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After the winter break, it was time for practicals for the 11th and 12th. Saaifa was studying 11th Biology and maths. She had to present her assignment. However, she was unable to submit the assignment on time. As a result, she had to wait back with some of the 12th-grade students who didn't finish their assignments. Among the 12 graders, Alex was her best buddy. He is an Introvert, they text a lot but infrequently talk in school.

"Hey, Alex, you are staying right?" asked Saaifa.

"Uh- Yeah," said Alex, scratching his neck.

"Alright, after finishing, can we walk back home together? asked Saaifa.

"Yeah, sure," said Alex. They both stayed back and completed their assignments. Alex soon finished the assignment, submitted it, and prepared to leave. Saaifa was printing her assignment with Egen, who was another 12th grader. She got a call from her mom,

"What is mom?" asked Saaifa.

"I'm going to the hospital, your sisters are at home, come home early, alright?" asked her mom.

"Ok Mom, I'll try heading home early," said Saaifa, ending the call. She was in a rush. she printed her assignment.

"Hey, stay with me, We will submit it together if you don't mind," requested Egen.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go," apologized Saaifa. She proceeded to the class where the maths teacher was. She went to the class, and she noticed her teacher standing near the window.

"Sir, can I keep the assignment on the table?" asked Saaifa. 

"Come here and give it to me," said the maths teacher. She saw his gaze and she understood that he wasn't in his proper mind.

"Sorry sir, But I can't do that, I'll leave it on the table," said Saaifa. 

"Oh, saaifa, you are a very bright student, so if you don't want to lose your marks, come here," said the maths teacher. She had no choice but to go closer to the teacher, When she offered her assignment to him, he attempted to touch her inappropriately, but she safeguarded herself and ran away, but the teacher grabbed her in the corridor and tried touching her inappropriately, she defended herself but failed to. Egen saw this and froze, he didn't know what to do. Alex, who was coming from the washroom saw what was happening and was taken aback, he ran and protected her and punched the teacher and the teacher fainted. 

"Are you okay?" Alex checked on Saaifa if she had any injuries he noticed that her clothes were torn, and he immediately removed his black hoodie and gave it to her.

"Here, change into this," said Alex. Saaifa headed to the restroom to get changed, and when she reciprocated she saw an officer with Alex, Egen and her maths teacher. she saw The officer handcuff her maths and was questioning Alex and Egen. When she came near Alex, 

"If you don't mind can you explain to me what happened?" The Officer questioned Saaifa. 

"Alright, We will take care of this, you don't have to worry anymore," said the officer. 

 the officer left them with the maths teacher. Saaifa got a call from her mom. 

"Yes Mom," said Saaifa.

"I dropped your sister at your aunty's house, It's pretty late, you have the keys right?" asked her mom.

"Yes Mom," said Saaifa.

"Then stay in the home, alright?"  asked her mom,

"Ok, Mom," said Saaifa.

"Alright sweety, take care, love you," said her mom.

"You too Mom, I love you too," said Saaifa, ending the call.

"Hey, I'm pretty hungry, why don't we stop by a restaurant?" asked Alex.

"Yeah, sure," Said Saaifa. They had their dinner in a restaurant.

"Saaifa, If you don't mind," said Alex looking at her.

"If I don't mind?" asked Saaifa, raising her brows.

"Can we go to the amusement park?" asked Alex. Saifa was surprised to hear that from Alex because he doesn't like noisy places. 

"Yep, sure!" she agreed to it because it was one of her favourite places. they both had so much fun. It was pretty late, so they chose to go home, Alex and Saifa are neighbours, and when Alex rang his doorbell no one answered the door.

"Mom, You aren't home?" asked Alex, he called his mom.

"Sorry, dear There was an emergency, So I'm at the office, I will be late, you stay in Saaifa's home for today, ok dear?" asked his mom.

"Alright," said Alex, cutting the call. Alex rang Saaifa's doorbell.

"Yea?" asked Saaifa looking at Alex.

"Well, my mom isn't home and I don't have the keys, so she asked me to stay here for tonight," said Alex.

"Yeah, sure, you can," said Saaifa. As they both are alone for the first time in her home it was very awkward for them. 

"Wanna, play games?" asked Saaifa.

"Yeah, sure, Why not?" asked Alex. They played some games and watched some films. Saifa was sleepy, she slanted and dozed on His shoulders, Alex turned off the television and carried her to her room, he made her lay on her bed comfortably and he was staring at her sleeping. Alex then turned off the lights and walked to the guest room, as he was very tired he slept.

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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