Into the Bunker

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At Wendy's house, (Y/n), Dipper and Wendy are watching Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite! "What do we do, Chadley? I thought they were dead!" Trixandra said. "Far worse, Trixandra! They're... Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite!" Chadley said. Trixandra screams. "Man, these movies are a lot less scary when you've actually fought real zombies." Dipper said. "Tell me about it." (Y/n) agreed. "They're slow! Just power-walk away from them!" Wendy shouted at the characters. (Y/n) pokes Wendy with her elbow. "How much you want to bet that guy dies first?" She asked. "Aah! My face is being eaten a lot!" Chadley shouted. (Y/n) and Wendy laugh. "Chadley ain't pretty no more." Wendy said. Then her phone buzzes. "One second." Wendy grabs her phone. "Ugh, another text from Robbie!" She said. "Oh, yeah! Robbie. How's, uh, how's all that going?" Dipper asked, making circles with his finger. 

"Ugh, I'm over him, I just wish he was over me! Just look at these texts." Wendy shows them her phone. "Winky frown? What does that even mean?" She asked. (Y/n) chuckled. "And you're not..." Dipper coughs. "Not like, seeing any other guys or..." he tried to ask. (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Of course I am, meet my new boyfriend, dude." Wendy hugs her plush walrus. (Y/n) and Dipper laugh. "Right, right." He nervously laughs. "So, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to maybe if, you know, you and me, whatever. I mean if maybe you wanted to join me, (Y/n) and Mabel on this mystery hunt tomorrow? Conspiracy stuff and all that? That's all." Dipper said. "Yeah, dude. I love doing junk with friends. Yo Chadley, watch out!" She yelled. "Yeah, 'cause that's what we are." Dipper looks at a note he had written about confessing his crush on Wendy. (Y/n) frowned, feeling bad for him. "It's all we'll ever be." Dipper crumples it up, and lies back on Wendy's bed. "Friends." He said. "Dude, you're laying on my bra." Wendy said. "Hu-?" Dipper screams.

Time skip

Workmen are fixing up the nearly destroyed Mystery Shack. "Hey, easy with that, it's genuine plastic! And repave the cracks in the parking lot while you're at it!" Stan looks into a chasm. "I don't want my car falling into China!" He said. "Mr. Pines, what exactly caused all this damage? I need to write a report." One of them asked. "Uhhh, big woodpecker." Stan said. The gift shop sign falls over. "Keep the change" Stan stuffs several bills into the workman's front pocket. "...I'm winking under my eye patch." He said. "Works for me." The workman said. Stan lifts his eye patch, and looks around. "Now where'd those kids run off to?" He asked. Meanwhile, the triplets and Soos are standing around the tree that contained Journal 3. Dipper taps a pen on his lantern. "Thank you all for coming." He said. "Hey, when there's a mystery, you can count on your sisters...-Ey." Mabel said. Soos laughs. 

"That's an amazing rhyme. When you want some, good... When you need a Soos, you... Oh oh, gosh, I don't know." He said. "We're here to solve the number one mystery in Gravity Falls; who wrote this journal?! Thirty years ago the author vanished without a trace. But according to this new clue." Dipper turns on a portable black light. "We may have found his secret hiding place." The black light reveals hidden drawings on the page. "We find that author, we learn the answers to everything. We just need to figure out a way to get down there." He said. "Chop it down, dudes!" Wendy said as she arrives on her bike, and rings the bell. "Wendy!" Mabel said. "Oh, hey! You came." Dipper said. "Dude, I'm so stoked about this. I've been wanting to go adventuring with you guys. Sure beats picking up after my dad at home. Thanks for the invite, man!" Wendy said. 

"Of course, anytime you wanna... I'm, we're always... Us." Dipper said, flustered. "Uh oh!" Mabel pokes Dipper. "Inviting Wendy on our mission? Me thinks there's romance afoot!" She said. "No, look Mabel. I've thought this through and I'm over Wendy. I've looked at it from every angle, and that thing was going nowhere. I know what matters to me now, and it's finding the author of this journal." Dipper argued. "Hah! YOU'RE over Wendy?! Allow me to put on my "skepticals." Mabel makes circles around her eyes with her fingers. "Whooop!" "I've moved on, Mabel. You should too." Dipper said. "Skepticals..." Mabel said. "Hey, is it just me, or does that branch kinda look like a lever?" Wendy asked. (Y/n) and Dipper turn their backs on the tree. Wendy uses her belt to start climbing up the tree. "Huh, yeah. But how do we get up there...? It seems we'd need like a ladder, or like, ladder shoes... Yeah, ladder shoes. I'll get Soos to draw up a prototype." Dipper said. At the lever-branch now, 

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