Chapter 5: Training Elevates!

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"Ok Goku. I'll give it to you straight. Saiyans don't mess around. I'd say you've got about....188 days before the two arrive on earth. But... the saiyan planet has gravity like this planet's. So if you can't master this gravity, you can't fight them. Your first task is to...catch Bubbles!" King Kai yelled as a monkey jumped out from behind him. Goku nodded and tried to run after him. It was incredibly difficult for him to move, but if Goku was only one thing, it was persistent! After around 20 minutes of chasing him, Goku stopped suddenly. He took off his wristbands and laughed. He then resumed the chase, having removed 280 pounds. King Kai chuckled as Goku ran with an unexpected burst of speed towards his target.

27 days later: Timeskip!

"I did it!!!" Goku yelled joyously. In his arms he held Bubbles the monkey. King Kai was amazed. Only 27 days and Goku had accommodated to the x10 gravity of the planet. Maybe, just maybe....he could use the kaioken...
"Incredible work, Goku! With our remaining 161 days, I'll make sure your training is incredibly difficult!" King Kai laughed. Goku just nodded. He was willing to undertake any task if it meant saving his home.

Meanwhile, in the real world: Jumpcut!

"Damn!" Bardock grunted as Krillin knocked him off balance. In his moment of weakness, Tien barreled into his back as Yamcha aimed for his head. Bardock didn't have enough time to block them all. He had to admit: these humans were getting strong. Bardock stood and wiped the dust from his armor.
"Heheh! You've all gone and gotten stronger on me. I love it! It's making my saiyan blood boil! Makes me wanna tear you all limb from limb! But instead of doing that....I think it's about time I finished training my grandson." Bardock finished solemnly. The other warriors nodded. Tien spoke up,"I thank you for taking the time to help us train." He bowed, and the other warriors followed suit. Bardock scoffed and began walking away.
"Yeah well, don't slack off just cuz I'm leaving. Make sure you give Kami and Mr. Popo your everything, you got it?" Bardock barked one final time, and with a simple salute, he took off in the direction of the largest ki source he could feel. Had to be Jr, right?

Piccolo stopped mid-swing when he sensed the familiar energy. Gohan stepped back, ready to block, but also faced the ki source.
"Haha! Heya squirt! Kami, you've been training hard, haven't you?" Bardock chuckled seeing his now powerful grandson. Gohan bowed in his direction.
"Y-Yes! And it's all thanks to you and Mr. Piccolo!" He replied. Bardock stood facing the Namek.
"You know, you're no slouch yourself junior. Gotta say, my saiyan cells are still broiling. Wanna go a round or two? Lemme see the results of your training. Piccolo grinned and threw aside his cape.
"I thought you'd never ask, Bardock." Both fighters assumed positions. Gohan watched attentively, ready to study all that he could from his two masters.

Piccolo rushed at Bardock, who easily bat him away. Piccolo tried to rise again, but Bardock was already there, mid-punch. The blow knocked Piccolo to the ground. Bardock stood over him.
" least you've gotten stronger." Bardock scoffed. Gohan was awed that anyone could defeat Mr. Piccolo that easily. Piccolo grunted.
"Fine. But if you are going to train Gohan until the saiyans arrive, I might as well join you two. That way, the training is more effective for all of us." Piccolo put his cape back on as he spoke. Bardock shrugged. Fine by him.

1 month later: Timeskip!
Gohan flipped through the air rapidly, shooting ki blasts in all directions.
"Watch me, Mr. Bardock!" Gohan yelled. Bardock grunted. He had tried and failed to get him to drop the Mr. Gohan was just too polite. Piccolo smacked Bardock in the back of the head while he was distracted.
"Ah son of a bi" Bardock grunted before biting his own tongue. There was a four year old around, for Kami's sake!
"Uh...crapbaskets." Bardock censored himself. Gohan looked at him confused.
"Mr. Bardock? What does crapbaskets mean? I've never auricularly discerned that word utilized in any marginally connotation." Gohan asked in his smart words. Bardock stared at him blankly.
"It, 'oh no.' Or, 'crud.' Just something you say when things aren't quite going your way." Bardock explained as best he could. Gohan nodded slowly.
"So it signifies that you supersede another lamentable word with it?" He asked for clarification. Bardock shrugged.
"Sure." He had no idea what he just said sure to. Gohan nodded, satisfied.
"Then this situation we find ourselves in is indeed crapbaskets."
5 months later: Timeskip!

"Hey now!" Bardock exclaimed worriedly. He narrowly dodged the kick of the half-saiyan. Piccolo rushed from behind, only for Gohan to twist and fire a ki blast directly into his eyes. Bardock went to attack when the sky suddenly went pitch-black. Gohan was scared, but both Piccolo and Bardock knew what this meant.
"What the- oh no. They're bringing back Kakarot! And that can only mean!" Bardock exclaimed.
"The saiyans will be arriving ahead of schedule." Piccolo finished the sentence, dread heavy in the air.
Bardock nodded towards the namekian.
"Well...then we'd better train as hard as possible. If Kakarot was revived today, then I'm betting they'll be here tomorrow. So let's get to it!" Bardock yelled, gaining nods of agreement from both present parties.

The following day, at precisely 11:33 AM: Timeskip!

Bardock gasped. Piccolo snapped his head in the same direction Bardock did. They both felt it.
"So...they're here." Bardock muttered. He cursed the rock in his hand to dust.
"Be ready, Gohan! Most likely they'll come to us first." Piccolo barked. Bardock silently agreed. It would fall in line with a saiyan plan.

Step 1- find strongest thing(s) on planet.
Step 2- kill the strongest thing(s).
Step 3- kill everything else.
See? Saiyan plans are simple plans.

A bright flash of light pierced through the clouds. Gohan shielded his eyes. Bardock ground his teeth. One city reduced to a crater. The two massive power levels began moving rapidly towards the three warriors. Piccolo snapped around. Gohan too.
"What the- these energy signatures! We're surrounded!" Piccolo gasped. Bardock chuckled. He had a pretty good idea who was coming. All they could do now was wait.

50 minutes later: Timeskip!

A bald head shone amongst the rocks. Krillin!
"Hey Bardock! You too, Piccolo. I've come to help you. The others are on their way too." Krillin nodded towards the two veterans. Then he turned his attention to a smaller boy wearing a purple dōgi.
"Wow. Is that you, Gohan?" He chuckled. Gohan nodded.
"I remember you. You were at Kame House." Gohan said.
"Enough talk. Get ready.." Bardock grinned madly as he felt the power level of one of the saiyans. exceeded his own!!!
Two people flew quickly, and then landed in front of the quartet.
"Oh. Now there's four of them. Have you been waiting for us?" The smaller(but stronger) of the saiyans asked with an evil grin.
"That's right." Piccolo spat rudely. The small saiyan turned his gaze to Bardock and laughed.
"I trust you've kept busy, Bardock? Your power level certainly isn't anything to scoff at, that's for sure. You're even stronger then my father was!" The small saiyan said loudly. Bardock ground his teeth and spat a single word.


The battle was soon to begin. How can our protectors of earth defend against these alien powerhouses? Find out next time, in Adventure in Z!

Power Levels-
(5 months later for all)
Bardock: 12,800
Goku: ????
Gohan: 1,000
Piccolo Jr.: 3,800
Tien: 1,900
Chiaotzu: 650
Krillin: 1,840
Yamcha: 1,550
Yajirobe: 1,010

Small saiyan(Vegeta): 18,000
Bald saiyan: 4,000

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly Adventures 2- Adventure in ZWhere stories live. Discover now