Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls

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Dipper, Mabel, Soos Ramirez and Wendy Corduroy run into the Mystery Shack. "Yaaahh!!" They shouted. "Yaaaahhhh!!" Celestabellebethabelle, Chutzpar, Bats Biker, Woodpecker guy, Candy, Stan Pines, Grenda, Sheriff Blubs, Pacifica Northwest, Old Man McGucket and some Gnomes shouted. "Wait." Dipper said. "Grunkle Stan!" Dipper and Mabel run to him. "Kids! I can't believe it! I thought I lost you thre-" he stopped when he realized (Y/n) was missing. "Wait, where's (Y/n)?" Stan asked. "Bill has her." Dipper said. "What?!" Stan asked, shocked and angry. Soos hugs Stan. "Mr. Pines! It's really you! I've been hugging strangers to practice for this moment." He said. Wendy slams into Stan for a hug. "We missed you, you old codger!" She said. Stan chuckles. "I've missed you knuckleheads, too. It's good to have you back. 

I just wish (Y/n) was here too." He said. "Don't worry, Grunkle Stan! We'll get her back!" Mabel said. "Of course we will." Wendy said. "So...what's everyone doing here?" Dipper gasped. He gasps as some Lilliputtians run past him. "Yeah there's like monsters and gnomes, and is Pacifica wearing a potato sack?" Mabel asked. "Hey! Even in a sack I still look better than you." Pacifica said. "It''s a long story." Multi-Bear said. "Hey, is anyone gonna feed me? Larry King's disembodied wax head wants num-nums." Wax Larry King said in the vents. "We're trying to ration our food, remember?" Grenda said as Wax Larry King chews on her hair. "'s happening again." She said. Multi-bear closes the vents. "Hey, everyone! Eye-bat!" Pituitaur shouted, looking out the door. Everyone gasps. "Evasive maneuvers!" A gnome shouted. Stan slams the door and grabs Dipper and Mabel. "Shhh, keep it down." He said. The refugees scatter. "Hit the lights!" A gnome shouted. Outside, an eye-bat turns a scampering raccoon into stone and flies off with it.

Time Skip

Stan lights a match and throws it into a can, illuminating the shack, revealing the people sitting around the room. "Welcome to what's left of normal around here. Home base." Stan said. Various people are hiding in the Mystery Shack. "Ow!" Toby said as a gnome pulls a dart out of him. "We have..." Greggy C. Began. "Several injuries!" Sev'ral Timez sung. They clutch their injuries. "Oh, ow.." "Ow, my liver, girl!" Chubby Z. said. "Ah! Rumble McSkirmish?" Dipper asked. "Do not be afraid. Weirdmageddon has taught me, there are some battles I cannot win. I am now Humble McSkirmish." A digital "-50 despair" pops up next to Rumble. "Grunkle Stan, how'd this all happen?" Mabel asked. "So I was hammering signs out back when the sky started vomiting nightmares. I listen to a lot of AM radio so I knew what this meant: the end of the world. What I didn't expect was what happened next. Turns out whatever you and my brother did to the shack with your unicorn voodoo made the crazy place invincible to weirdness." Stan said. "Of course, the unicorn spell. That's why this is the only place Bill's magic can't touch." Dipper said. Stan gestures to Old Man McGucket. "That's when Possum Breath over here shows up leading a bunch of injured stragglers through the forest. They needed a place to stay and since the mayor got captured, I elected myself de facto chief.

The plan's to stay in here and eat Brown Meat until we run out, then I vote we eat the gnomes." He said. "Hey! I'm short, not deaf!" Jeff shouted. "Shh! Shh! Stress will make you chewy." Stan said. "Grunkle Stan, we can't all just hide inside the shack. My sister and this town need saving. Me and Ford tried to do it, but he got captured by Bill too." Dipper said. Stan opens a can of The Brown Mea. "Serves that jerk right. My brother's had some stupid plans, but going up against an all-powerful space demon was his worst one yet. Trust me, we have everything we need right here." He sits down on a wooden lounge chair surrounded by the Multi-Bear and gnomes. "It's not the Ritz but at least the monsters inside know how to massage. You know Shiatzu?" He asked the bear. "Yes, I've taken some classes." He replied. "So you're really just gonna let Bill win? What about (Y/n)?" Dipper asked. "Look, kiddo. We got a good deal here. As for (Y/n), I am worried about her but there's nothing we can do. Besides, I'm sure wherever the rest of the townsfolk are, they're fine." He slams his hand down, accidentally hitting the remote and turning on the TV. "This is Shandra Jimenez reporting live from the inside of Bill's castle. Here for the first time are images of what's happened to the captured townsfolk. Viewers are advised to look away if they don't want to see their friends turned into a twisted throne of human agony." Shandra said.

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