Chapter 26: Stories and Legends

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"Oh! Goku, here." Krillin said as he helped Goku to his feet with help from Bardock.
"Hehe.. you guys sure trashed my body." Goku groaned.
"Hm. In my defense, I thought the change was permanent." Vegeta scoffed.
"Now what? Frieza is still out there. We can't beat him without Kakarot." Bardock said as he began leading his son towards Frieza's ship.
"Good thinking. At least a few of those older healing pods should be operational." Vegeta assisted them in getting the heavily wounded saiyan inside, then guiding him towards the medical bay. After punching in the required information, Vegeta backed up.
"Unfortunately someone(me) destroyed the newer models, so it'll be a while before he is completely healed, largely in part due to the heavy wounds he's sustained(me again)."
"Hey Vegeta... these ships ships still carry additional uniforms for the grunts? Much as I like my old outfit, most of our outfits are falling to pieces around us." Bardock said as he looked down to see the 4 of their outfits barely holding together.
"It absolutely does. This will be my second time changing here. Follow me." Vegeta lead them all down the curved corridors. As they walked, Gohan was looking around in amazement.
"Geez.. this tech is way outta league of everything we've got on earth." Krillin said as he noticed Gohan's wonder.
"Indeed. Were Frieza to decide to dedicate the full force of his army towards our humble planetary abode, we wouldn't last a second." Gohan said solemnly.
"Don't feel bad about that kid. Frieza's been blowing up and stealing from the universe since he took over for his old man 30 years ago. It's only natural he's have the tech to back up a lifetime of conquest." Bardock grimaced as they approached the lockers. As the two saiyans began sifting through lockers for suits in their sizes, Gohan sat down on a bench.
"Grandpa... just how much more powerful is Frieza?" Bardock froze instantly, taking at least a full three seconds to resume motion.
"He didn't push the saiyan warrior race to the brink of extinction because he was lucky. No. Frieza is still the strongest thing I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. His dad was strong too sure, but Frieza has the wits and the cruelty to use them. Honestly? I've been training half my life to kill him and I still don't know if it'll be enough. Unless Kakarot or Vegeta turn out to be the legendary super saiyan..." Bardock trailed off as he began setting his chosen blue and white outfit out.
"What does that even mean? Vegeta mentioned it when Goku beat the snot out of that Recoome guy." Krillin asked as he attempted to put the battle suit on.
"Hm. It's an old legend passed amongst us saiyans. Every 1000 years, one saiyan will be born with a power that eclipses every other saiyan. That one is known as the legendary super saiyan. In some stories, they level entire planets before losing control of their own power and exploding." Vegeta explained as he finished putting on his new suit(which was identical to the last one).
"In others, they are driven insane by the rage and power contained within them." Bardock continued as he assisted Gohan into his suit.
"And in others, they can turn into a great ape without actually transforming, only increasing their power." Vegeta elaborated as he helped Krillin find the neck hole of his battle suit.
"Course there's also that one story where the legendary super saiyan turns into a golden great ape." Bardock chuckled as he finished putting on his own outfit. He then grabbed his red bandana and tied it around his forehead, snug as ever.
"What is that rag you constantly wear Bardock?" Vegeta asked as they all walked out of the changing room.
"A reminder that Frieza will pay for what he has done to our people." Bardock spat as they walked past the medical room where Kakarot was healing.
"How much longer until Goku's wounds are healed?" Krillin asked.
"With his spirit, I'd say about 45 minutes. Why?"
"I'm going to go to the Grand Elder. Frieza might be there, but we need that pass phrase to summon Nameks's Eternal Dragon."
"Ok. Be careful. If you see Frieza, just run." Bardock cautioned him as he took flight.

An awkwardly long silent 20 minutes later: Timeskip! Feel like I haven't done one of these in forever.

"Grandpa, it appears that Vegeta has lowered his guard and drifted asleep." Gohan said after a long silence that had filled the time from Krillin leaving to now, where the 2& 1/2 saiyans found themselves sitting outside Frieza's ship.
"Hm? Let him sleep. Sun hasn't set a single time since we set foot on this planet. You should sleep too. Don't know when we'll get another chance."
"I don't believe I would be capable of falling into the realm of dreams in a time such as now, when I'm worried as to the fate of Krillin and my father, and I guess the rest of this planet in addition" Gohan spoke softly as he stared off in the distance.
"Damn you sure take after your mom when you talk. Listen kid, it'll be fine. In just a few minutes here, Krillin and some other green fella will be here, and-" Bardock stopped suddenly. He had said too much. Gohan sat in silence, but Bardock could feel his inquisitive stare.
"Grandpa... how is it that you do that? This is not the first time you've been able to predict something seemingly impossible. You knew exactly when father would arrive to help us fight Vegeta back on earth, and I have long suspected you knew more then you let on during that battle." Gohan asked calmly without moving a muscle.
Bardock on the other hand, could feel the sweat dripping down the side of his face.
"...The truth is Gohan, I can-" Bardock began, but was abruptly cut off by a familiar ki signature flying within detection range, alongside a ki source Bardock hadn't met in person but knew all the same.
"Krillin? How did you get here so fast?" Gohan flew up to greet his two friends.
"Dende was already on his way here, actually." Krillin chuckled as Bardock flew up to join them.
"So that you guys can get your wishes granted." Dende said like that wasn't obvious.
"Alright! Then let's gather up the dragonballs and make our wish quickly. If we do this right, Vegeta will awaken to Frieza being nothing but an epitaph." Bardock laughed like a man who had been plotting this moment for 30 years.
"Huh?.... Who is this guy?" Dende asked fearfully.
"Oh he's-"
"HE'S COMING! FRIEZA IS COMING HERE!" Vegeta screamed as he snapped awake and hurled himself off the ground.

Power levels-

Bardock: 93,000
Goku(Healing): 30,000
Gohan: 95,000
Krillin: 19,400
Bulma: 8
Vegeta: 95,000
Frieza: 530,000
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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