The Love God

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(Y/n), Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Nate, Tambry, Lee, and Thompson are watching the sky and pointing at clouds. "Whoa! That cloud looks like a chipmunk!" (Y/n) points to a cloud shaped like an animal; an airplane flies out of its "mouth." "That barfs an airplane" wendy said, and everyone laughs. "It does." Dipper said. "Totally!" Mabel agreed. Thompson points to a waffle-shaped cloud. "Uh, that looks like... uh, a cloud!" He said. "Boo!" Lee shouted. "Thompson, stop being the worst at everything." Wendy said. He chuckles. "Sorry guys." He said. Everyone laughs again. "Look at the clouds! Ooh! That cloud looks like a big heart-shaped balloon!" Mabel said. "Clouds don't come in colors. That is a balloon." Dipper said. "Oh dude! It's the Woodstick festival." Wendy said. "Wait, the wood what?" Dipper asked. "It's this annual outdoor concert featuring Oregon's up and coming indie bands." 

Wendy takes Tambry's cell phone out of her hands. "Hey!" She shouted. Wendy swipes through several images of the bands. "They're all coming! Scarves Indoors, Wood Grain on Everything, the Love God! You've probably seen him in that viral video." Wendy said. "Who's ready to fall in love tonight?" Love God asked. The crowd cheers and he stumbles face-first into the camera. "Whoa! Ow! I hope nobody's filming this!" He said. "Whoa! Like a real concert concert? I've, uh... I've never actually been to one of those before." Dipper brushes his elbow. "That's because you've never had an awesome crew to roll with before!" She points at Nate, Lee, Mabel and Thompson sitting together; Thompson is holding a dirty sponge. "Come on, Thompson!" Lee shouted. "Lick that sponge! Lick that sponge!" Lee & Nate chanted. Thompson groans and licks the dirty sponge. (Y/n), Lee, Nate, & Mabel laugh. "Oh!" They said. "Can't believe he's doing it!" Nate said. Lee laughs. "What is he doing?" She asked. "When you're with us, you're in!" Wendy points at Dipper. Groaning is heard. The gang looks worried. A flock of ravens chirp and fly away from branches. Lee & Thompson gasp. "Ghosty sounds! Cemetery ghosty sounds!" Mabel shakes Dipper and (Y/n). "It's coming from that open grave." Wendy said. "You look!" Nate elbows Lee.

"No, you look!" Lee pushes Nate. "Thompson, go look." (Y/n) said "Heh. Nice use of Thompson." Nate said. Lee pushes Thompson toward the grave. Thompson peers into the grave, worried. "Ugh..." "Gaze upon death! Gaze upon death!" Everyone chanted. Thompson looks into the grave and screams. Lightning strikes. "Ugh! It's even creepier than I expected." Tambry said. Robbie is lying, holding onto a picture of Wendy. Robbie groans. "Why did she leave me?" He asked. "Robbie?" Wendy asked. "Wendy! Oh. Uh." Robbie chuckles nervously. "Hey. What's up? Just hanging out in this grave, you know. Regular. Regular day for me." He said. "Whoa, dude. We haven't seen you in, like a million years. Where have you been?" Lee asked. "You're not still mourning our break up, are you?" Wendy asked. "What? No way!" Robbie glances at a picture of Wendy and then quickly hides it. 

"Robbie, we split up forever ago. It's really sweet you'd throw yourself into a grave for me but, man, time to move on." Wendy said, while rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "Huh, what? I've totally moved on." Robbie said. His cell phone begins to ring. "Wendy, I miss you so much. I'll never move on. Never ever." With his eyes still on Wendy, Robbie throws his cell phone back. It hits the headstone, breaking it. "That was a different Wendy. Unrelated Wendy." He said. "Dude, this is getting really awkward." Lee said, quietly to Nate. "Yeah, the cemetery used to be fun; now it's just depressing." Tambry said. Everyone but Mabel and (Y/n) start walking away. Robbie sighs, grabs a shovel and begins to shovel dirt onto his head. "Wait! You guys! He's in pain. We can't just ditch him here." (Y/n) said. "Come on, (Y/n), it's Robbie." Dipper pointed out. 

"But he's suffering. How can I be happy if I know someone else is sad? It totally throws off my happiness chart." Mabel said. "Girls, trust me. If there's one thing I've learned this summer, it's not to get mixed up in needless romantic drama." Dipper then began whispering. "Besides, we're finally in with Wendy's friends. With Robbie gone, there's a good social balance. Maybe we should just let a good thing be, you know." He said. "Just eat me already, man." Robbie said to a nearby vulture. The vulture squawks and attacks. "Ah! I was just being dramatic! Quit it! Ow! Ow! My face! Vulture!" Robbie said. "Oh, man. I'm sorry you guys had to see that." Wendy said. "You know what Robbie needs? A new girl!" (Y/n) said. 

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