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After assisting Alex to his room, he returned to get Saaifa.

"Come on, let's go," said Joshua, opening the door.

"Nope," said Saaifa, moving away. Joshua sighed and carried her to the room.

He laid her gently on the bed and went to take a shower. Upon his return, he was taken aback to find the bed unoccupied. He searched the entire room, but she was nowhere to be found. He went to Alex's room to check, but she wasn't there either. He then returned to their room to retrieve his phone and call her, but he realized that her phone was also in the room. Joshua groaned, he wasn't ready to lose her again. His world stopped. He took his phone and ran out. He searched around the hotel, but she was nowhere. He went to the beach and saw her sitting there. He sighed, he got his life back when he saw her. He walked silently and sat with her.

"What happened?" asked Joshua looking at her.

"I miss them," said Saaifa looking at the stars.

"You are still pretty drunk," said Joshua. She smiled in return.

"Today was a special day for me. My dad surprised me by picking me up from school. We then spent much time together, which was a first for us. It was an unexpected and pleasant surprise that I will always remember. I felt he was trying to say something to me at that time, but I was too small to understand that, It's already been 13 years," said Saaifa chuckling.

"You never spent time with him?" asked Joshua.

"No, He never talked to me, I tried but he would ignore me. He tried his best to ignore me if I was in the kitchen, he wouldn't enter it until and unless I left," she said.

"The moment you shot her in front of him brought me back to my childhood when my father was killed in front of me," she said wiping her tears away. Joshua moved closer to her and hugged her.

"It's alright, past is past," he said patting her. She snuggled into him.

"Alright, baby bear, aren't you sleepy??" asked Joshua. She nodded in response.

"Then, come one let's go," said Joshua, standing up.

"My leg hurts," said Saaifa, pouting. Joshua chuckled.

"So, how can I help you ma'am?" asked Joshua.

"Carry me!" exclaimed Saaifa. Joshua smiled. He carried her to their room and assisted her in changing into her pyjamas.

He watched her fall asleep. He couldn't sleep, the scene that happened on the beach kept him awake for the whole night.

-Next Day-

The first thing Joshua did in the morning was, lock his room and rush to Alex's room. He rushed into Alex's room.

"Holy damn!" exclaimed Alex covering himself.

"You were bathing?" asked Joshua closing the door behind.

"Yeah, Just took a bath. Why are you here in the morning?" asked Alex, picking up his dress.

"It's about Saaifa," said Joshua.

"What? You guys did something again?" asked Alex, making a disgusted face.

"No, It's about something else," said Joshua

"Sit down," said Alex, passing him the chair.

"What is it?" asked Alex.

"I guess, we shouldn't take her with us, the next time, we go on the mission," said Joshua.

"Why?" asked Alex raising his brows.

"It reminds her of her past," said Johsua looking down.

"Oh shit, how did I forget about it," said Alex.

"Yeah, we should have thought twice before taking her," said Joshua. Alex nodded agreeing with Joshua.

"Is she fine?" asked Alex. Joshua nodded.

"We have to stay with her today, let's start the plan tomorrow?" asked Joshua.

"Yes, of course," said Alex nodding.

"Alright, then let me go back and see if she is still sleeping," said Joshua getting up.

"Ok, if she is awake, bring her here, I have something for her," said Alex, smirking. Joshua raised his brows.

"And what made you think  I will?" asked Joshua.

"Don't worry, I invite you too," said Alex smiling and closing the door.

Joshua signed and walked to his room. He couldn't control his smile when he saw his girlfriend sleeping soundly. He walked to the bed and snuggled into her.

"Don't disturb me," said Saaifa turning to the other side.

"Baby, it's past 8 and you are still sleepy?" asked Joshua moving closer to her.

"No, my head hurts," said Saaifa pulling the covers to her face.

"It's because of the wine you drank yesterday, dummy," said Joshua, chuckling.

"I drank wine?" asked Saaifa looking at Joshua.

"You remember nothing?" asked Joshua laughing.

"What is funny?" asked Saaifa glaring.

"Nothing," said Joshua controlling his laugh.

"What happened yesterday?" asked Saaifa.

"Nothing," said Joshua smiling.

"Get ready, in 5 minutes, we have somewhere to go," said Joshua getting up.

"Outside? In 5?" asked Saaifa panicking. Joshua nodded. She got up and picked a dress and before she walked into the restroom, Joshua pulled her.

"You forgot something?" asked Joshua.

"Did I?' asked Saaifa looking around.

"Yes," said Joshua, pecking her lips.

"My morning kiss," said Joshua, smiling.

"You are serious? that is important? I have only 5 minutes," said Saaifa walking into the restroom. Joshua stood there dumbfounded.

"Of course, your morning kisses make my day!" exclaimed Joshua.

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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