"Yes," he said, and opening her door,

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"Yes," he said, and opening her door,

"It's been almost 5 years right?" he asked looking at her,

"Yea," she said smiling,

"But why here?" asked Saaifa,

"I'm curious about something," said Alex walking in,

"What is it?" asked Saaifa,

"Come with me, first," said Alex pulling her to the basement,

"Alright," laughed Saaifa walking with him,

"See," he said showing the board to her,

"You did track him, I'm amazed," said Saaifa reading the Information,

"Well, He did nothing, Are you sure about him?" asked Alex looking,

"Yes, I'm sure it's him, but I'm surprised he did nothing," said Saaifa,

"Well, he came for the party, did you know?" asked Alex showing her the pics,

"Wait, to the business party?? Really??" asked Saaifa,

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's him," said Alex,

"Woah," said Saaifa,

"He is waiting for something and I'm not sure, what is it for," said Saaifa looking at Alex,

"I can't understand him," said Alex rubbing his temples,

"We should be ready for him, anytime he might do anything, Alex," said Saaifa, Alex hummed in response,

They had a brief talk and they decided to step out for a little while, and take a walk in the park,

"They finally opened the park and it's so beautiful," said Saaifa looking at the flowers,

"Just like you," Whispered Alex smiling at her,

"You said something?" asked Saaifa looking at Alex,

"Nope," he shook his head,

"Alright," she said smiling. Alex's phone rang,

"It's him," said Alex rolling his eyes,

"Put it in speaker," said Saaifa chuckling,

"What is it?" asked Alex,

"Hey, Don't be so rude," said Joshua,

"Alright, What is the matter?" asked Alex,

"You gotta pick me up for lunch, after having lunch we will go to the airport, how is it?" asked Joshua,

"Umm, I'm ok with it," said Alex,

"Where are you guys?" asked Joshua,

"In the bar, drinking," said Alex smirking at Saaifa who widened her eyes at his reply,

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