The Time Traveler's Pig

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"There she is, girls; the cheapest fair money can rent. I spared every expense." Stan said. Dipper is suddenly heard screaming, then he comes falling down in a broken tram cart. "I think the sky tram is broken. Also, most of my bones." Dipper said. Stan laughs. "Ha ha, this guy. Alright, alright. I got a job for you three." He pulls out a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates with an A+ on them. "I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit." He hands them to Dipper, who gives some to Mabel and (Y/n). "Grunkle Stan, is that legal?" (Y/n) asked. "When there's no cops around, anything's legal! Soos, how's that dunk tank coming along?" Stan asked. Soos is using a blowtorch on the handle of a dunk tank. "Almost ready to go, Mr. Pines." Stan knocks on the target and the seat barely moves. "Ha, you got it rigged from here to Timbuktu! There's nothing on Earth that could knock me down!" He said. "Yeah, except for like a futuristic laser arm cannon." Soos said. 

"Ah. Hey, you haven't seen my red screwdriver, have ya? Darn thing went missing." Stan digs around in the toolbox. "Maybe some magical creature or paranormal thing-um took it." Soos said. "Oi! You've been spending too much time with those kids." Stan keeps digging in toolbox and mumbling. "Alright, let's see where'd I put that thing." He said. "The mission is proceeding as planned. Over." Blendin said. He uses Stan's red screwdriver to fix his camouflage suit, then walks away. "It's 12 o' clock! The Dunk Tank is now open!" Stan says through a  megaphone. Everyone  covers their ears as the megaphone screeches. "Step right up, and dunk me folks!" Stan points to a tourist eating a pretzel. "I'm talking to you, Cut-offs!" He shouted. Everyone is gathered in front of Stan's dunk tank. "That's right! Muffin-Top, High-Pants! Who wants a piece of me?" Stan asked. People throw balls at the dunk tank, but fail to knock down Stan. "Ahahahaha! Come back anytime, folks! Ahahahaha!" Stan laughs.

Dipper is eating a corn dog shaped like question mark. "How do they get them into this shape? It's unnatural." He asked Wendy. "But Dipper, they're so..." Wendy holds up the corn dog to the end of the sign that says "DELICIOUS" "delicious?" She joked. The two laugh. Mustard drips on Wendy. "Aw, boo! I'll be right back." She gets up and walks away. "I'll be right here! Haha! I love you!" He whispers the last part. (Y/n) and Mabel walk over and Mabel has cotton candy sticks. "Look at you two! Getting all romantic at the fair!" (Y/n) teases playfully. "Eh, it's no big deal." Dipper said. "Yeah, it is!" Mabel said. "Okay, you're right, it is! Isn't this amazing? I just dove in! I said, "Hey! You wanna hang out at the fair?" And you know what she said? "Yeah, I guess so!" It totally worked! All your advice about just going for it, it's finally paying off!" Dipper said. "When are you gonna learn, Dipper? I'm always right about everything! 

Hey, do you smell a gallon of body spray?" Mabel asked. Robbie walks up. "Hey, have any of you dorks seen Wendy around?" He asked. "Who wants to know?" Dipper asked. Robbie takes some of Mabel's cotton candy. "Hey!" She shouted. "Rude!" (Y/n) added. "Yeah, I got some new super tight jeans.  Thought she might want to check 'em out." He said. "Yeah! You know, I think I saw her in the Bottomless Pit. You should really go jump in there." Dipper said, and (Y/n) snickered. "Maybe I will, smart guy." Robbie bumps Dipper on his way and shoves (Y/n). "Hey!" She shouted. "He is such a jerk." Mabel said. "Agreed." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, but he's a jerk with tight pants and a guitar. I need to keep him away from Wendy at all costs." Dipper said. "We'll be there with you, brother. Whatever happens, we'll be right here, supporting you every step of the- OH MY GOD, A PIG!!" Mabel runs frantically and bumps several people on the way to the pigpen.

"Well, one of us will." (Y/n) said, frowning slightly at Mabel. "If'n you can guess the critter's weight, you can take the critter home!" The man said. Mabel looks at all the pigs, then sees 15-Poundy. He oinks the word "Mabel" Mabel gasps. "He said "Mabel"! Either that or "doorbell." Did you say "Mabel" or "doorbell"?" She asked the pig. The pig oinks "Mabel" again. "Ooooooooooohhhhh!!!" Mabel squealed. "Oh look! Mabel found one of her real triplets." Pacifica laughs and walks away. "Pacifica!" Mabel whispers. "Sir, I must have that pig!" Mabel said. "Ah, old 15-Poundy! So, how much you guessin' he weighs?" The man asked. "Um, 15 pounds?" Mabel asked. "Are you some kind of witch? Well, here's your pig." He gives Mabel 15-Poundy. The crowd claps for Mabel. The man, Sprott,  gives Mabel a fork and knife. "And you'll be needin' these." Mabel glares at Sprott. "Nope? Well, suit yourself!" He said. Mabel hugs 15-Poundy. "Everything is different now." 

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