Next Day

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Next Day

Joshua woke up early, he was pleased to see Saaifa next to him in his hoodie, But his jaw tensed when he saw her neck bruised, he didn't want to wake her up, so he waited for her to be awake. Someone rang the doorbell disturbing him, he went downstairs to answer the door. he was stunned to see Alex, but he maintained his cool.

"Yes, Mr Alex, If I'm not wrong we don't have any business deal and if you wanna start a new one, please meet me in the office, not in my house at the weekend," he said the last line sarcastically.

"I'm not here to meet you Mr," said Alex coldly.

"Joshua, I have told you a million times not to answer the door shirtless-" Saaifa's dried throat when she saw Alex at the door, her face turned pale.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Joshua.

"And yea, whom did you come to meet Mr Alex?" asked Joshua sternly.

"Saaifa," said Alex coldly.

"Hey Saaifa, I'm sorry, I wasn't in the right mind, I shouldn't have hurt you, I-," he was cut off by a hard punch on his face which made him land on the ground.

"You hurt her!?" asked Joshua punching him again, He kept punching him.

"JOSHUA STOP!" yelled Saaifa while pulling him back, he stopped and backed away.

"Can you please leave," requested Saaifa pushing Joshua inside the house.

"Saaifa I-," She cut Alex off.

"Please. leave," she said closing the door in his face, she turned to meet an angry Joshua, his eyes were red and jaws tensed.

"You met him yesterday?" asked Joshua, she nodded her head.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he roared.

"I didn't wanna ruin your mood," she said looking down, he sighed and walked close to her and caressed her neck.

"Now you understand why I didn't want you to be with him? Now did you understand why I said he is dangerous?" he asked, and she nodded her head and sobbed, he pulled her into a hug. Till noon Joshua ignored her, she tried her best to talk to him but he excused himself otherwise gave short replies in return, so she thought of making a cake as a apologise as she is good at baking. When she was baking, she tried opening a glass jar but it was air-locked, the jar slipped from her hand and it fell and broke, she tried cleaning the mess but she got a cut on her hands while doing it. Joshua rushed downstairs hearing the sound in the kitchen, he was surprised to see the scene in front of him. He ran near her carried her and made her sit on the counter and he cleaned up the mess. After cleaning the mess, he saw the cut on her hands and widened his eyes.

"You lost your mind?" he asked her while checking the wound.

"Can't you be careful?" he asked raising his voice.

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