Chapter 14: Welcoming Party

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14 days later: Timeskip!
"Oh! Finally! We made it! Planet Namek is in sight!" Bulma gasped as soon as the green planet was in view. Even Bardock grinned, knowing that soon the truth would be revealed. But then the ship got closer, and even from orbit Bardock could sense a massive ki. More than just massive; familiar.
'Damn. Frieza! He's here! So this is it!' Bardock thought as he groaned aloud. Gohan noticed and gave Bardock a worried look.
"I'm fine kid. Just use to quicker descents is all." Bardock lied.
'Let's see how long it takes them to sense him. I'll refrain from dropping any names yet. But how long will that last, I wonder.' Bardock finished his train of thought as the ship touched down. Bardock and the other fighters exited immediately. The planet was exactly as Bardock had seen oh so long ago: green water and blue grass as far as the eye could see. Bardock knew the jig was nearly up, so he played it the best he could.
" feel that massive ki signature too, right?" Bardock looked in its general direction.
" that, now that you mention it, uh yeah. That's big. And...faintly...evil." Krillin said, losing faith in the ease of this mission.
"Quick, suppress yourselves! They likely know we're here. Luckily, and I say that lightly, their attention will be drawn by..." as if on cue with Bardock's words, a saiyan pod hurtled into the atmosphere, landing somewhere in the far distance.
"What!? Was that..." Bulma gasped, craning her neck.
"Yeah. Vegeta." Krillin said sternly.
"Alright. Stay on your toes, you two. Don't expect a welcoming party." Bardock said sternly, aware of the hostile environment they were in.
"I'll call for backup!" Bulma said, grabbing the phone from the ship.
"But it'd take another month for it to arrive!" Gohan sighed defeatedly.
"Bulma, gimmie the radar." She tossed it to Bardock, who clicked it on and nodded.
"Hmm. Four balls in one place. What does that tell you guys?" Bardock said, holding the radar tightly.
"Maybe the Someone is gathering them. Someone that the namekians don't want." Gohan came to the conclusion that nobody liked, but was most probably correct.
"And if the namekians are supposedly peaceful, what's the likelihood that the evil ki is the cause of all this?" Krillin asked, letting the following silence answer it better than words could have. Bardock sat down, deep in thought. Suddenly, two moving targets were detected.
"Hold: two lower power levels, approaching fast. Distract them!" Bardock barked before disappearing into the rocks around them.
Gohan and Krillin stood still, waiting for the worst. Sure enough, two men wearing armor resembling Vegeta's flew above them.
"Halt: all life is prohibited from being on this planet at this time. You have received your warning, and we will now open fire."
The taller of the soldiers said as he aimed his blaster at the ship. Right before he could fire, Bardock dove out of the rocky surroundings and tackled the soldier. The other soldier turned to aim at him, but Gohan swooped at him, kicking him into the surrounding mountains. Bardock punched the soldier repeatedly, then hoisted him up by his collar.
"Why's Fr-who else is on this planet?!" Bardock asked, barely preventing a slip of the tongue. The soldier chuckled weakly.
"Frieza...and the army....we're here because of a tip....and one more thing: burn in hell, monkey." The soldier spat as he leveled his blaster with Bardock's gut before firing. The beam sent Bardock flying directly into the spaceship, crushing a good portion of the hull. Gohan growled as he pounced on the soldier, probably breaking something vital. The soldier didn't move again. Bardock pulled himself out of the wrecked hull as he groaned.
"Wowch. They've definitely improved the firepower from back when I was in the force." He grunted as he landed back on the blue grass. He dusted himself off before looking at the hole in his armor. Hm.
"Who were those guys?" Bulma asked as she poked out from behind the rock she had hidden behind.
"Frieza Force." Bardock spat.
"Well...what do we do now?" Krillin asked as he sat on a rock.
"Well let's see. That guy said they were here based on a tip. Based off of what we know, the bad guys are also gathering the dragonballs. And given that those guy's armor looked similar to Vegeta's, I think it's fair to assume that they all belong to the same team. So perhaps the tip that led Vegeta to earth in the first place has now led this powerful force of evil to this rural planet in such if the same thing: dragonballs, or more aptly, the wishes granted by such." Gohan finished as he placed his fist on his chin, the embodiment of a great mind. Bardock stared at him blankly. The brains on that kid were insaiyan! Bardock coughed a recovery.
"Yeah....sure. Yeah. Makes sense to me. Were I an evil overlord, I'd reckon wish-granting orbs could come in handy." Bardock nodded. They crew had been walking for some time now, looking for some place to set up shop while on this foreign planet. As they approached the mouth of a small cave, Bardock felt a large amount of Ki rushing toward them. He turned to yell a warning, but everyone else was already in the cave. He quickly dove against the wall, pressing as closely as he could to it. Around 8 people flew past, but Bardock didn't dare move. He still sensed two of them, right above the cave entrance. He heard a voice he'd long since blocked out call out like a haunting nightmare.
"Why'd you stop, Dodoria?" The silky voice asked as the speaker floated next to his companion. The other person grunted angrily.
"Could've sworn I saw something, Zarbon. Looked like Frieza Force, but we ain't been this way other then the two scouts we ain't heard from." The other man, 'Dodoria' answered gruffly. After a few more moments, Dodria grunted then resumed flying. Zarbon sighed and quietly said "Moron" before he resumed flight after him. After the two left, the other poked out of the cave.
"You alright Mr. Grandpa Bardock?" Gohan asked in a hushed tone, still concerned. Bardock nodded, ignoring the growing list of titles he was being given.
"Yeah....should we follow them?" Bardock asked as he stared in the direction Frieza had flown. Bardock's jaw clenched just thinking about him.
"According to the Radar, there's another Dragonball in the direction they went. Maybe you guys should poke around and see what you can dig up?" Bulma suggested as she rummaged through her pockets. Krillin turned to look at her.
"Uh... 'you guys'?"
"Well I'm not going, duh. I'd get massacred. I'll leave the life-threatening missions to those willing to threaten their own lives, thank you very much. I'll set up in this cave, so stop by if you survive." Bulma threw out multiple capsules while Krillin grumbled.
"Well...given the power of the parties we plan to pursue, it'd be best we be as discreet as possible. Reconnaissance only." Gohan said as he nodded confidently. Bardock agreed. And so the three took of as quickly yet quietly as they could in pursuit of the evildoers who were rampaging across Namek.

Back on earth: Meanwhile!

"Huff* 588. *Huff* 589. *Huff* 590." Goku was doing crunches as best he could, still confined by his bandages. The nurse watched in horror as he refused to give up. Master Roshi entered the room and cleared his throat.
"Oh! Hey Roshi. How's the gang?" Goku asked as he sat down on his bed.
"Heh! Good news is they arrived on Namek safely. Bad news is that so did Vegeta. He's there, and according to Bulma, around 10 other baddies that might be stronger then Vegeta. And one that quote 'makes Vegeta look like a koi to this guy.'" Goku face changed to one of joy hearing those words. The door opened and Yajirobe entered with a satchel on his hip.
"Yo. So you're still alive, huh. Here: biggest batch of senzu to date. Ten of them." Yajirobe tossed the bag to Roshi, who quickly pulled one out and fed it to Goku.
"Um sir? I'm not sure you should be feeding my patient- what the Kami?" The nurse gasped as she watched Goku tear away his bandages and casts with one motion. He flipped off the bed and grabbed his dōgi from the cupboard.
"Well. Guess I've got to save everyone again, huh." Goku sighed as put his dōgi on.
"Heh? But how will you get there?" Roshi asked, not following.
"Well after Bulma blew up the one pod, I mentioned to her dad that both my pod and my dad's were still functional. So he's combining them into one super space ship that'll get me there in 6 days." Goku explained as he walked towards the window. Then he jumped out of it. He flew without his cloud for what seemed like the first time in forever and headed toward the Briefs' house. He landed next to a large sphere on the ground.
"Woah. Is this it?" He asked aloud.
"Yup! Just how you wanted it." Dr. Briefs poked his head out and motioned Goku inside. "Using the two saiyan pods, I was able to reinforce it more then I would have thought possible. As you requested, it'll be able to handle up to 160 times earth's gravity." Dr. Briefs explained as he gave the tour.
"But is it ready to fly?" Goku asked, not understanding why it was so big.
"Yessir. Just press that button and it'll fly you to Namek in about six days. Good luck Goku. Bring my daughter back safely. Oh, and everyone else of course." Goku nodded and waved goodbye. As soon as the doors closed behind him, he took a deep breath.
"Alright. I've only got 6 days to train as much as possible in order to save everyone on Namek. But thanks to these senzu, I can push myself harder then ever. Here we go!" Goku yelped as he pressed launch, launching himself into space. He walked over to the gravity terminal.
"Alright. King Kai's place had x10g, so I better hike it up to x20g." The air grew heavy as he turned the dial. He took a few test steps with some difficulty, and nodded.
"Back to square one! 1,2,3,4,5..." Goku began counting as he began his routine under the intensive gravity.

Power Levels-

Bardock: 15,640
Goku(post training/zenkai): 10,900
Gohan: 1,430
Krillin: 1,940
Yajirobe: 1,010
Bulma: 7
Roshi: 1,530
Dr. Briefs: 8
Vegeta: ???
Frieza: 530,000
Zarbon: 23,000
Dodoria: 22,000
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly Adventures 2- Adventure in ZWhere stories live. Discover now