"Let's go ride that ride," said Hazel, pulling Joshua

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"Let's go ride that ride," said Hazel, pulling Joshua.

"Yeah, give me a minute," said Joshua looking at Saaifa.

Saaifa chuckled and nodded her head indicating him to go, he sighed and went with her.

"I want to use the restroom," said Hazel.

"Let me show you," said Saaifa, taking her to the restroom.

"Hazel you can go and come, we'll wait out," said Joshua and Hazel nodded.

Joshua sighed and leaned his head on Saaifa's shoulder.

"She is so energetic," said Joshua.

"She loves you a lot, it seems. You indeed, dressed hotter this time," said Saaifa.

"Thank you, princess," said Joshua, smirking and pecking her lips.

"I agreed on this because I thought we would have fun together, but it's just the opposite," said Joshua.

"Come on, that kid loves you a lot, she is fun too, we should take good care of her," said Saaifa and Joshua nodded in agreement.

"Come on, let's go on the roller coaster!" exclaimed Hazel, rushing out of the restroom.

"Sure cutie, but calm down, first," said Joshua, holding her hands and taking her to the ride.

They rode almost all the rides in the amusement park. Hazel and Saaifa were waiting for Joshua, who went to get ice cream.

"It was really fun today!" exclaimed Hazel.

"I'm happy that you enjoyed it," said Saaifa, correcting Hazel's hair.

"Here, this ice cream for cutie," said Joshua giving it to Hazel.

"And this is for you princess," said Joshua giving it to Saaifa.

"Thank you!" said the both together. Joshua sat near Hazel. She ate her ice cream silently.

"I wish you guys were my parents," said Hazel looking at Joshua.

"Don't worry Cutie, I'm always there for you, I promise," said Joshua.

"Really?" asked Hazel.

"Yes," said Joshua, smiling.

"Alright, Let's go home?" asked Joshua.

"It's past your curfew," said Saaifa, checking her phone.

"No, I don't wanna go!" exclaimed Hazel.

"Alright then, wanna come to my home?" asked Joshua.

"Yes!" exclaimed Hazel. They drove home. On the way, as Hazel was tired, she fell asleep. Saaifa saw Hazel's phone ringing, she picked it up.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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