Blendin's Game

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Blendin Blandin has escaped from prison and is wearing a cloak, Lolph and Dundgren are chasing him. "Halt!" A deep voice shouted. "I've got to hand it to this perp, no one's broken out of the Infinitentiary before." Dundgren said. "He's either the bravest time convict I've ever seen, or the dumbest." Lolph said. Blendin turns and runs into a wall. "Ow!" He stumbles into barrels and falls over causing his face to be revealed. "Oh! My time-knee! Oh, time-dang it!" He said. "Definitely the dumbest." Dundgren said. "Freeze! You're surrounded by the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron. Anything you say can and already has been used against you in future court." Lolph said. "This is it, Blendin. End of the timeline. Any last words?" Dundgren asked. "Uh-uh-uh-uh-I-I-I-I... I INVOKE GLOBNAR!" Blendin shouted. The crowd talks about Globnar. "Very well, speak the name and century of those accused." Dundgren said. "The three kids that ruined my life: (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel Pines. 21st century." Blendin said. Dundgren's tablet searches and finds a clip of (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel hitting each other with baseball bats and laughing. The clip is shown on every screen in the shot, with the words "GLOBNAR TRIBUTES" over it. "So be it. May Time Baby have mercy on their souls." Lolph said.

Time Skip

(Y/n), Dipper and Mabel are standing in front of a vending machine at the Mystery Shack, inserting coins, pressing selection buttons and eagerly anticipating candy. "Candy! Candy! Candy!" The triplets shouted. The vending machine attempts to drop a bag of candy, but it gets stuck. "No! It's trapped!" Dipper said. "Everything is terrible forever!" Mabel said. "Why?!" (Y/n) asked. "Psst. Hey, dudes! You wanna know a trick?" Soos hits the vending machine with his hands and elbow. "Bibbity-boop. Wop!" The vending machine opens. "A genius taught me that once." Soos grabs candy from the machine. "This just in: weather stations are calling for a... candy blizzard!" He throws candy on them. "Forget taking off the wrappers! I'm eating these now!" Soos stuffs handfuls of unwrapped candy into his mouth. "Soos, you are the greatest human ever to live." Dipper said. "Seriously! That was amazing, Soos!" (Y/n) said. "Agh! Oh!" Mabel said while choking. "That was a mistake!" She collapses. "Hey, no sweat, dude. I'd do anything for the Pines family." Soos said, 

while putting money in the machine. "Soos! I need to scratch myself in two places at once!" Stan said. (Y/n) gags. "Gross." She said. "And I mean anything! Coming Mr. Pines!" Soos walks away. Mabel hits herself in the stomach and spits up candy. "Hack! Haw!" Dipper sees Soos' wallet left on the table. "Whoa! Better makes sure he gets his wallet back." He said. "Wait! I've never seen Soos' wallet before. Don't you wanna learn some Soos secrets?" Mabel said. "I don't know if we should be-" (Y/n) began, before Dipper takes out a membership card. "Wo-oah! Soos has a membership to Laser Tag? Ha ha, I didn't know they let grown-ups in there." He said. "And look." Mabel pulls out salami with sticky note that says, "emergency" "Emergency salami! Soos, my respect for you has grown." Mabel said. "Jésus Alzamirano Ramirez. Organ donor. Birthday: July 13th." Wait a minute. That's today." Dipper said, reading from the driver's license. "Woah..." Mabel said. "Wait, today's his birthday? Then why hasn't he told anyone?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"Uh-duh! It's probably because he wants someone to throw him a surprise party; I can relate. I've been waiting for a surprise party my whole life." Mabel said. Candy walks up and throws confetti on her. "Surprise!" She said. "Too little, too late, Chiu." Mabel said. "Awww." Candy said. Later, everyone is outside and Grenda is painting a sign that says "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY YO!!!!!" "More exclamation points! More I say!" Mabel said. "Wow, you guys thought of everything!" Grenda said. "Grenda, triplets are born birthday experts." (Y/n) said, as Dipper puts a cake on the table. "We've shared every birthday together, so we know how to make them perfect." Dipper said. The triplets high five, touch heels, and blow party blowers. "Hey. places everyone! I hear footsteps!" (Y/n) said. "Everyone be QUIET!" Grenda said as they hide behind a table. "Alright, you promised a giant hummingbird, so I'm expecting to see a giant hummingbird." Soos said, with a blindfold on, while Candy leads him on. 

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