Boss Mabel

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(Y/n), Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Waddles are watching Cash Wheel. Mabel and Waddles are eating Chipackerz. "Ladies and gentlemen, we now return to Cash Wheel! Sponsored by Announcer Chipackerz, the chip flavored crackers!" The announcer said. "But they taste just like chips!" Mabel said before eating a cracker. The contestant spins the wheel and lands on "cash shower" "Congratulations! You're taking a..." the announcer began. "Cash shower!" Stan along with the announcer said. Money starts falling down on the man in the middle. When the other two contestants try to take some money, he slaps and punches them away. "I like that guy's style." Stan said. "Of course you do." (Y/n) smirked. "Mr. Pines! We got tourists at 9 o'clock! A whole busload of 'em!" Soos said. A bus pulls up and tourists start to get out. "Hot tamales, it's a jackpot! Soos! Make some new attractions!" Stan said. "You got it, boss!" Soos glued a wolf head onto a chicken. "Wendy! Mark up those prices! The higher the better!" Stan shouted. Wendy sighs and puts a 0 behind a $2 price tag, making it $20. "Higher! Bleed 'em dry!" Stan shouted. Wendy puts another 0, making it $200. "Eesh, Grunkle Stan. It's like when you look at tourists, all you see are wallets with legs." Dipper said. "That's because he does." (Y/n) said.

"That's not true." Stan said, then looks out the window and sees a family as wallets with legs. "Thanks for taking me to the Mystery Shack, daddy." A boy wallet said. "Ha ha! Now don't spend yourself all in one place." His dad said. Another wallet man comes out of a car. "I'm feeling carsick..." he groans, then vomits pennies. "Clean-up on the front lawn!" Stan shouted to Dipper. He sighs, then picks up a bucket of water and a mop and heads outside. A boy puts a penny inside a penny press. A small card that says "Thanks for the penny! -Stan" comes out. The boy sighs. Stan leads a tour around the Mystery Shack. "Ladies and gentle-tourists! Looking around my Mystery Shack, you will see many wondrous roadside attractions. Be amazed at the only known photo of a horse riding another horse!" He points to a picture of a horse riding another horse, and many tourists take pictures and mutter, interested. That's-That's pretty good!" Tourists take pictures. "Be astounded by the horrible, pre-teen wolf boy!" He pulls a curtain revealing Dipper with hair glued to his legs and fake wolf ears and teeth. "Oh! Oh, look at him! All that hair! His body's changing, ah!" Stan said. Dipper takes out his fake wolf teeth. "Grunkle Stan, this is demeaning." He said. "What? I don't know "de meaning" of that word!" He and the tourists laugh at his joke. "If you throw money at him, he dances." Stan said. The tourists cheer and begin to throw money at Dipper, and he makes an attempt to dance. Stan catches money with a jar. "Ha ha ha! Ooh! Thank you!" Stan said. Meanwhile Mabel and (Y/n) are selling bumper stickers in the gift shop.

"Behold! Mystery Shack bumper stickers! You can stick 'em on your bumper, or over your husband's mouth. Am I right, ladies? She knows what I'm talking about!" Mabel said, causing (Y/n) to snicker. "Oh! You are bad! How much?" The women asked. "Hey, it's on the house. "That's the Mabel difference! Thanks for visiting!" Mabel said. "Mabel!" (Y/n) scolded. "What?!" Stan appears behind a cardboard cutout of himself. "What the heck do you think you're doing?" He asked. "Business! Ching ching ching!" Mabel presses buttons on the cash register. "Mabel, it's not a business if you give it away for free." (Y/n) pointed out. "Huh?" Mabel asked. "Your sister's right, kid. You're off of register duty!" Stan shouted. "But, but-" Mabel protested. "No buts except yours out the door. Now shut your yap and get to work!" Stan shouted. "Grunkle Stan, whatever happened to "please" and 

"thank you"? Hmm? Oh wait. Here they are!" Mabel takes out a bag of stickers and puts two stickers that say "Please" and "Thank you" on Stan's face. "Wop wop!" She chuckles. "Ugh. "Please" never made me any money, kid." He puts the "Please" sticker on the back of the cash register "In fact, just saying the word is giving me a burning sensation." He said. Stan slaps the "Thank you" sticker on Soos' back as he sweeps by. Soon after that, Dipper comes in. "Grunkle Stan, why do I have to wear this wolf costume? I think I'm getting hookworm." Dipper said. Stan laughs. "Yep. Gluing dog hair to your body will do that." He said. "You've got all these dumb, fake exhibits in the Shack. Meanwhile, (Y/n) and I have seen actual, amazing things in the forest every day! What if you hunted down a real attraction instead of lying to people for a living?" Dipper asked. "And you should be nicer to your employees, too!" Mabel shouted. "Yeah!" Dipper said. He and Mabel high five. Stan sighs. "Look, you guys got a problem with how I run the Shack, take it up with the complaints department." Stan holds up a trash can. "Zing." He said. "I am going to write them such a letter!" Mabel starts writing a letter, covering what she's writing with her arm.

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