Gideon Rises

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A dark shadow covers the entire town all the way to the Mystery Shack. A wrecking ball destroys the Mystery Shack, releasing blue fumes before shortly disappeared. Dipper suddenly wakes up, screams while being sweaty, breathes heavily and sighs. "I just had a horrible dream that Gideon stole the deed to the Mystery Shack, and kicked us out, and... we all had to move in with Soos' grandma?" Dipper asked. "That wasn't a dream, Dipper." (Y/n) said. Dipper screams, and everyone else wakes up. Abuelita turns on the lights. "Shh. Por favor." She said. "Uh, sorry, Abuelita." Dipper said. "Oh, Soos, your grandma is so adorable! And her skin is old lady soft." Mabel touches her skin. "Haaaahhh!" "Mabel, quit being creepy! The news is finally on." Stan said. "In a movement that has all of Gravity Falls buzzing, child psychic Gideon Gleeful." The tv shows a picture of a winking Gideon surrounded by a litter of playful puppies. "Has taken surprise ownership of the Mystery Shack, previously belonging to area shyster, Stanford Pines." The tv shows a picture of Stan in a devil costume surrounded by fire. 

"That picture's taken out of context." Stan said. "Now that you have the shack, what exactly are you planning to do with it?" Shandra asked. "I have a big announcement to make today, and I'd like to cordially invite all the good people of Gravity Falls to join me. Free admission to anyone who wears their Gideon pins! It's my face!" Gideon winks. "I just can't believe Gideon beat us. Normally I'm able to save the day. This is all my fault." Dipper said. "Don't blame yourself, Dipper. This isn't your fault." (Y/n) said. "Don't worry, guys. Looks like Mabel's going to have to be the hero of the family now. I'll defeat Gideon with my grappling hook!" Mabel said. "Mabel, no offense, but that grappling hook has literally never helped us once." (Y/n) pointed out. "Oh yeah? Jelly grab!" Mabel shoots her grappling hook at a jar of jelly, causing it to break and splatter jelly on the walls, a painting, porcelain angels, a cupboard, a sofa and half of Abuelita's body. "I vacuum the walls now." She starts vacuuming the wall. "So you lost the Shack. Look on the bright side, dudes! Now you get to live here with me, Soos! Hey, anyone want to play race cars? They're out of batteries but we can make pretend." Soos said. Soos spits out two pieces of food on his belly. "Would that be a new low if I ate that? Haha I'm just kidding, I'm totally eating it!" Soos eats a piece of food from his belly. "We gotta get the Shack back." (Y/n) said.

Time Skip

"Hello, Gravity Falls!" Gideon said. "Gideon is the psychic-est. He guessed the secret ingredient to my coffee omelette!" Lazy Susan said. "Somehow he knew about my horrifying secret birthmark!" Toby Determined said. "I love that child psychic so much!" Manly Dan squeezes Blubs and Durland. "You're chokin' me!" Sheriff Blubs said. "Grandma, is that you?" Deputy Durland said, as he was turning purple. The Pines and Soos are in their disguises. "We're in." Dipper said. "Just wanna say, don't know what we're doing here, but I am loving these fake mustaches." Mabel said. "If anyone asks, I'm not Soos." Soos points to his hat that says "Not Soos" "Ladies and gentlemen! Today I am delighted to announce my new plans for the former Mystery Shack. I give you... Gideonland!" Gideon said. "What?!" The Pines and Soos asked. "We are gonna turn this dirty ol' shack into three square miles of Gideon-tertainment. And introducin' our new mascot, Lil' Gideon Jr.!" Gideon said. Bud Gleeful pulls off a cloak to reveal Waddles in a Gideon costume. "Boom, he's a pig!" Gideon said. "Waddles! You monster!" Mabel said. This angered (Y/n). "All right, that's it!" She pulls off her disguise. The Pines push their way into the crowd and run up the stage. "Listen up, people. Gideon's a fraud! This kid broke in and stole my property!" Stan shouted. "Arrest him, officers!" Mabel shouted. "Yeah!" Dipper shouted.

"Such accusations! Mr. Pines, I recall you gave the property to me. Look, here's the deed right here!" He pulls the deed out of his shirt. "Well that's all the proof I need to see." Blubs said. "I love you, Lil' Gideon! Sing them funny songs!" Durland said. Gideon is with two burly guards. Gideon snaps his fingers, and the guards get ready to kick the Pines off the stage. The first grabs a hold of Mabel and (Y/n). "Hey!" Mabel shouted. "Let us go!" (Y/n) shouted. Dipper and Stan are grabbed by the two guards. "Now get off my property, old man!" Gideon slaps a Gideon pin on Stan. "I'll show you who's the old man!" His hearing aid acts up. "Ow, my hearing aid! Ow!" Stan shouted. The Pines get carried off the stage by the guards. "Thanks for visiting Gideonland, friends! Don't come back, I don't care for y'all." Gideon said. 

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