They drove to the cafe and waited

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They drove to the cafe and waited.

"You are going to stay here and watch us, You will not come out. Alright?" asked Alex looking at Saaifa. She nodded.

"Be careful," said Saaifa. They both nodded and walked out.

"But, why should I meet her?" asked Joshua sitting on the chair.

"That's the plan," said Alex winking.

"I would rather work here," said Joshua.

"Nah, I'm not giving you my job," said Alex.

"Alright, all the best, she is here," said Alex wearing the cap and walking to the counter. Amelia looked around and saw Joshua waving at her. She was stunned.

"I thought, Alex wanted to meet me," said Amelia, sitting opposite Joshua.

"I wanted to meet you, but I didn't know how to reach you, I asked his help," said Joshua sighing.

"Alright," said Amelia looking around.

"Not many people are around," said Amelia.

"Oh yeah, they just opened, so yeah," said Joshua smiling.

"Well, what is it?" asked Amelia, trying to smile.

"About our past," said Joshua smiling.

"Here is your order sir," said the waiter.

"Oh thank you!" exclaimed Joshua, smiling.

"Your favourite caramel latte," said Joshua passing her the mug.

"Thank you," said Amelia and took a sip. They talked for a long time and Joshua made her drink the whole cup. After a few minutes, Amelia passed out.

"Great!" exclaimed Alex removing his cap.

"Don't worry, I'll carry her," said Alex winking at Joshua.

"I'll go," said Joshua nodding. He walked to the car and drove it to the entrance.

"Met your Ex?" asked Saaifa.

"How did you know she was my?" asked Joshua, amazed. Saaifa smiled and winked at him.

"Plan success!!" exclaimed Alex getting into the car.

"Great," said Saaifa, smiling.

"Let's go!" exclaimed Alex. Saaifa chuckled.

They drove to an unknown place.

"Where in the world are we?" asked Saaifa looking around.

"My favourite place," said Alex winking. Saaifa was amazed.

Joshua and Saaifa helped Alex to tie the girl up. Saaifa splashed ice water on her face.

"Oh my," Amelia gasped and looked around.

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