Next Day

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Next Day

Saaifa woke up early as she was very excited about the party. She sat and revised for her exam as she had a test today.

"you said you don't have any homework today," asked Joshua.

"yes, I don't, but I have a test today," Said Saaifa, and Joshua choked on his drink when he heard that.

"you didn't say that yesterday?" he asked.

"Yea, because you didn't ask, you only asked about the homework," she said beaming.

"Are you ready for it?" he asked.

"Yep!" she said.

And the day followed the same routine. It was noon when Joshua returned home from work. He was taken aback to see Ava and Emma in his home.

"Hey Joshua, you are back home early?" asked Saaifa.

"Yea, I came to inform you something," he said and greeted the other girls and walked to the kitchen, Saaifa excused herself and followed him.

"What is it?" she asked,

"I have a meeting in an hour, so I won't be coming with you but Henry will assist you, Alright?" he asked while drinking some water,

" Yea, That's alright," she said.

"You can call me when you are returning home," he said while tossing the water bottle in the trash.

"Alright," she said smiling.

"I will be upstairs, I will leave in 2 hours," he said walking away.

"Ok," she said going to the hall.

"Hey saaifa, let's get ready, we have to leave in an hour," said Ava.

"Yeah, sure!" she said, and they all started getting ready. It took almost half an hour for them to get ready.

"Ok, we are all ready, let's go?" asked Emma.

"Yea, give me a minute, let me go get my phone and the purse," said Saaifa walking upstairs.

"Alright, make it fast, we will be waiting in the car," said Ava.

"Ok," said Saaifa walking upstairs. She entered the room and saw Joshua was reading something on his phone.

 She entered the room and saw Joshua  was reading something on his phone

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