Bottomless Pit!

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Stan Pines is driving the Mystery Cart and stopping at the bottomless pit. "In this land of ours, there are many great pits. But none more bottomless than the bottomless pit. Which as you can see here is bottomless." Stan said. "Question. Is it bottomless?" Soos asked. "That is what he just said." (Y/n) said. "Grunkle Stan, why are we here again?" Dipper asked. "To dispose of things that we don't want. So long, Mystery Shack suggestion cards!" Stan throws some cards down into the pit. "Goodbye, creepy love letters from Li'l Gideon!" (Yn) said before throwing them in. Soos takes off his shoes and throws them in. "What are you doing?" Dipper asked. "Throwing stuff, dude. Everyone's doin' it." Soos grabs and throws a barbecue grill down the pit. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean you should throw down things you still need!" 

(Y/n) scolded. Mabel is pushing a large chained box toward the pit. "What you got there, Mabel?" Stan asked. "Oh, it's just my personal box of mysterious secrets. Nothing worth wondering about." Mabel giggles and pushes the box down the pit. "Goodbye forever!" She said. "Grunkle Stan, do I really have to be the one to point out that a bottomless pit is, by definition, impossible?" Dipper asked. "Yeah, I agree with Dipper. There's no way that's actually possible." (Y/n) said. Stan was shaking cards out of his fez down the pit. "Says you two." He said. "Well, I guess we'll never know." Mabel said. The wind starts blowing. "Aah! It's some sort of invisible pushing force!" Soos said. "It's called "the wind" Soos." (Y/n) said sarcastically. "Quick! Everyone back to the shack!" Dipper starts running toward the house. "I'm not done getting rid of these yet!" 

Stan tries throwing more cards into the bottomless pit but the wind blows them into his face. "Grunkle Stan! No!" Mabel shouted. "Almost... Almost... Almost!" Stan said while everyone pulls him away from the pit. They then all fall into the pit screaming. They continue to keep screaming for a bit while falling then they all stopped. "So, anyone want to scream some more?" Soos asked. "Where are we?" Dipper asked. "We're in the bottomless pit, genius!" (Y/n) said sarcastically. Mabel lights a glowstick. "We're somewhere where it looks like we're nowhere." She hangs the glowstick on her arm and giggles. "We're gonna land on something eventually. It could be any second now." Dipper said. Everyone braces for a landing but nothing happens. "Uh huh." (Y/n) said. "Well... it looks like we're down here for the long haul. Who wants to see some card tricks?" Stan takes out cards, which fly up and away. "Tada." He said. (Y/n) gave him a deadpanned look and Dipper glares at him as Mabel claps. "Hey, maybe we should pass the time by telling stories." Soos said. "I've got a story. It's called the time Grunkle Stan got us all thrown into a bottomless pit where we spent the rest of our NATURAL LIVES!" Dipper said. "That was a great story, and you told it really well." (Y/n) smirked. "Enough with the sarcasm, (Y/n)!" Dipper snapped. "Come on, Dipper, you can do better than that." Mabel said. "Fine." Dipped takes the glow stick. "I'll tell you a story. A story I'd like to call "Voice Over." He said.

~Dipper's Story~

"Ready?" Mabel asked her friends. "Spin the Pig!" (Y/n), Mabel, Wendy, and Soos spin Waddles until he stops, pointing at Stan. "Hey! Grunkle Stan. Ever kissed a pig before?" Mabel asked. "I'm not gonna answer that question." Stan said. "Why? Is it because you have?" (Y/n) asked. "Still not answering that." Stan replied. Dipper suddenly runs up. "Guys! I think I just got bit by a snake! I need you to get me to a hospital quick!" He shouted. Stan laughs. "What? What's so funny?" Dipper asked. "Sorry. It's just hard to focus on what you're saying with that squeaky puberty voice you got there." Stan said. "My what?" Dipper asked. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Dipper. Your voice is..." she imitates him. "hillaaarrious!" She said. "Are you saying my voice cracks? My voice doesn't crack!" Dipper said. "Dude, no offense, but it cracks so much we've already made a techno remix out of it." Soos said. "Yeah, want to hear it?" (Y/n) asked teasingly. She plays the tape. "My name's Dipper Pines, P-P-Pines, Pines, Pines Nice to meet you P-p-pines, Pines, Pines." The tape played. "Do I really sound like that?" Dipper asked. "Oh, here comes my favorite part!" Wendy said. "Stop it, guys!" The remix said. (Y/n), Mabel, Stan, Soos and Wendy laugh. "Give me that!" Dipper grabs the tape from Soos and leaves. Then they go back to what they were doing. "Spin the Pig!" Dipper sighs. "Even my sigh sounds weird." He said. Old Man McGucket sud pops out of a hole. "Hello there!" He said. 

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