed, nearly tackling Kami. Kami grabbed his arm and teleported him back to The Lookout. Goku nodded to the guardian namek.
"Thanks Kami! I'll save them! I have to!" Goku sprinted and dove off The Lookout. A familiar voice reached his ears as he plummeted.
"Goku! Catch!" Korin yelled as he hurled a small bag through the air. Goku caught it and spun in the air as he yelled.
"Flying Nimbus!" The yellow cloud appeared and caught him, hurtling him with untold speed to where the battle still raged. He reached into the sack and pulled out three senzu beans. He grinned and ate one. Setting a new speed record on Snake Way was exhausting, after all. He put the other two into the bag and refocused.
"Dad! Gohan! Please be alive!" He yelled as the cloud careened into the distance.

Not so far away:Meanwhile!

"Ha...ha..YOU'RE NEXT, BRAT!" Nappa screamed at Gohan. Gohan was backed into a corner. Bardock would've commented on how bad of an idea that was, but he was currently just a wee bit punch-drunk. Vegeta was cackling as Bardock struggled to stand. The blood was pouring from his forehead, but to Bardock that was nothing new. The pain accompanying it was, however.
"Haha! I must say, for a low-class you certainly had spunk!" Vegeta cackled. Nappa took another massive step towards Gohan. Gohan stopped quivering in fear. His body convulsed in horrific motions as his eyes shone red with an unholy light. He barrled into the giant saiyan's chest, pounding into him with ki blasts. Nappa was sent flying. Gohan stood still, exhausted. Nappa slowly rose, infuriated.
"YOU LITTLE!!!! DIE!!!!" Nappa released a massive wave of ki, which hurtled towards Gohan, unable to move. Bardock took one bumbled step, but a swift hand from Vegeta prevented him from moving any further. And so, Piccolo took a step. And then another. Soon, before anyone else could've reacted, Piccolo stood in front of Gohan, chest facing the blast. It slammed into him with an absurd force. When the smoke cleared, Piccolo stood standing, his dōgi tattered. He stood proud for but a mere moment, before he came crashing to the ground, only to reveal a cowering Gohan on the ground, safe.
"NO! MR. PICCOLO!" Gohan yelled and ran to the side of his former master. Piccolo looked at the young hybrid with tears in his once-evil eyes.
"How pathetic. The once great Demon King, saving a brat like you. It's because your family rubbed off on me. But to be honest, these last few months weren't so bad. Thank you, Gohan. Live."
And with that, the mighty namekian was dead. Gohan began to wail. Bardock tried standing up, but received another kick to the head. Gohan continued wailing, before stopping with an uncomfortable abruptness. The unfamiliar motions of his body started once again, and he snapped his crimson eyes into the killer of his closest friends, tears still rolling down his cheeks.
"YOU HORRIFIC SHIT MONGREL! MASENKO!" Gohan screamed as he fired his largest ki blast to date. Nappa panicked at the last second, and attempted to divert the blast by punching the beam. He succeeded, but when the smoke cleared, one could see the blood that caked the massive saiyan's arm.
"Ouch! You little shit!" Nappa grunted as he lumbered towards the exhausted half-saiyan.
"Can't wait to see the look on Kakarot's face when he finds the paste that was his son!" Nappa chuckled as he raised his foot above Gohan. As Bardock tried(again) to escape the hold Vegeta had on him, Nappa stepped downward. Yet, his foot met nothing but dirt. Even Vegeta was shocked, and the three standing looked over to see Gohan, laying on a yellow cloud. Vegeta's scouter beeped. There, floating slowly to the ground, was Kakarot.
He walked slowly towards the saiyans.
"Tien. Piccolo. Chiaotzu. Kami. Yamcha. All of them." Goku said slowly, shaking his head. Nappa ran and swung his one good fist at the ignorant saiyan.
"Hey you! We've been waiting!" Nappa yelled as his fist sailed through empty air. Vegeta stepped off of Bardock, who rose to see his fully grown son, nearly identical to his father. And yet, he had his mother's eyes.
Goku was already to where Gohan and Krillin were.
"Hey guys. I'm sorry. Here, split this senzu bean. It's one of the last. Now, I think you all should leave. Yes, that includes you dad. I'm going to fight them alone." Goku stated with a hard bluntness.
Bardock limped to the other survivors.
"Damn, Kakarot is pissed. This won't take long." Bardock couldn't even bring himself to smile. Goku stopped a distance from Nappa.
"Don't you be making that face at me! Less you wanna see your friends again!" Nappa proded joyfully. Goku tightened his hand into a fist.
"Bastard! You're going to pay for this!" Goku's stance widened, and he began to charge his ki. Rocks began to float and rise toward him and he yelled. Vegeta's scouter beeped rapidly as Kakarot's power swelled. Goku eased his stance. He was ready. Nappa looked over to his sole companion.
"V-Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level!?" Nappa cried, obviously fearful. Vegeta removed the scouter from his head and crushed it as he yelled.
"It's over 9000!" Vegeta cried. Nappa was stunned.
"What?! 9000?! Thats imposible!"

Power Levels:

Bardock: 12,500(post thrashing)
Goku: 9,245
Gohan: 1,000
Gohan(Masenko): 3,000
Piccolo Jr.: 3,800/Dead.
Tien: 1,900/Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Krillin: 1,840
Yamcha: Dead.
Yajirobe: 1,010
Vegeta: 18,000
Nappa: 4,010

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