The Inconveniencing

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(Y/n), Dipper and Mabel are in the Shack. Mabel is sitting on a spinning globe. "Mabel, do you believe in ghosts?" Dipper asked. "I do!" (Y/n) said. "I believe you're a big dork! Ha ha ha!" Mabel said. Dipper puts his pencil against the globe, making Mabel fall off, causing (Y/n) to laugh. Stan enters from outside. "Soos! Wendy!' Stan said. "What's up, Mr. Pines!" Soos greeted. "I'm headin' out. You two are gonna wash the bathrooms, right?" Stan asked. "Yes, sir!" Soos said. "Absolutely not!" Wendy said. "Ha ha! You stay out of trouble!" Stan leaves the shack. "Hey guys! What's this?" Wendy unveils the curtain. "A secret ladder to the roof?" She asked. "Uh, I don't think Mr. Pines would like that." Soos said. "Huh?" Wendy asked. "Uhhhhh." Soos said. "Huh?" Wendy repeated. "You're freaking me out, dude!" Soos said. "Can we actually go up there?" (Y/n) asked. "Sure we can! Roof time! Roof time!" Wendy said. 

"Roof time! Roof time!" The triplets said. Soos looks the out window.  "Uhhhh." The triplets walk over to Wendy. "Alright, check it out!" She said. "Woah!" The triplets said. "Cool! Did you put all this stuff up here?" Dipper asked. "I may or may not sneak up here during work, all the time, everyday." Wendy throws a pine cone, it hits a target on a totem pole. "Yes!" "Cool!" (Y/n) said. "Me first!" Mabel shouted. The triplets throw some pine cones. Dipper hits a car; the car alarm goes off and he blushes out of embarrassment. "Jackpot! High five." Wendy holds up her hand. "Don't leave me hangin'." Wendy said. Dipper and Wendy high five. "Oh hey, it's my friends!" Wendy said. Thompson pulls up in his car, and waves her hand out the window. "Wendy!" She shouted. "Uh, you guys aren't gonna tell Stan about this, are you?" Wendy asked. "Nope!" (Y/n) said. "Later dorks!" Wendy slides down trees and gets into car. "Let's get out of here!" Nate said before driving away. "Later Wendy! Heh heh heh! Good times!" Dipper said. "Ooh, somebody's in love." (Y/n) sung playfully. "Yeah, right! I just think Wendy's cool, okay? It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about her!" Dipper said. Later that night Dipper is in bed at night, wide awake. "Uh oh."

Time Skip

"Random dance party for no reason!" Mabel said, and began dancing. "Yeah!" (Y/n) said, joining in. Wendy dances too. "Go! Go! Go! Go!" She said. "I am pretending to write something down." Dipper wrote on paper. "Dipper!" Dipper throws his clipboard and catches it. "Uh what, yes?" He asked. "Aren't ya gonna get in on this?" Wendy asked. "I don't really dance." Dipper said. "Yeah, you do! Mom used to dress him up in a lamb costume and make him do... The Lamby Dance!" Mabel whispered the last part to Wendy. "Now is not the time to talk about the Lamby Dance." Dipper said angrily. "Lamb costume? Wow, is there like little ears and a tail or...?" Wendy asked. "Well uh, uh..." Dipper said. (Y/n) felt slightly bad for Dipper. Mabel holds up a picture. "Dipper would prance around and sing a song about grazing." Mabel said. 

The cuckoo clock goes off. "Hey, look at that! Quittin' time! The gang's waitin' for me." Wendy said. "Wait! Why don't I-or we come with you?" Dipper offered. "Ooh... I don't know. My friends are pretty intense. How old did you guys say you are?" Wendy asked. "We're thirteen! So, technically a teen." Dipper said. "All right. I like your moxie, kid! Let me get my stuff." Wendy leaves. "Since when are we thirteen? Is this a leap year?" Mabel asked. "Yeah, we aren't thirteen. Why would you lie to Wendy like that?" (Y/n) asked. "Come on, guys. This is our chance to hang out with, you know, the cool kids. And Wendy and whatever." Dipper said. "I knew it! You love her!" Mabel said. Mabel dances around Dipper, and points at him. "Love love love love love!" She sings. "Oh hey, what's that?" Dipper asked pointing. "Huh?" Mabel asked. Dipper flips Mabel's hair over her face. "Bleh, bleh, bleh, bleh." Mabel said. (Y/n) laughs.

A jelly bean hits Thompson in the face. "Hurry up!" She shouted. Lee and Nate are holding up Thompson. "In the belly! In the belly!" Another jelly bean hits Thompson in the stomach. "In the belly! In the belly!" Robbie gets ready to throw another jelly bean. The bean hits Thompson in the belly button. Robbie looks at it in confusion then finds out that Wendy was the one who threw the bean; Wendy straightens up from her throwing position, smiling. "Wendy!" Her friends said. "Wendy! Wendy!" Nate said. "Hey guys! These are my pals from work, (Y/n), Mabel and Dipper."  Wendy said. "I chewed my gum so it looks like a brain! BLAH!" Mabel sticks out her tongue, which has a wad of gum on it. "She's not much for first impressions." Dipper points at himself. "Unlike this guy! ...this guy..." he said. 

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