The Golf War

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(Y/n), Dipper and Waddles are sitting on the couch watching television and eating cereal. Stan enters with a pan with a pancake. "Who wants Stan-cakes? They're like pancakes, but they probably have some of my hair in 'em." He said. "Ew!" (Y/n) said. "Pass." Dipper said. Mabel bursts through the door giddily with a newspaper in hand. "It's here!" She runs around and screams. "Aaah! Oh, it's here! It's here, it's here, it's here! I've been waiting all morning and it's finally here! The Gravity Falls Gossiper accepted my article about summer fashion tips for squirrels. My picture is gonna be in the newspaper! Check it!" She shows everyone a view of the newspaper. ""Pacifica Northwest declares v-necks the look of the season!" What am I looking at here?" Stan asked. "Pacifica? Ugh, not her again!" (Y/n) groaned. "Woah, woah, WHAT?!" Dipper looks at the newspaper. The newspaper reads "GREATEST THING OF THE SUMMER!", and shows a portrait of Pacifica Northwest, with the caption "PACIFICA NORTHWEST." "Looks like someone bought their way to the front page." Dipper said. (Y/n) snickered. "Is it legal for a child to wear that much make-up?" Stan asked. "Ugh, Pacifica! She always ruins everything!" Mabel said.

"Agreed." (Y/n) said. "Aw, cheer up Mabel! I mean, no one even reads newspapers anymore." Dipper said. Soos walks in. "Dudes! V-neck season is upon us! Who wants to help me get ahead of the fashion curve? I'm taking it one step further." He holds up a pair of scissors and a marker. "With a w-neck." He draws a construction line for a "w" and cuts along the lines. "Must... follow... newspaper..." (Y/n) rolls her eyes. Mabel glumly runs over to the nearby table and furiously pours herself a glass of orange juice, which she gulps down. "Aack! I need something to get my mind off this." She said. "Looking for a distraction from your horrible life?" A Commercial Announcer asked. "Why yes!" Mabel said. 

"Victory, honor, destiny, mutton, fun! These old-timey sounding words are alive and well at the Gravity Falls Royal Discount Putt Hutt! *No mutton available at the snack shop* the announcer said. "Hey, Mabel! We love mini-golf!" (Y/n) pulls out a scrapbook with a picture of Mabel winning a trophy at a minor league gold competition with the caption "AGE 9. "We've been amazing at it since we were kids! What do you say, Mabel? We've had a stressful couple of days. How 'bout we take a break, huh?" She asked. "Would kicking all our butts at mini-golf cheer you up?" Stan asked. "Maybe a little." She said. "Come on, Mabel! Victory!" Dipper said. "Honor!" Mabel said. "Destiny!" Stan said. "Fun!" (Y/n) added. "Mutton!" Soos's W-neck flaps down. "Victory, honor, destiny, fun, mutton! Victory, honor, destiny, fun, mutton!" Everyone chanted as they leave the Shack. "And the pig can look after the house!" Soos said. The door shuts; Waddles is on the couch.

Time Skip

"Woohoo!" Soos said. "Woah!" Mabel said. "Wow!" Dipper said. "Cool!" (Y/n) said. "Woah!" Stan said. "Ahh, mini-golf! The sport of mini champions!" Mabel said. "The grass is fake, but the fun is real! There's something here for everyone!" Dipper said. Robbie spray paints the word "Weiners" on a wall and laughs. "Hey, you! Stop!" The Mattress King said. Robbie runs away screaming. "Come back here!" The Mattress King powers on his golf cart and attempts to chase Robbie. "Hey, those are lewd hand gestures!" He shouted. Dipper is preparing to hit a ball. "Focus! Focus!.. And, eh..." he swings his club and misses the golf ball, which rolls into the nearby pond. "Don't worry, bro! You're still," Mabel slaps a dinosaur sticker on his cheek. "Eh! "Ext-roar-dinary"! She said. "I'll take what I can get." He said before taking the sticker off. (Y/n) is standing in front of a golf ball. "Do the hip wiggle, and eh!" She hits the ball with her club, which touches Old Man McGucket's nose and goes into the hole. 

"Wha? How'd I get here?" He asked. "Yes!" (Y/n) said. "Holy smokes! Someone in our family actually has talent!" Stan said. "Grunkle Stan, you ain't seen nothing yet!" Dipper said. Mabel hits her ball into various holes. Stan and (Y/n) give Mabel a thumbs up. A crowd forms around (Y/n), Dipper, Stan, and Soos. "Guys, this is amazing! If Mabel gets a hole in one here, she'll beat her all-time high score!" (Y/n) said. " You can do it, Mabel! Pretend the ball is Pacifica's face!" Mabel said in her mind. "Eh!" Mabel hits the golf ball with her club, and she nearly scores a hole, but misses and rolls into a puddle. "Aw, nuts!" Mabel throws down her club. Everyone else leaves. "Aw, man!" "Well that didn't work!" "Oh yes, she's all done playing!" "Ah, don't worry about it kid! The thing's random!" Stan said. "Yeah, besides the Bermuda's Triangle, how mini-golf works is our world's greatest mystery." Soos said. "As far as I'm concerned, you and (Y/n) are still better than anyone else in Gravity..." Stan began. Pacifica gets a hole in one on the eighteenth hole. (Y/n), Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Stan gasp. "Whoa!" They all said.

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