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Saaifa ran out and took a cab to the hospital. In the hospital, she asked the nurses for the room number and rushed in. She saw Joshua sleeping on the couch. She slowly walked towards him.

"Joshua," said Saaifa waking him up. Joshua widened his eyes. he covered her mouth and shushed her. He turned off the Microphone and turned to Saaifa.

"What is that?" asked Saaifa walking towards him.

"That's not important now," said Joshua pulling Saaifa into his arms.

"I missed you," said Saaifa hugging him tightly.

"I missed you more," said Joshua pulling her closer.

"But, why are you in the Hos-" Joshua snubbed Saaifa, by kissing her. She smiled and kissed him back. Joshua broke the kiss and joined their foreheads.

"Alex, He is seriously injured, he was admitted here," whispered Joshua.

"Then what is he doing there?" asked Saaifa moving away from Joshua.

"He made the plan, and he insisted that he would go there," Joshua tried explaining to her.

"Joshua, are you serious?" asked Saaifa, disappointed. Before Joshua could speak, there was a knock on the door, and both of them widened their eyes.

"Quick, go to the washroom," said Joshua and opened the door. Henry and Alex were standing. Joshua helped Heny carry Alex to the bed.

"Sir, Issac is with us," said Henry.

"Alright," said Joshua nodding, Henry bowed and walked out. Saaifa walked out and saw Alex lying on the bed.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Saaifa, rushing towards him.

"He is fine, He is really strong, don't worry about him," said Joshua looking at Alex. Saaifa removed Alex's Jacket and the T-shirt.

"First-Aid Kit?" asked Saaifa. Joshua passed her the kit. Saaifa did the first aid for Alex, she wiped her tears and sighed.

"Will he be fine?" asked Saaifa tearing up again.

"Yes baby, of course," said Joshua back hugging her.

"But, you shouldn't have let him do it," said Saaifa, pushing Joshua.

"Hey, I did tell him, but he didn't listen to me, He was really adamant about doing it," said Joshua.

"No, but still-,"

"He is going to do something more dangerous," said Alex.

"Alex?" They both saw him sitting on the bed.

"I'm fine, But, Saaifa, There is a possibility that either of us will die," said Alex, walking towards the couch.

"What do you mean?" asked Saaifa surprised.

"That means, one of us will die," said Alex wearing his hoodie.

"I understand that, but why?" asked Saaifa looking at both of them.

"We can do nothing about, it," said Alex looking at Joshua.

"Your guy is ready to lose his life for you," said Alex smiling at Joshua.

Joshua widened his eyes.

"Why did you tell her?" growled Joshua. he jumped on Alex.

"Ahh!! that freaking hurts," said Alex laughing.

"Dude, are you serious? why did you tell?" asked Joshua squeezing Alex.

"Come on, she should know," Alex managed to tell, they both were giggling and playing. Saaifa was astonished to see the scenario in front of her, she couldn't digest what Alex said.

"What you said is really, true?" asked Saaifa. Alex pushed Joshua to the side and nodded.

"Y-you W-will die?" asked Saaifa looking at Joshua.

"Depends. It might be him or else me, don't worry I won't leave you that fast," said Joshua hugging Saaifa.

"What is the plan?" asked Saaifa looking at them both. Alex smiled and narrated the plan.

"Are you guys serious?" asked Saaifa. they both smiled and nodded.

"Why? you like her?" asked Alex smirking at Joshua.

"Of course not, she was literally falling in love with you," said Saaifa, getting goose-bumps in disgust.

"She likes me?" asked Alex looking at Joshua and then at Saaifa while laughing. Saaifa rolled her eyes.

"Ok, I'm sleepy, tomorrow we are going to do it," said Alex looking at Joshua.

"Alright," said said Joshua.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" asked Saaifa.

"Wait and Watch," said Alex winking at her.

"You take the bed, we both will sleep down and this time, I will kick your ass if you go up in the middle of the night, said Alex glaring at Joshua.

"Ok, I won't," said Joshua. Saaifa smiled at them both.

"I'm turning off the lights," said Joshua.

"Ok!" exclaimed the other two.

It was two at midnight, and Saaifa woke up and looked down, she smiled to see both of them sleeping peacefully, she got up and slowly got down and walked to them. She slowly laid down on Joshua's hands, hugged him and slept. Joshua smiled when he saw her in his arms. He pulled her closer and slept.

-Next Day-

Alex woke up early and couldn't believe what he saw.

"This girl, seriously?" Alex rolled his eyes and went to take a shower.

After taking the shower, he dialled someone's number.

-On the phone-

Alex: Hey Sweetie! How are you?

??: This is?

Alex: Hey, come on, we just met and you forgot me? That hurts.

??: Alex?

Alex: Yes, It's me, I'm speaking to Amelia, right?

Amelia: Yes, of course. But how did you get my number?

Alex: Oh come on sweetie, that doesn't matter.

Amelia: Woah, I'm amazed. you are calling me sweetie?

Alex: Yes, can we meet today? I will send you the Location.

Amelia: Umm...Ok.

Alex: That's great! See you there!

Alex ended the call and almost threw up. Joshua laughed.

"That's funny?" asked Alex in disgust.

"You did flirt, really well," said Joshua Laughing. Alex rolled his eyes.

"What is funny?" asked Saaifa waking up.

"You missed it, Alex was flirting," said Joshua smiling.

"Flirting with whom?" asked Saaifa eagerly.

"with his ex," said Alex.

"Alex!" exclaimed Joshua.

"Alright, sorry," said Alex.

"Get ready, we are leaving in a few minutes," said Alex.

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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