Boyz Crazy

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(Y/n), Wendy and Dipper are watching a close up of the Gift Shop's security feed of Stan talking to a customer, they voice over what they say. "Do you have this T-shirt in my size?" Dipper played the tourist. "I have something even better! Behold: My butt!" (Y/n) said as Stan. The trio laugh, the latter is holding a packet of chips. "I could play this game forever." Dipper whispers. "What'd you say?" Wendy asked. "Coughing! I was coughing! Those weren't words!" Dipper said. Mabel laughs. "This is fun, what you two have." She said. "Mabel? How long have you been standing there?" (Y/n) asked. "Don't worry about that. Let's talk about why I'm doing this dance! Do-do-do-do-do..." Mabel said. "Oh, no! She got into the Smile Dip again!" Dipper panicked. "Wrong one-thousand! It's because today is the greatest day of my life!" Mabel throws a calendar at Dipper's face. "Ow!" (Y/n) laughs. 

"Sev'ral Timez is playing at the Gravity Falls Civic Center and Buffet!" Mabel said. "Ugh. Sev'ral Timez? Aren't they that boy band that came a decade too late?" (Y/n) asked. "Mabel, you know all those boy bands are fake, right?" Dipper asked. Mabel has started dancing. "Dipper's right. They're just a manufactured product of the bloated corporate music industry." Wendy said. "You're making my dance sad..." Mabel stops dancing. (Y/n) snorts. "There's probably a machine that mass-produces them." She said. "Oh ho, or maybe the boys are grown from pods." Wendy said. The trio burst into laughter. "Yeah, pods, totally!" Dipper said. "You guys can't ruin this for me. Mabel's got back up!" Mabel said. Grenda and Candy enter the shop. "Hey guys!" Grenda said. "Woot-woot!" Candy said. "Who's ready for the greatest night of our lives? How many times am I gonna love ya?" Mabel asked. "Sev'ral times!" Mabel, Grenda, & Candy said. The three laugh and run off. "Ugh. Girls." Dipper said. "Hey!" (Y/n) said. "I know, right?" Wendy asked, as if she wasn't one herself. "Uh, you realize that you're a girl too, right Wendy?" (Y/n) asked. Meanwhile Mabel and Grenda run through the "Employees Only" door. Candy runs right into the vending machine and smashes her glasses. "I'm okay!" Candy goes through the door.

Time Skip

In the attic, Mabel and her friends are getting ready for the concert. "Should I go with lip balm or lip salve?" Mabel asked. "Go wild! Tonight's our night!" Grenda said. "I can't wait guys. Tonight we're gonna meet Creggy G, Greggy C, Leggy P, Chubby Z and Deep Chris!" Mabel said. "He's the phat one!" Candy said. "And those boys will fall in love with us." Mabel said. "Why wouldn't they?" Grenda asked before stuffing her mouth with peanut butter. Meanwhile (Y/n), Dipper and Wendy are in the gift shop. Through the security feed Robbie walks into the shop. "Hey, is this the fingerless glove store? I like things that are dumb. I'm Robbie." (Y/n) said, pretending to be Robbie. The trio laugh. "Nice one (Y/n)." Dipper said. "C'mon girl." Wendy said. "Ha ha ha ha ha. Laugh it up, kid. So hey, Wendy, Nate and his girlfriend are going to Lookout Point this weekend. Maybe we should go too?" Robbie asked. All of them glare at him. "Are you kidding me?! First you stand me up last night! And instead of apologizing, 

you want me to go to Lookout Point?!" Wendy shouted. "I'll just be... over here..." Dipper said. "Me too..." Dipper and (Y/n) back out of the room to the "Employees Only" door and eavesdrop on their conversation. "Look, Robbie..." Wendy sighs. "I'm not sure this relationship's working. Maybe I should see other people." She said. (Y/n) gasped. Dipper, ecstatic, grabs (Y/n) who was standing behind him and hugs her tightly. (Y/n) gasps for air. "Dipper... can't breathe..." she said. Dipper quickly let go and chuckled nervously. "Heh heh, oops, sorry (Y/n)." He said awkwardly. "W-Whoa h-hey! Before you do anything crazy, I- I uh... I want you to hear this." Robbie reaches into his pocket and pulls out a CD from a suspicious looking case. "I hope this works..." He pulls the CD close to his face, and it glistens. He smirks while his eyes shoot to Wendy behind him. Dipper and (Y/n) still peeking in, raise an eyebrow. 

Robbie puts the CD in a player. "I wrote this song just for you..." He presses play and begins singing a song. "When I think about you I feel feelings so deep/I'm tossing and turning/And you know I'm losing sleep." Robbie said. "Yeesh." (Y/n) cringed. "You said it." Dipper whispered. "And I know I'm going crazy/When I look into your eyes/Just listen to this song/And you'll be hypnotai-ai-ai-zed." As Robbie sings the final words of the song Wendy's eyes widened. (Y/n) gasped. Wendy rubs her eyes. "Y'know, maybe I was being a little hasty. I'll give you another chance." She said. "Yes, alright!" Wendy kisses Robbie on the cheek much to Dipper's shock, but (Y/n) was suspicious. "He didn't..." she thought as she angrily clenched her fist. "Mwah. Let me go grab my coat." Wendy leaves through the "Employees Only" door. "Alright Robbie, I saw that weird CD. What the heck did you do?" (Y/n) demanded. "It's called romance, little girl. Something you'd never understand." Robbie said.

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