Toren gasped

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Toren gasped. he screamed when Alex slit his wrist.

"That hurts sir?" asked Alex. Toren kept screaming.

"Now, if you don't shut up, I would hesitate to cut your tongue, sir," said Alex cleaning the blade. Toren instantly shut his mouth. Alex smiled when he saw the response.

"That's good now," said Alex."Now sign this document," said Alex.

Toren with his shaky hands, took the pen from Joshua, he looked at Joshua for a second, and he sighed then with his trembling hands he signed the documents.

"Easy right? you made it difficult," said Alex, he threw the blade to the side and walked out. Joshua walked out after him, with the documents.

"Woah, this one was an easy one," said Alex.

"I said you," said Joshua.

"Thank you for letting me do it," said Alex.

"You're welcome," said Joshua.

"Where next?" asked Alex.

"Back to the hotel, she is alone," said Joshua.

"Ok, sure," said Alex.

They drove back to the hotel. On the way, Joshua bought Saaifa's favourite snacks. Alex waved bye and went to his room. When Joshua opened the door, Saaifa wasn't there in the room. He searched everywhere but couldn't find her. He ringed Henry.

"Yes sir, what is it?" asked Henry. He arrived real quick.

"Where is Saifaa!? I asked you to keep an eye on her, while I'm gone for goddamn sake," busted Joshua, choking Henry.

"S-sir, M-ma'am, is at the Dining hall," said Henry, trying to free himself.

"Oh," realized Joshua. He set Henry free.

"Sorry," said Joshua.

"No sir, please don't apologize to me," said Henry.

"You can leave," said Joshua. Henry bowed and left.

"Why is she at the dining hall at this time?" thought Joshua, He went to the dining hall, it was dark in there.

"Why are the lights out?" he asked himself. He searched for the switch.he turned the switches on.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" yelled everyone.

Joshua was surprised. Saaifa, Alex and Henry were there and the hall was decorated.

"Happy birthday, baby!" exclaimed Saaifa. She ran to him and gave him a warm hug.

"Thank you, princess," said Joshua, hugging her tightly.

"Happiest birthday, buddy," said Alex, patting him.

"Thank you, dude," said Joshua, smiling.

"Happy Birthday sir" said Henry, bowing.

"Thank you, Henry," said Joshua.

"Come on, baby, let's cut the cake," said Saaifa dragging him to the table.

She made him wear a birthday cap and gave me a knife.

"Princess, I'm not a small boy," said Joshua.

"You are the birthday baby," said Saaifa, smiling.

"Alright," said Joshua, chuckling.

He cut the cake and fed them all. They all had fun partying. After the party, Saaifa took Joshua to the beach. They had a small walk.

"I barely remembered it was my birthday today," said Joshua, chuckling.

"you liked it?" asked Saaifa.

"The surprise? I loved it," said Joshua.

Saaifa smiled when she heard it. she took a small box from the bag and gave it to him.

"My gift," said Saaifa, extending it.

"What is it?" asked Joshua.

"Open it," said Saaifa, smiling.

"Princess, seriously?" asked Joshua. It was a watch in that box.

"How did you get it?" asked Joshua.

"Alex helped, I know it's your favourite one, so I got it," said Saaifa smiling.

"Princess," said Joshua looking at her.

"Let me help you," said Saaifa. She took the watch out and put it in his hands.

"It looks good," said Saaifa, smiling.

"you like it?" asked Saaifa.

"I love it," said Joshua, smiling.

"That's great," said Saaifa hugging him.

He hugged her back and whispered a thank you.

"No thank you between us," said Saaifa, smiling.

He smiled back and he leaned forward, his nose gently touching her lips. His tongue slides out for a bit, and then his lips meet hers. They both kissed and he is savoring every moment of the kiss. He was afraid that he would lose control, but it was the best feeling ever.

He wrapped his arms around her waist pulled her even closer, and made the kiss deeper. He pulled away slowly.

"I seriously can't put into words how much I love you," whispered Joshua, holding her tight.

"I love you too if you can't put it into words, then show it, " said Saaifa, smiling.

"I love you more and yeah, I'll show you," said Joshua, chuckling.
she hugged him once again. he held her so close to him.

"How tho?" she whispered. Joshua chuckled.

"Wanna know that badly?" asked Joshua, smirking. Saaifa nodded.

"Alright," said Joshua and carried her.

"Hey, let down," said Saaifa, surprised.

"Come on, Let me show you how?" said Joshua, winking at her. Saaifa laughed at him. They went to their room and had a good sleep.

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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