Fight Fighters

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Soos is showing (Y/n), Mabel and Stan around an arcade. "This is it dudes, my favorite place in Gravity Falls. Everything I know, I learned right here. A frog taught me how to cross a street. When my house was haunted, I learned how to eat ghosts. And this thing taught me how to dance." Soos said. Old Man McGucket is dancing on an out of order dancing machine. "Woo-hoo-hoo! I've been jiggin' here for seven days straight!" He said. (Y/n) picks up the plug to the dance machine. "Uh, Soos?" She asked. "Let him have this." He replied. Stan walks to a new video game called "Insert Token!" "Huh?" He Inserts a coin. "Congratulations! you win!" The game said. The screen resumes saying: "Insert token!" Stan gets upset and growls. Meanwhile Dipper and Wendy are playing Fight Fighters, with Rumble McSkirmish and Dr. Karate as their player characters. "Oh, oh, oh!" They say together. 

"Watch out! Wow! Ooh, cutscene!" Dipper said. "DR. KARATE, YOU KILLED MY FATHER AGAIN!" Rumble said. "HHNNGHHHH!!!!!!!" He replied. "YOU TAKE THAT BAAACKKKK!!!!!!!!" Rumble shouted. "Fight!" The game announcer said. Rumble and Dr. Karate, being controlled by Dipper and Wendy, fight each other. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Go! Go!" Dipper shouted. "K.O! The winner: Rumble Mcskirmish!" The announcer said. "WINNERS DON'T LOSE!" Rumble shouted. "What? You cheated." Wendy said. "YOU TAKE THAT BAAACK!" Dipper said, imitating Rumble. "Round Two!" The announcer said. "I'm gonna punch the ref." Wendy said. "Fight!" The game said. "Let's gang up on him." Dipper said. Rumble and Dr. Karate do all of the combo moves so that they aren't hitting each other but it looks as though they are hitting the referee. "Hohoho." Wendy said. Robbie is nearby, putting up a flyer. Dipper and Wendy laugh. "Wendy! What's up, babe? Yeah, just putting up some flyers for my band. I'm playing lead guitar. No biggie." Robbie said. 

Dipper looks skeptically at the picture of Robbie on the poster. "Are you wearing mascara?" He asked. "Uh, it's eye-paint for men." Robbie said. "Hey Robbie, Dipper was just showing me this great game." Wendy said. "Ha, yeah, sweet, sweet. Hey, how about you sit this one out, okay champ?" Robbie said the last part to Dipper. "But we just started this round." He argued. "Whoa, whoa, hey! Relax man, I'm just trying to spend a little time with my girlfriend, alright?" Robbie asked. "It'll just be one round." Wendy said. "Round Three! Fight!" The game said. Wendy and Robbie start playing the game and talking. "So hey, I'm going camping tomorrow with my dad, so I won't be around." Wendy said. "Oh, cool, cool, watch out!" Robbie puts his arm over Wendy's shoulder and subtly glares at Dipper. "Opponent sighted! Fight!" The game said. "King me!" Mabel reveals her hand which has two Kings. 

"Aww! Come on!" (Y/n), Stan, Soos, and Dipper said. "It's not fair, she doesn't even know what we're playing!" Stan said. "Go Fish?" Mabel asked. An electric guitar starts playing outside the shack. "Dude, I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head." Soos said. "Try blinking to see if you can change the channel." Mabel said. Soos blinks. "Weeendy!" Robbie sang. "Ugh, sounds like Robbie." Dipper said. "Robbie? Is he that jerky twerp I see making goo-goo eyes at Wendy all the time?" Stan asked. "He called me "Big Dude" once. I mean, I know I'm a big dude, but it kinda hurt." Soos said. "Should I sic Waddles on him again?" Mabel asked. Waddles is chewing Mabel's sweater. "Whoa, easy tiger." She said. Dipper stands up. "I'll handle it." He leaves the room. "Ooooooh!" Everyone said. "Ha ha, conflict!" Stan said. (Y/n) rolls her eyes at Stan. "Wendy! Wendy, Wendy! Wendy! C'mon out, girl! C'mon down!" Robbie shouted. "You realize she's not here, right?" Dipper asked.

Robbie scoffs. " Yes! ...What?" He asked. "She's out camping with her family today. Maybe if you listened to her for once, you'd know that." Dipper said the last part quietly. "What was that?!" Robbie snapped. "I- just said she's not here." Dipper said. "No, no, no! You want to get into it, huh? Let's get into it, kid! You think I don't know what's been going on, huh? It's obvious you've got a thing for my girlfriend, don't you? Don't you?!" Robbie shouted. "What? No! C'mon, man!" Dipper said quickly. "Yeah, I'm sure she's just DYING to ask out a 12-year old kid who wears the exact same shorts every day. Hey, here's an idea:" Robbie pulls out his cell phone and calls Wendy. "Why don't I call her right now and see if she wants to go out on a date with you?" He asked. "Hey! Look-! Don't! Y-you don't have to-!" Dipper panicked. 

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