Northwest Mansion Mystery

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"Preston, I must say, the guest list for this year's party has so much diversity!" Priscilla said. "Yes, a nice mix of millionaires and billionaires." Preston swats a servant with a newspaper. "Put the oyster fork at an angle! We're not animals, man." He said. "Now where the devil is—?" Priscilla turns to the doorway, and sees Pacifica in a lake foam green dress. "Pacifica!" Pacifica curtsies, and walks up to her. "What did I tell you about that dress? The theme is sea foam green, not lake foam green! Go change!" She ordered. "But, I- I kinda like it." Pacifica said. "Mind your mother, Pacifica." Preston said. "But—" Preston rings a bell. 

"Yes, father." She said. The ground begins to shake, while at the table, plates and utensils clatter. The Northwests and their staff stare and gasp. "Oh no! It's... happening." Preston said. Furniture and dinnerware fly at the unfortunate individuals present, while everyone either ducks or hides underneath tables. "You are my possessions!" Preston swats a plate away. "Obey me!" He shouted. More things fly at Preston. He screams and ducks underneath the table. "This is a disaster! The party's in just 24 hours!" Priscilla shouted. "Surely there's someone who can handle this sort of nonsense!" Preston looks at a newspaper and cuts beneath the headline to a picture of Dipper and (Y/n) warding off a giant vampire bat from Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland. "And I think I know just the people..." he said.

Time Skip

Dipper and (Y/n) are in the living room watching T.V. "You asked for it, you got it! An entire 48-hour marathon of Ghost Harassers on the "Used to Be About History Channel!" A voice on the tv said. "Be strong, bladder." Dipper pats his stomach. "We're not gonna move till sunset." He said. "We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news!" Toby Determined said. "Aww, what?" Dipper asked. "Oh come on!" (Y/n) said, also disappointed. "It's starting!" Mabel said, jumping into an armchair beside (Y/n). "Turn it up!" Candy shouted, jumping to Dipper's side. "Make room for Grenda!" Grenda jumps in front of all five, breaking a lamp. "Well tonight's the night, but I've been out here for days!" The tv zoom out to reveal tattered and filthy Toby. "The Northwest family's annual high-society-shindig-ball-soiree is here! And even though common folk aren't let in, that doesn't stop us from camping out for a peek at the fanciness!" He said. "Oooooooooh!" All girls but (Y/n) said. "Okay, can someone please explain why people care about this?" She asked annoyed. "It's pretty much the best party of all time. Rich food, richer boys!" Grenda said. "They say each gift basket has a live quail inside!" Mabel said. "Give me your life, Pacifica." Candy said, pawing at the TV screen. 

(Y/n) scoffs. "Guys, in case you've already forgotten, Pacifica Northwest is the worst." There's a knock at door; and (Y/n) gets up to answer it. "And that's not just jealousy talking. I'd say that to her face." She opens the door and sees Pacifica. "I need your help." She said. "You're the worst." (Y/n) slams the door. Everyone gasps. "See?" There's another knock at the door, and (Y/n) opens it reluctantly. "Look. You think it's easy for me to come here? I don't want to be seen in this hovel. But there's something haunting Northwest Manor." Pacifica takes off her sunglasses. "If you don't help me, the party could be ruined!" She said. "And why should I trust you? All you've ever done is try to humiliate me, Dipper and Mabel." (Y/n) said angrily. "Hi, Pacifica! Excuse us!" Mabel drags (Y/n) away by the arm. "(Y/n)! Don't you see what this means? If you help Pacifica, you could get us invites to the greatest party of all time!" She said. "What? Mabel, this is Pacifica we're talking about!" She protested. "But it's Candy and Grenda's dream!" Mabel argued. "Dreeeaaaaaaam." Candy & Grenda said, starry-eyed. "Ugh. Fine! I'll bust your ghost. But, in exchange, I'll need four tickets to the party." (Y/n) said. "Hrrn! You're just lucky I'm desperate." Pacifica said. "Wooo! Des-perate! Des-perate! Des-perate!" 

Mabel, Candy, & Grenda chanted. "Grenda, get the glue gun. We're making dresses!" Mabel said. (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Ugh, (Y/n) why do I have to go?" Dipper groaned. "Hey, I might need your help, Dips. It can't be that bad." (Y/n) said. Dipper only crossed his arms and grumbled to himself. (Y/n) rolls her eyes again. "Don't be a baby." She scolded. "Sorry (Y/n), but there is just no way I'm helping Pacifica. You'll have to do this on your own." He said, walking away from his sister. "Ugh, fine!" (Y/n) snapped. "But you're still coming!" She shouted after him. Later, a limo drives through the crowds as a butler pulls a lever to open the main gates and let it through. Two servants open the doors to the house, letting in (Y/n), Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica, Candy, and Grenda. "Welcome to Northwest Manor, dorks. Try not to touch anything." Pacifica said. "Everything's so fancy! Fancy floors, fancy plants—" Mabel gasps. 

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