Carpet Diem

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An eyeball rolls into a cup. "Hwaah! Total domination! I am the master of Attic Stuff Mini-golf! From the mighty Swiss Alps, to the badlands of Dipper's old laundry where man fears to tread!" Mabel said. Dipper walks to another golf ball and prepares to hit it. "Alright, let a pro on the field, or floor. Whatever." He said. Dipper hits the eyeball very hard. The eyeball bounces around the room and crashes through a window. "Ah, my head! It hit me right in the head!" Stan shouted. (Y/n) cracks up. "Yes! Stan shot. Is that legal?" Dipper asked. "Nice one, Dipper!" (Y/n) said. "Thanks." Dipper said. The two high five. (Y/n), Mabel and Dipper look at the judge, Waddles, and see him eating the score card. 

"The judges say it's out of bounds." Mabel said. "You're out of bounds!" Dipper then lightly jabs Mabel in the stomach with his golf club, then does the same to (Y/n). "Hey! Watch it!" Mabel shouted. "Hey! What was that for?" (Y/n) asked. The triplets continue jabbing each other for a few seconds until Mabel's Meow o'clock clock starts ringing. "Hey, guys, I gotta go hang out with Candy and Grenda tonight." Mabel said. "Aw, again? You can't leave mid-game." Dipper said. "Don't be silly, I'm not leaving. My friends are coming to me!" Mabel said. "Wait, what? Oh no. No no no. Sleeping bags?" (Y/n) looks at sleeping the bags. "Rom-coms?" She looks at romantic comedies. "Calling All Boys: Preteen Edition?!?" She then looks at the game. "You're not having a-" The door opens and shows Candy and Grenda are grinning in the shadows. They walk in and interrupt (Y/n) and finish her sentence. "Sleepover!" They shouted. (Y/n) screams in horror.

Time Skip

Mabel, Grenda, Candy, and Waddles are sitting on the floor, talking. "Okay, so how much do you like boys?" Mabel asked. "So much!" Grenda said. "Boys make me think about kissing!" Candy said. "Candy! Oh my gosh!" Grenda throws a pillow at Candy which hits her in the head. "Ow!" She said. "We are so crazy tonight!" Mabel starts screaming. Her friends join her in screaming. Meanwhile (Y/n) and Dipper are seen on their beds with a pillow over their ears. "Who wants to smear makeup on my face?" Grenda asked. "Ugh, you're already so beautiful, Grenda. What would be the point?" Mabel asked. Grenda starts punching the floor. "Beautiful! Beautiful!" She shouted. "Shut up!" (Y/n) shouted. "Arrrrgh! Mabel! Do you think you can do this somewhere else?! You're laughing at frequencies only dogs should hear!" Dipper shouted. "Come on, it's not that bad." Mabel said. "You know what your brother and sister need?" Grenda asked. Mabel gasps. "A makeover?" Candy holds up beauty products. Dipper screams. 

"Run!" (Y/n) shouted.(Y/n) and Dipper are later walking in the hallway with their blankets and pillows. They walk up to Soos, who is screwing something in. (Y/n) sighs. "Hey, Soos, can we sleep in your break room tonight?" She asked. "Of course, dudes." Soos opens the door to reveal a very cramped room with hazardous pipes and steam. "You just gotta make your body go like a video game puzzle block. Beebity boop boop beep beepity boop bop boop boop." He gets into the room by moving his body into an odd position. "The trick is to hold perfectly still." He rests his hand on a pipe and his arm gets scorched. "Ow, wait wait." He does it again. "Ow, wait wait." And again. "Ow, wait wait." "I think we'll sleep somewhere else..." Dipper said. Dipper  and (Y/n) walk away while Soos continues doing the same thing over and over, Soos said "Oh, actually felt good that time." Later Dipper and (Y/n) are outside. "Ah...sleeping under the stars...not bad." Dipper said. "Yeah, it's actually quite beautiful." (Y/n) said. Dipper hears a growling sounds and gets up. He sees a wolf biting on his leg. "Aaah!! Get off! Aah! Get away!" Dipper shouted.

"Hey! Get off!" (Y/n) shouted, trying to scare it off by hitting it with a book repeatedly. As she does this, Dipper looks up and sees Mabel's sleepover from the window. Mabel, Grenda, and Candy are jumping up and down, singing loudly. "Lalalalala! ... Disco Girls!..." Dipper looks down at the wolf and his sister trying to get rid of it. "This is still better." Dipper lays down again. The next day, Mabel wakes up in a state of confusion. She has her hair messed up with the words "PARTY GURL" written on her forehead. "Ugh...what happened last night? Whoa!" She sees Candy taped to the ceiling. "What's up, party girl?" Candy asked. Grenda walks out of the closet with lipstick all over her face. "I don't know what I was kissing in there, but I have no regrets!" She shouted. "Candy falls down now." Candy falls from the ceiling and knocks down the Eiffel Tower from the twins' attic stiff golf game. "That was awesome, girls." Mabel fixes up her hair and waves. "See you again soon!" She said. Candy and Grenda walk out of the room and Dipper with a black eye and twigs in his hair and lays on his bed. 

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