Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality

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(F/n) = Fake Name (aka, you can make your own name for Mabel's version of (Y/n))
(B/fn) = your best friend's name

"Mabel! Mabel! Okay guys, Bill has kidnapped (Y/n) and taken over the town and if his weirdness spreads he's gonna take over the whole world. Our first step to stopping him is rescuing Mabel, but he's got her trapped in this strange prison bubble." Dipper said. "What is this place anyway?" Wendy asked. The ground starts cracking with rainbow-colored fractures; Soos, Dipper and Wendy scream as they fall. "Guys, if I die, I wanna die hugging" Soos grabs Dipper and Wendy in a hug. "Soos, you're choking me." Dipper said. "Let my body be your shield!" Soos said. They continued screaming until the three land on a bouncy-house. "Huh? Is the entire ground a bouncy castle?" Dipper asked. "Do you hear 80's music?" Wendy asked. "And does the air smell like childlike wonder?" Soos asked. Dipper, Wendy and Soos look out at Mabeland. "Whoa." They said. "This is Mabel's prison?" Dipper asked. "Yes. Definitely. Absolutely." A random boy said, holding up Mabel's letter with every box checked, excitedly. "It's fun-o'clock everyone. Today's weather calls for rainbows with a chance of dance parties. If you are the owner of a unicorn with a top hat, please come to the ice cream beach. Your unicorn is being towed." An announcer said. "What is this new world? Shining, shimmering, splendid." Soos said. 

A pineapple runs screaming as Xyler and Craz drive up and almost run it over while a hippopotamus jumps through a nearby window. "Welcome to Mabeland." Craz said. "And this is worse than the apocalypse." Dipper said. "Dude, this place hurts my eyes." Wendy said. "Oh that's normal. Mabeland's rainbows have colors only bees and art students can see. Now who wants to go on the grand tour?" Xyler asked. "Do we have a choice?" Dipper asked. "No!" Xyler and Craz said. They begin driving with Dipper, Soos and Wendy in the car. "Mabeland is the ultimate paradise and the only rule: there are no rules." Xyler said. "Except for one rule which is very serious. But no one would ever break it, so it's not worth mentioning." Craz said. "Yeah!" Xyler and Craz said. "Listen creepy dream guys, we're not here to party, okay? We just need to find Mabel and get her out of here. Where is she?" Dipper asked. "Our home girl Mabel lives at our next stop." Craz said. The car crashes through a building, hits a fire hydrant, and skids through the street. "No rules!" Xyler said. They arrive at a beach. "Now, come have rad snacks served by awesome penguins." Xyler said. Penguins walk up with trays full of food and drinks. Wendy takes a drink. "Oh, score! I'm so hungry." She said. Soos takes a drink too. "Yeah, I haven't eaten anything except for part of my hat for the last three days." He said. Soos and Wendy clink cups. "Hah!" Wendy said. "Can you guys just hold on a second? 

Do you see what's happening here? Don't forget this world was created by Bill." Dipper slaps Soos' drink away as he is about to drink from it. "That punch is probably blood! And that glitter rain," a cloud of glitter appears over him. "Is probably ground up bones, or babies, or something." Dipper collects some glitter in his hand and drops it. "Bill's using Mabel's own fantasies as some sick trap. We need to grab Mabel and get the heck out of here." "Oh, Mabel? She's at the top of the tallest tower guarded by those big buff waffle guards." Craz said. "There's no way to get past them!" Xyler said. "Someone hand me some syrup." Soos jumps on a guard from behind and starts to eat him. "Aaah! It's happening! The moment we've trained for!" A guard shouted. "Oh, don't worry, man! I've got ya-" a second guard screams as his face is punched out by Wendy. "It's now or never, guys!" Wendy shouted. Dipper, Soos and Wendy punch open the doors. "This is a rescue! Everyone hit the deck!" Dipper shouted. Soos picks up one of the animals and throws it, then follows Dipper and Wendy up the stairs. "Hang in there, Mabel!" He said. Dipper, Soos and Wendy burst through the doors to the bedroom. "There she is! Soos! Grab her! Wendy, barricade the door!" Dipper said. Soos picks up Mabel, who is sleeping. "Up you go, little lady." He said. Mabel wakes up. "Soos? Wendy? Dipper?" She asked. "The waffles are coming back! We gotta hurry!" Wendy said, as swords are being poked through the door. "Uh, guys?" Mabel asked. "Don't worry, Mabel, we'll get you out of this!" Dipper said. "But, Dipper!" Mabel claps twice and lifts everything in front of the door off the ground. She puts everything down in order and seats Dipper, Soos and Wendy on some chairs - the guards come in and point their spears at them; she claps and they stop.

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