(Y/n), Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future

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Dipper wakes up and screams. "Mornin', Dipper, guess who!" Mabel said, as Mr. Upside-Downington. (Y/n) chuckled. "Oh, what joy. If it isn't Mr. Upside-Downington. How long's it been? Third grade, maybe?" Dipper asked. "That's right. And I'm here to deliver you an upside-downington-tastic message!" Mabel said. "Is it the message that we're getting too old for this sort of thing?" Dipper asked. " Um, kinda, actually. It's that we are exactly one week away from our 13th birthday!" Mabel said. "Whoa! Our birthday's coming up already?" Dipper asked. "Wait, you forgot our own birthday?" (Y/n) asked. Dipper gasps. "Soon we're gonna be actual teenagers!" He said. "Finally! I can stop reading preteen magazines and start reading post-preteen magazines." Mabel said. "PG-13 movies, here I come!" (Y/n) said. 

"And just one more year until high school. High school, guys! Where girls become women and they teach us stuff about..." she turns (Y/n) and Dipper around and whispers: "You know what." "Trigonometry?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh yeah, baby!" Mabel said. Stan Pines and Soos Ramirez enter the room. "That's not the only good news coming up! In one week my senior citizen's ponytail kit is coming in the mail. I'm...I'm kinda going through some things." Stan said. "In one week, my grandma is finally letting me eat crackers on my bed! The future is coming for us all, dudes." Soos said. "The future!" Stan said. "The future!" Dipper said. "The future!" Mabel said. "The future!" (Y/n) shouted. (Y/n) laughs. "I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously with that face on your chin." She said to Mabel. "What face, (Y/n)?" Mabel asked. "You're--You're doing the voice so you obviously know what I'm talking about-" (Y/n) said. "Bi bon't bnow bhat bou're balking about." Mabel said. The triplets laugh. "There is something wrong with you." Dipper said. "There's something wrong with all of us." Mabel said.

Time Skip

"Alright, party planners. In one week we become teenagers, and our summer vacation winds to an end. So we need to throw the greatest party of all time! I'm talking piñatas with tinier piñatas inside." Mabel said. "Boom, dreams comin' true!" Soos pours little piñatas into a large piñata. "I'm talking inviting everyone in town. Let's see, where do we stand with the gnomes?" Mabel asked. "Not so fast, goofus and girl-goofusues." Stan walks into the room. "After that zombie incident, no one's throwing another party at my house. I keep finding little bits of the undead in the couch cushions." He finds an arm under the chair cushion. "But Grunkle Stan, we need some roof to raise." Mabel said. "Dude, you could rent out the Gravity Falls High School gym, and have your party there. That place is empty all summer long." Soos said. "The gym's a great idea, Soos. To the high school!" Mabel shouted. The entire house quakes, startling everyone. "Dipper! (Y/n)! My face is on fire!" Ford shouted. "We'll just be a sec." Dipper and (Y/n) run into Ford's room. "Great-uncle Ford, are you okay?" (Y/n) asked. Ford wipes off his face, which is smoking, with a towel. "Oh yes, I'm fine. I just said that to make sure you two would come in here quickly." Ford said. "But your face is on fire." Dipper said.

 "Yes, it's much faster than shaving. Now, listen, Dipper. I have a very important mission, and you are the only ones who can help me." Ford pulls out the rift. "Remember the rift in dimensional space-time I showed you? It's cracking." He points at the crack. "This is what Bill has been waiting for. If it breaks, it will cause reality as we know it to completely unravel. A hypothetical and catastrophic event I call Weirdmageddon." He said. Dipper and (Y/n) stare at a blackboard Ford has drawn up, detailing the finer points of Weirdmageddon. "Bill is out there, and he'd use any trick, from deception to outright possession, to make this happen. But for the sake of humanity, we mustn't let it." Ford said. "What do we do?" (Y/n) asked. 

"We patch the rift. I'll explain on the way." Ford locks the rift in a protective case. "Wait, what about Mabel?" Dipper asked. "It's okay, guys. You should totally go with Grunkle Ford to save the world or whatever." Mabel said. "Are you sure?" (Y/n) asked. "We're going to be doing birthday junk all week. Plus, I packed us walky-talkies. Here's one for my party mission, and one for your smarty mission." Mabel laughs with Dipper and (Y/n). Ford clears his throat. "I did mention that the fate of the universe is at stake, didn't I? Hurry, we haven't much time." He then leaves. "Okay, Dipper. It's your first big mission with Ford. A chance to prove yourself. Don't mess this up." Dipper said to himself. "Dipper, don't worry. I'm sure we'll be fine." (Y/n) said. Dipper runs and hits the wall. "Ow! Ah, heh heh, I'm alright." He laughs, then runs out and trips. "Ahh!"

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