Little Gift Shop of Horrors

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At night at the Mystery Shack, a person walks up to the door, and Stan answers it. "Hello, hello there, traveler. I see your car broke down on this lonesome country road. A place so remote, that NO ONE CAN HEAR YOUR SCREAMS!" Stan said. The the person backs away. "Pretend I didn't say that. Come in, come in, but be warned: if you enter, you may be subjected to my tales... TALES DESIGNED TO SELL MY MERCHANDISE!" Stan shouted. He laughs maniacally. "Sorry, I was thinking of somethin' funny I heard earlier." He said.

Time Skip

Stan lights a lantern. "You've come to the Mystery Shack after hours. A time when the most cursed objects are for sale! Like that thing! There..." he gestures to a lump of random body parts that are groaning. "Nope? Not a fan? Too many orifices? Alright, I can tell what you're looking for is this," he pulls a hand out of a chest. "Disembodied hand! Why is it so expensive? Well, that's quite a tale. And it's called HANDS OFF! No seriously, hands off." He takes a glowing reptilian eye from the person. "That's not for sale. Alright, HANDS OFF!!


Stan is with (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel at a Swap Meet. "Swap meet, swap meet, swap meet! Look at all these priceless treasures! Bobbly heads!" Mabel tuns over to the bobbly heads and flicks them. "They agree with everything I say." She said. Dipper puts on glasses. "Professor glasses! They make me look like a genius!" He turns around and crashes into the glasses rack. "You were saying?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk. "Yeah, yeah." Dipper said. Stan is looking at watches. "Look at these faux-gold beauties! They're mob boss quality!" He sees the Hand Witch and turns to (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel. "Okay, kids. Prepare to watch the delicate art of the deal. Hey Hagface! How much for the junk watches?" He asked. "They are not for sale! NOT FOR YOU, STAN PINES! THE WIND WHISPERS YOUR NAME!" She shouted. 

"Shush, you guys!" Tyler said to the chimes. "Alright, I get it, you're creepy. Anyway, less talky, more watchy." Stan puts down his money and takes a watch. The witch grabs his arm. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WAAATCHH!!" She shouted. "AAH!" Stan pulls away. "YEESH! Freak show!" He and the triplets walk away. "Wow. Someone needs to work on their social skills." Mabel said. "And their observation skills." Stan shows them his wrist, which has the watch on it. "BOOM! Good job, heisting hands." He kisses them. "Grunkle Stan, are you seriously shoplifting from a witch? That sounded like a curse." Dipper said. "Yeah, I agree with Dipper. Stealing from a witch is basically asking to get cursed." (Y/n) said. "That sounded like a curse! Yeah, I agree! Stealing from a witch is asking to get cursed!" Stan mocked the two. "Hey, anyone want to buy some wet blankets? We got wet blanket for sale!" Stan said. Everyone but Dipper and (Y/n) laugh. Meanwhile Toby Determined was at the wet blanket booth. "I can't survive in this market..." he said.

Time Skip

"Hah! Curse? Yeah, right." Stan sees himself in the mirror. "AAH! Wait, is this curse-ugly or just normal ugly? Heh. Looks like I got off scot-free" Stan holds up arms, but he has no hands. Later, Stan is bringing the kids a pan, with oven mitts over his arms. "Alright kiddos, breakfast time. Prepare your mouths for-" he drops the pan and the mitts slip off. Mabel screams. "NO HANDS! GRUNKLE STAN! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HANDS??" Mabel asked. "So I might have got cursed a little. But the watch looks nice, right?" Stan asked. The witch appears in the watch. "Foolish man! Thieving hands find wicked face! You must return what isn't yours..." she said. Stan puts the mitt back on with his mouth, muffling her speech. "That's better." He said. "We told you, Grunkle Stan. You gotta give that watch back and apologize." (Y/n) said. "What? That old crone should apologize to me for denying my right to buy cheap junk. I don't need hands. 

I've got self-respect!" Stan tries to pick up coffee but drops it. He slaps the fork, which flings bacon at his face. "Mabel, sweetie, will you make your uncle some hands?" He asked. Mabel puts plastic cups with forks taped to them on Stan's arms and starts singing. "Lalala... Hands makeover!" She puts glitter on them. "Say hello to your new hands! In quotes." She said. "Nice work, kid!" Stan pats her on the head but pulls out some of her hair. "See, hands are overrated. I'm ready to take on the day." He waves as Lazy Susan walks by. "Ma'am." She screams. Later, at bowling alley, Stan tries to throw a ball but trips the woman behind him, who throws up a bowling ball, which crashes a TV. Then Stan goes to the market. "Hey, Mr. Pines. Should we play "Toss me a dozen eggs" like we always do?" Jimmy asked. "No, Jimmy, wait, not today!" Stan shouted. Jimmy throws them anyway. "NOT TODAAAY!" Stan gets pelted by eggs. "Let's find that witch." He said.

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