Double Dipper

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Soos and Wendy are preparing for a party. (Y/n), Mabel and Dipper are sitting on a couch. "Oh no, girls. I-I don't feel so good. I-BBBBLLLAAAA!" Dipper sprays Silly String at Mabel and (Y/n). "Ohhh, Grunkle Stan, what did you feed us?!" "BBBBBLLLAAAA!" Mabel sprays Silly String at Dipper and (Y/n). "I honestly think my stomach's about to explode! BBBBLLLAAAA!" (Y/n) sprays Dipper and Mabel who both laugh and the three continue to spray each other until Wendy comes in. "Hahaha, barfing!" Mabel said. Wendy runs up. "Guys, guys, stop! Something terrible just happened!" The triplets stare at Wendy. "BBBBLLLAAAA!" Wendy sprays Silly String at the triplets. They all laugh hysterically. "Comedy gold!" (Y/n) said. Stan takes the Silly String cans and confetti. "Alright, alright! Party supplies are now off-limits." He said. "Mr. Pines, whose birthday is it again?" Soos asked. "Nobody's. Thought this party might be a good way to get kids to spend money at the Shack." Stan unrolls a "Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey" game. "Nice!" Soos said. "The young people of this town want fun; 

I'll smother 'em with fun!" Stan said. "Maybe comments like that are why kids don't go to the Mystery Shack." Dipper said. "Hey, hey! Hows about you make yourself useful and copy these flyers?" Stan shows (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel a flyer. "Oh boy, a trip to the copier store!" Mabel said. "Calendars, mugs, t-shirts and more! They got it all at the copier store! That's not their slogan, I just really feel that way about the copier store." Soos said. "Save the trouble. You know the old copier in my office? I finally fixed the old girl up! Good as new!" Stan said. (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel are in Stan's office. They pull the sheet off the old, busted up copier machine. Several moths fly around it. Mabel gasps. "Butterflies!" She said. "Those are moths, Mabel." (Y/n) corrected. Dipper lifts the lid up. "Does it even work?" He presses a button, then rests his arm on the machine. It turns on, and creates a copy of his arm. Mabel picks up the paper. "Success!" She notices the paper shaking and drops it. "Whoa!" The picture of Dipper's arm comes to life and begins to crawl near them. "AH!!" The three scream. "Stay back!" (Y/n) throws Mabel's soda at the arm, disintegrating it. "Oh my gosh! Girls I think this copier can copy human beings!" Dipper said. "Do you realize what this means? "BBBBLLLAAAA!!" Mabel sprays Silly String at Dipper and (Y/n).

Time Skip

Stan addresses Soos, Wendy, (Y/n), Mabel, and Dipper, who are all standing side-by-side. "Alright party people... and Dipper." Dipper glared at Stan and (Y/n) chuckles. "Let's talk business. Soos, because you'll work for free, and you begged, I'm lettin' you be DJ." Stan said. "You won't regret it, Mr. Pines. I got this book to teach me how to DJ R-R-Right!" Soos holds up a book. "Not encouraging. Wendy, you (Y/n) and Mabel are working the ticket stand." Stan said. "What? But Grunkle Stan, this party is my chance to make new friends!" Mabel said. "Yeah, Grunkle Stan. You can't expect us to just sit back and do nothing the whole time!" (Y/n) agreed. "I... I could work with Wendy." Dipper said. Stan rolls his eyes. "You realize if you do, you gotta commit to staying at the ticket stand with Wendy. No getting out of it, just the two of you, alone, all night." Stan said. Dipper watches Wendy spray Soos' belly with Silly String and smiles. "I promise." Later, Dipper is standing in front of a mirror in his room putting on a bow tie; he turns to get the spray and sees Mabel and (Y/n) there, 

"AH! What?" He asked. "Uh, uh, I could work the counter with you, Wendy! Let's kiss!" Mabel mocks Dipper. (Y/n) rolls her eyes, "You're one to talk, Mabel. You literally try to get together with every new boy you meet." She said. Dipper laughed. "Exactly. Besides, I devised a plan to make sure my night with Wendy goes perfect." Dipper said. "Plan? Oh, you're not making one of those overcomplicated listy things, are you?" (Y/n) asked. "Psh. Over complicated? Let me just... " Dipper unfolds a huge list. "Alright, fold that there, kay. Step 1: Getting to know each with playful banter. Banter is like talking but smarter." Dipper said. "That sounds like a dumb idea for poopheads." Mabel said. "Real smooth, Mabel." (Y/n) said sarcastically. "Yeah, see? This isn't banter. This is what I want to avoid with Wendy. The final step is to ask her to dance. If I follow steps 1 through 11, nothing can get in my way!" Dipper said. "Dipper, you're the one getting in your way. Why can't you just walk up and talk to her like a normal person?" (Y/n) asked. "Step 9, sister!" Dipper points to Step 9, which is "talk to her like a normal person." (Y/n) sighs and rolls her eyes.

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