-After an hour-

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-After an hour-

"Docter, how is he?" asked Joshua looking at Alex who was on the bed lying lifeless.

"He is completely fine, but he should rest for at least 2 weeks, then only the wounds would completely heal," said the doctor.

"Alright doctor," said Joshua.

"Please take good care," said the doctor,

"Sure, doctor," said Joshua, the doctor left. Joshua sighed and sat on the couch near the bed and closed his eyes,

"Why now?" he thought rubbing his face,

"Oh my god, what happened to him?" asked Ezra entering the room, Joshua's face stiffened after seeing him,

"You already started losing your loved ones?" asked Ezra, laughing like a psychopath.

"How come, you look alright? I actually kept it for you, but poor kid," said Ezra looking at Alex.

"You bet me? Who do you think I'm?" asked Ezra pulling Joshua's hair so that he could see his eyes,

"What made you think I fear you? you are just a small kid, so just behave like one," said Ezra leaving Joshua and walking to the door,

"Get the sign from him and get to my office tomorrow," said Ezra walking out, Joshua groaned and punched the sofa, he dialled someone's number,

"I'm sending you a number, track the number and tell me when and where it was last active," said Joshua and ended the call without waiting for a response, he went to the washroom and washed his face. When he came out he saw Alex sitting and looking around,

"What happened?" asked Alex looking around,

"It was an accident," said Joshua.

"How are you feeling?" asked Joshua.

"I'm completely fine," said Alex smiling.

"But you have to stay here for 2 weeks, the doctor said so," said Joshua pouring some water on the glass and giving it to Alex.

"Two weeks, for real?" asked Alex, Joshua nodded his head.

"Saaifa?" asked Alex looking concerned.

"She is fine, don't worry," said Joshua looking away.

"you found her?" asked Alex, Joshua shook his head no. Alex sighed and looked down, Joshua's phone rang.

-On the phone-

Joshua: Yes?

Henry: Sir, ma'am's phone was last active 2 hours ago, near the Hotel where you are staying.

Joshua: near the hotel?

Henry: yes, sir.

Joshua: Alright, make team 1 search all over the area, without missing a place, if they find out even a small clue, call me.

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