Not What He Seems

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A blue pulsing light glows. Then, a shot of the vending machine inside the shack, which is also periodically back-lit by the pulsing blue light. Stan Pines is in the underground laboratory beneath the Shack, working on the universe portal. Stan pulls a lever, and green fluid pumps into large, glass tanks. "Come on, come on. Should be just enough to finish the job." Stan removes his fez and glove, and without knowing, wipes toxic waste on his forehead, which sizzles and briefly glows green. "Whew. Can't be too careful with this stuff." He said. Red lights flash and a buzzer goes off. Stan smiles and turns to look at the screen. The screen reads "EVENT INITIALIZED" and an eighteen hour countdown begins. ""Warning," blah blah blah, "Extreme usage could result in minor gravity anomalies." Can it, Poindexter!" Stan slams the journal shut. "I've come this far. I'm not givin' up now!" He pushes a button, and the portal begins to spin. "Yes, this is it." He said. Stan's fez floats off of his head. Outside the Shack, rocks float off the ground, along with Gompers the goat. A boat lifts out of the lake. In the scrapyard, broken-down cars and junk lift off the ground, and inside McGucket's makeshift shack, a blue light blinks, illuminating the sleeping and floating McGucket and the functioning laptop which now reads "ACTIVE" under an image of the portal. Back in the Shack, (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel, as well as Waddles, float off their beds, but sleep undisturbed. There is a resounding "thunk" as everything in town touches back down to the ground. "It's gonna be a bumpy ride, but it'll all be worth it." Stan synchronizes what looks like a large wristwatch with the steadily ticking countdown, still displayed on the monitor. "Just eighteen more hours. Finally, everything changes. Today." He said.

Time Skip

Mabel is running down the halls, followed by a tired Dipper and (Y/n). "Ahh! It's here it's here it's here!" Mabel shouted, running down the hall. Dipper and (Y/n) sigh. "Okay, so I was just opening random doors - because I'm a creep - when I found something amazing!" Mabel said. "If it was worth waking up at seven AM for, that will be amazing." Dipper said, while rubbing his eyes. "For real." (Y/n) said, also rubbing her eyes. "Feast your eyes!" Mabel opens the door to reveal a closet filled with various types of fireworks in a box labeled "DO NOT TOUCH!" "Whoa!" Dipper and (Y/n) said. Mabel puts a hand on Dipper's shoulder. "Bro. Bro, (N/n), We're all thinking it." Mabel said. "Crazy rooftop fireworks party!" The triplets shouted. Stan marches up to them. "Not so fast, kids! There is no way on earth you're setting off those dangerous, illegal fireworks..." Stan smiles and bends down to put his arms around their shoulders. "...without me." He said. Later, Dipper is grabbing an icy-pop from the cooler. Mabel and (Y/n) are standing excitedly next to Stan, who is sitting on the lounge chair with a lit sparkler and Roman candle. "Here you go, sweetie." Stan lights Mabel's skyrocket with a sparkler. "Set something on fire for your Grunkle Stan." He said. "I AM THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION!" Mabel's skyrocket shoot off. Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland approach the Mystery Shack as the fireworks go off. "Hold on a minute. Do you have a permit for those?" Blubs asked. "Uh..." Dipper said. "Uh, do you have a permit for being totally lame?" Stan asked. He and the triplets laugh. "Heyoooo!" Mabel said. "Nice one, Stan." (Y/n) said. Blubs chuckles. "Well, I can't argue with that." Blubs walks away waving. "Carry on." He said. Stan laughs. "But seriously though we should probably clean this mess up." He said. At the Mystery Shack, there are many small fires around and on it. The rope holding up the flags snaps. "With water balloons?" (Y/n) asked. "I don't see why not." Stan said. Later, Stan is sitting outside on the couch drinking a Pitt Cola, and Dipper is running away from Mabel and (Y/n), who are throwing water balloons at him. Dipper laughs as he runs. He throws a water balloon which goes about a foot before falling on the ground. "Seriously?" He asked. (Y/n) hits him with a water balloon, knocking him back. Mabel runs by, screaming in a tribal-like fashion. "Ah. This is what Saturdays are for. Doing dumb things forever." Stan said. 

"DUMB THINGS FOREVER!" The triplets shouted as they jump onto the pile of water balloons. They land on the water balloons which all pop into a big burst of water. "Whoa, there!" Stan said, as a splash of water comes at him. He laughs. "To Grunkle Stan! Not just a great uncle..." Mabel said, holding up an icy-pop. "The greatest uncle!" Dipper and (Y/n) said. (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel throw water balloons at Stan. Stan laughs. "Alright, alright. I tell you it's unnatural for siblings to get along as well as you do." He said. Mabel waves her hand dismissively. "Ha-ha! Don't worry. We've still got plenty of summer left." She attacks Dipper and (Y/n) in a hug. To drive each other crazy!" She said. (Y/n) pushes Mabel away with a water balloon, which falls on her face, and Dipper chuckles. Stan laughs nervously and frowns. "Yeah, plenty of summer left." He rubs the back of his head nervously as (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel approach him. "Kids, there's something I, uh, something I should tell you. It's um..." Stan scratches his chin. "Well it's complicated. I... I'm gonna go refresh my soda." He walks away. He walks alone behind the bushes. "Enjoy it while you can, Stan. They'll find out sooner or later. Today's the day." He said to himself. A glowing red dot appears on Stan's fez. "What is that, a ladybug?" Stan slaps it. More red dots target Stan. "What the--? Oh no!" Stan shouted. A masked agent pins Stan down. Agent Trigger approaches. "Target secure! Take the house!" He said in his walkie-talkie. Several helicopters fly above the Shack. A confused (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel are surrounded by a handful of agents. "What the-?" Mabel asked. Dipper and (Y/n) gasped. "Kids are secure. Roof team! Go!" An agent said. Several agents rappel out of a helicopter. In the Mystery Shack attic, agents crash in and cock their weapons. "Clear!" Another agent shouted. Another couple agents rush through the gift shop, wielding a bat. Another crashes through a window, using a rope. "Clear!" A third agent shouted. Yet another agent breaks through the triplets' window. Waddles is seen standing in confusion. He squeals when the agent tackles him. "Pig secure! We have secured a pig!" Another shouted. The agents wrap yellow police caution-tape around the shack. Several police cars are parked outside. An agent leads a struggling Stan in handcuffs. "Ugh! Hey, hands off, you stooge!" Stan shouted, while being led to the government vehicle. An agent plants Stan's face on the trunk of the police car. "Aah! I don't understand! What did I do that warrants this much arresting?" Stan asked. The triplets and Agent Powers and Agent Trigger walk up.

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