"What now?" asked Joshua

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"What now?" asked Joshua.

"We have to start it," said Alex, passing Joshua the phone.

"Who is he?" asked Joshua, going through the documents.

"This is Quin Toren," said Alex.

"He is the right hand of Ezra. This guy is in his forties and he has 2 daughters, both of them married, his wife died last year," continued Alex. Joshua hummed in response.

"So, it's easy to take this guy down?" asked Joshua.

"Yeah," said Alex.

"If we take this guy down, then it's easy for us to take the other 3 down," continued Alex.

"Who are those 3?" asked Joshua.

"Kai, Atticus and Jaxon," said Alex passing them some files. Joshua was going through them.

"Kai helps Toren. They both have this blind trust, so it's easy. Atticus takes care of the online deals," continued Alex.

"Online deals?" asked Joshua.

"Foreign deals," said Alex.

"Oh," said Joshua.

"Yeah, so Atticus, is also important in the business. Then, Jaxon takes care of the shipping parts, the sea routes of the business are well known by him, he is in charge of that part," said Alex.

"I see, it seems like a big network," said Joshua, closing the files.

"It's indeed a very big one," said Alex, chuckling.

"So, it's 16 of them?" asked Joshua.

"Yeah, 16 of them," said Alex.

"You know only 4 of them?" asked Joshua.

"I know about all 16 of them, but these 4 are the main ones, we take these down first, the rest is easy," said Alex.

"Oh, Alright," said Joshua.

"Yeah, We have to take down these 4 first," said Alex.

"So, which one first?" asked Joshua.

"Quin Toren," said Alex.

"Where is he, right now?" asked Joshua.

"The nightclub," said Alex.

"That's easier now," said Joshua, smiling. Alex nodded in agreement.

"Let's start?" asked Joshua.

"Yes," said Alex, walking to the door.

"What about Saaifa?" asked Alex.

"Well, I'll take care of it," said Joshua, patting Alex.

"Get the car, I'll be right back," said Joshua walking to his room.

Joshua couldn't control his smile when he saw Saaifa sleeping. After taking the things, he walked to her and kissed her. Then he locked the door and called someone, saying 'Assemble', before going to the car.

"Let's go?" asked Alex starting the car.

"Yep," said Joshua.

They drove to the nightclub and searched for the person. He was sitting in the bar and was drinking his drink peacefully. Joshua sat next to him and ordered tequila.

"Eww, what is it? why does this taste bitter?" groaned Joshua, making a disgusted face.

"You never tried alcohol before young man?" asked Toren, chuckling.

"No sir, this is my first time," said Joshua.

"What made you drink?" asked Toren.

"I broke up with my girlfriend," said Joshua, sighing.

"That's alright, young man, have some more," said Toren, pouring more drink for Joshua.

"Thank you, sir," said Joshua accepting the drink.

"You have any reasons, sir?" asked Joshua. Toren chuckled.

"It became a routine for me," said Toren, smiling.

They had a long good talk. Then Joshua poured the drink which he mixed with the sleeping pill for Toren. It was a pretty simple task for Joshua. Then he called Alex.

"Done," said Joshua.

They quietly took Toren to the car and drove to the basement. Alex tied Toren near Ezra.

"Should we wait for him to wake up?" asked Joshua.

"Nah, I'm not that patient," said Alex, pouring water on Toren.

Toren gasped for air, he looked around and saw them.

"Good evening, Quin Toren, Myself Alex and this is Joshua," said Alex, smirking.

"Who are you all? and sir why are you tied up?" yelled Toren.

"I just introduced ourselves, sir," said Alex, smiling.

"Well, we tied you and your boss because we have a business to talk about," said Joshua sitting opposite to him.

"What business?" asked Toren.

"Life business," said Alex.

"What?" asked Toren, raising his brows.

"Yes, sir, please sign this contract, the contract is that your life belongs to me and I can do anything with that," said Alex.

"What? you lost your mind or something?" asked Toren.

"Set me free, first. why in the world did you tie me up?" asked Toren.

"Sir, we have a business to talk and I can't set you free," said Joshua.

Alex walked to the table took and blade and walked over to Toren.

"What are you going to do?" asked Toren looking at the blade.

"Going to have some fun," said Alex smirking.

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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