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Attention: the following scene contains sensitive content and may not be suitable for all readers. Please proceed with caution.

Saaifa worked for three hours, she was worked up. She walked downstairs to the bar that Joshua had in his home. She never went to that room, this was her first time. She selected a drink and poured it into her glass, and she drank a glass.

"Arghh! This tastes bitter," she said wiping her lips, she poured another drink and drank it, she was zoned out thinking about something, she didn't even know Joshua was there.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" asked Joshua walking towards her, she flinched when she heard him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Joshua sitting beside her.

"No, nothing, I was scared when you suddenly appeared out of nowhere," said Saaifa sounding tipsy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but when did you start drinking wine?" asked Joshua pouring a glass for himself.

"Wine? This is wine?" asked Saaifa.

"yep," said Joshua, siping into his drink.

"Woah, this tastes gross, but I like it," said Saaifa smiling.

"Are you drunk?" asked Joshua.

"Nope," said Saaifa, She reached up brushing her lips on his cheeks much closer to the lips.

"What was that for?" asked Joshua in a haze, his eyes darkening at the thought of having more.

"I am ready," she says, Her hands sneak up his jaw to his chest.

Those are three words that he was dying for.

"Saifaa, you are drunk," this time he says this more like a growl scratching his throat as if his existence only means for her.

"No, I'm not, I want it". She speaks up against his lips, he presses her against him as she takes his arm and wraps it around her.

"I want you," she said.

"Gosh, this woman, I'm loving her boldness, she's surely gonna be the death of me." Thought Joshua.

"F**k," he growled before crashing his lips onto her, the force making her stumble backwards but he got her. Her lips move against his, trying to adapt to his pace and craziness. It's all so messy. Her little noises are driving him insane.

His hands travel down her thighs hooking both under her legs. he pulled her up with him, signalling her to wrap them around his waist. he takes the path to their bedroom. He groans as he squeezes her ass as she giggles into his mouth.

They both stumbled into the bedroom as he pushed her against the wall to suck her neck and close the door so it didn't seem weird. he carefully laid her on the bed.

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