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Alex and Joshua were astonished when they heard the voice.

"Saaifa?" asked Alex, walking towards her.

"Yep, it's me," said Saaifa smiling.

"It was your trap wasn't it?" asked Joshua.

"Yes, I did plan it, But you guys should know why," said Saaifa walking towards the table.

"Wow, This place is awesome, but why does it look like you are planning something," asked Alex.

"Well yes, I'm planning something. Joshua. Alex, we should be serious about this matter," said Saaifa.

"Something wrong?" asked Joshua.

"Yes," Said Saaifa with a sigh.

"What is it?" asked Alex, looking concerned.

"He is out," said Saaifa.

"Who?" asked Joshua and Alex.

"He was released yesterday, it seems," said Saifa giving them a photo.

"Ezra?" asked Joshua and Alex, shocked.

"Yea, he is out and he will start hunting us," said Saaifa.

"he is common for us three? I thought it was only me," said Joshua.

"No, it's all of us in here," said Saaifa.

"But why did you do this?" asked Alex.

"Just a sneak peek of what he will do," said Saaifa.

"Who found out about the photo sequence?" asked Saaifa.

"It was Alex," said Joshua.

"That's great," said Saaifa.

"But, I thought, you hate puzzles," said Saaifa.

"Well, I had to find you," said Alex.

"He will make it harder," said Saaifa.

"You got a plan and that's why you bought us here," said Joshua.

"That's right, I got a plan," said Saaifa. They discussed the plan.

"Woah, Your plan is," said Alex.

"Is great," completed Joshua.

"Thank you," said Saaifa smiling.

"Take the papers, we will go home," Said Joshua.

"No, Ezra knows every place where we go except for this basement, so my papers will be here," said Saaifa.

"Smart," said Alex.

"Thank you," said Saaifa.

"So, you are actually ready for him," said Alex.

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