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Next Morning

Saaifa was sleeping peacefully until she felt something on the bed, she turned to the other side to see Joshua sitting and smiling at her.

"Good Morning princess!" he wished her.

"What is the time?" she asked while rubbing her eyes.

"It's 6:45 am," he said with a smile.

Saaifa groaned, "Why did you wake me up this early?" she asked lying back on the bed.

"You have school right?" he asked while getting up and wearing his coat,

"Oh shit!" she cursed and got up instantly.

"Don't worry princess, You are home-schooled," he said with a grin.

"What!? home-schooled??" she asked while widening her eyes.

"Yes princess, you are not allowed to go out, you are home-schooled, and you have access to everything in this home except for your phone," he said with a smile while brushing her hair.

"Joshua, you serious!?" she asked.

"Yes princess, I'm afraid you'll leave me," he said while tucking her hair behind the ear.

"For real??" she asked again in disbelief, he just nodded yes.

"Do whatever you want," she said and stomped towards the bathroom, he chuckled at her actions. She freshened up, went down the stairs and walked to the kitchen. She saw Joshua cooking, "He didn't even change a bit, he got hotter and more handsome bruh," she thought to herself and sat at the dining table.

"Why am I thinking the same tink again and again? something is seriously wrong with me," she thought.

"Hey, I wanna say you something," he said while placing the plates on the table,

"What is it?" she asked curiously,

"I'm sorry," he said feeling guilty,

"For what?" she asked with her bows raised,

"Your parents--" she cut him off,

"Joshua, you know very well that they never cared for me the only good thing they did for me was they gave birth to me, kept me safe and sheltered me for 9 years, they did nothing else, they never cared for me, I spend the whole day in your home and I go home late they never said a thing to me, the deal was you never saw them and I'm not sad about their death, According to me, Mr and Mrs Noah are my parents and I'm Saaifa Noah, got it? she asked with a serious tone.

"Y-yea, I understand and aren't you angry that I left you without saying a word?" he asked.

"Yea, I was furious for 10 years, yesterday when I saw you I thought of beating the shit out of you, but Mom and Dad don't know about us, not even Alex knows about you, well he knows you as a killer," she said in the scariest tone.

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