The Deep End

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"Watch out, Gravity Falls, because at a 110 degrees, we're looking at the hottest day of the summer!" The radio said. A squirrel runs by and erupts into flames. Inside the Mystery Shack, Wax Stan melts, the wallpaper curls and peels off by itself, and water in the fish tank boils due to the heat. (Y/n), Mabel, Dipper, Stan, and Soos are in the living room, having stripped down to their undergarments, not quite enjoying the heat. "All in favor of doing nothing all day say "ugh." Dipper said. "Ugh." (Y/n), Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Soos said. Waddles walks up to Stan. "I'm gonna throw this pig out of the house!" Stan said. Waddles oinks and licks Stan. "You called my bluff, pig." Stan said. "On the bright side, pun very much intended, it's opening week at the Gravity Falls Pool." The voice on the radio said. "Gravity Falls Pool?" Mabel asked. "Today?" Dipper asked. "Pun intended?" (Y/n) asked jokingly. Mabel and Dipper chuckled. "Quick! To the car!" Stan said. Stan tries to get up, but is stuck to the floor. "Hey, kids, a little help here?" He asked. (Y/n), Mabel and Dipper pull out spatulas and attempt to release Stan from the floor. Soos shudders. "Alright! Off to the pool!" Stan shouted. Stan turns around, and reveals that the triplets removed the wood from the floor when breaking him free. "And remember to be on alert for random wildfires!" The voice on the radio said. "Wait, what?" (Y/n) asked. Stan is heard catching on fire. "Aaaah!" "He'll be fine." Mabel said.

Time Skip

"Ah, the pool! A sparkling oasis of summer enchantment!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, nothing like sitting in a moist tub with strangers. It's like the bus, but wet." Stan said. Dipper looks at the towel Soos is holding. "Why would a sun need to wear sunglasses?" He asked. "It's best not to think about it." Soos replied. "Whoa, whoa! Stop the presses! Who's that?" Mabel asked. Mabel looks at a handsome young man whose hair is blowing in the wind. "Oh, yeah. Word is, dude never leaves the pool. People say he's a "Mysterious loner." Soos backs away from Mabel while eating corn chips. "Is it getting hot out here or is it just that guy?" Mabel asked. (Y/n) face palms. "Not again." She said. "It's the hottest day of the year, Mabel. Besides, can't you go for one week without having a new crush on some random guy?" 

Dipper asked. "What do you think, Dipper?" (Y/n) asked her brother sarcastically. "Uh-uh." Mabel gasps. "Look at his little mustache hairs!" She said. "You are clearly enamored. Go to him." Soos said. (Y/n) rolls her eyes as Mabel runs across the pool, but trips across a bucket and stumbles on two men in lawn chairs. "Hey, come on!" "Watch it kid!" They shouted. "Aaah! Oops, sorry." Mabel said, while breaking her leg free from a lawn chair and knocking over a basket of beach balls. "It's so beautiful!" Soos said. "Eh, Mabel's all talk. You wanna know a secret? She's never even kissed a guy before. She always messes it up somehow." (Y/n) said. "Oi. Women." Stan said. A water balloon is thrown in his face. "Aaah!" He said. "Hey, Mr. Pines!" Wendy said. "Hi Wen!" (Y/n) said waving. Wendy smiled and waved back. "Hi (Y/n)!" She said. "Wendy? Where's the lifeguard?" Stan asked. "I am the lifeguard. I make the rules, sucka!" Wendy throws a water balloon at Stan. 

"Boosh!" "Aah! She's attacking me with water!" Stan shouted, (Y/n), Wendy, Soos, and Dipper laugh. "Wow. You work here?" (Y/n) asked. "I found out lifeguards get free snack privileges. Plus I get the best seat in the house." Wendy said. "Yeah, you do!" Dipper laughs, then whispers "I've been laughing for too long..." "Hey Dipper, are you and Wendy having a secret staring contest? 'Cause I think you're winning-" (Y/n) joked. "(Y/n), Shh!" Dipper hissed. "So, hey, you wanna go chuck more water balloons at Grunkle Stan?" Dipper asked. "I'd love to, but I gotta spend the day doing tryouts. We're looking for a new assistant lifeguard." Wendy said. "Hey." Dipper clears his throat. "Hey." He said in a deeper voice. (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "What if I was assistant lifeguard?" Dipper asked. "That would be so much fun! You're totally in, dude!" Wendy throws a rescue can at Dipper; and he catches it. 

"You just have to check in with my boss first, Mr. Poolcheck." He said. (Y/n) snorts. " Mr. Poolcheck?" She asked mockingly. Wendy smiles. "Yup, that's him." She said. "Your boss?" Dipper asked. A masculine man is doing push ups with his index fingers. He turns in Dipper's direction; Dipper gasps. (Y/n) smirks. "Well, good luck with this, Dips. I'm going to check on Mabel and her new boyfriend." She said as she walked away. Dipper rolls his eyes. "Sisters." He grumbled. Mabel bursts out of the water. "Wow! Oh my gosh, how crazy bumping into you here even though we don't know each other!" Mabel said. "How long have you been underwater?" (Y/n) asked. "O- oh! Hi (Y/n)!" Mabel said. "That doesn't matter." Mabel coughs up a band-aid. "So, hey! My name's Mabel. And she's my sister, (Y/n)." Mabel said. "Hola." He greeted. "Whoa! Are you Australian?" Mabel asked. He laughs.

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