-Next Day-

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-Next Day-

"Wait, I did it without thinking twice Alex, she asked me to, but then she was drunk and," Joshua groans while he talks,

"Alright, Chill first," said Alex bringing a mug of hot water,

"Drink this first," said Alex sitting opposite him,

"So, you came early in the morning to my house at the weekend, just to tell me what you did with your girlfriend last night," asked Alex,

"Yea," said Joshua giving him a small smile,

"Are you serious Joshua?" asked Alex getting frustrated,

"Alex, It was our first time and I just don't want her to think it as a mistake," said Joshua,

"Yea, yea, but did she wake up? or you left the home, the instant you woke up?" asked Alex raising his brows,

"I came the instant I woke up," said Joshua,

"then you better run, before she wakes up," said Alex getting up,

"Why?" asked Joshua confused,

"If you don't want her to think that it wasn't a mistake, then you should be there by her side when she wakes up, Now run, I have to take a bath," said Alex, walking away,

"Oh, alright," said Joshua, going back to his home, he walked slowly to their room and found Saaifa sleeping soundly, he slowly walked towards the bed, removed his shirt and slid into the sheets with saaifa, he was studying Saaifa's features, the scenarios from yesterday bought a smile to his face, his thoughts were interrupted when he saw Saaifa moving,

"Hey Good morning," he whispered into her ears,

"Good Morning," said Saaifa stretching her hands and getting up, She groaned and rubbed her head,

"You have a headache?" asked Joshua,

"Yea, I drank a lot yesterday," said Saaifa, Joshua smiled and nodded,

"Did something happen last night?" she asked raising her brows

"You don't remember?" asked Joshua getting surprised,

"Um, I don't remember a thing," said Saaifa blushing,

"You don't,?" asked Joshua teasing her,

"Hey, stop," she said laughing, he pulled her closer to him and kissed her slowly, she smiled and responded to it,

"Alright, We have to go somewhere today, so are you ok with it?" asked Joshua breaking the kiss,

"Yep!" exclaimed Saaifa,

"Yesterday was a reward for working hard on your story, I liked your book," he whispered and winked at her, she blushed at his statement,

"Alright, get freshen up, The breakfast is on me," he said pecking her and walking away, she smiled and walked to the bathroom. Joshua went down and almost screamed,

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