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Next Morning

Saaifa woke up a bit early today. She took a bath and got dressed up. she was very worried about her Family. it was almost a month since they went to her hometown. she tried calling them but they didn't pick up her calls. She didn't feel good about it. she rushed to Alex's room. she opened the door without knocking. she widened her eyes when she saw him shirtless. 

"Don't you know to knock on the door, sweetheart?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

 "I-I'm sorry," she said and looked away blushing. Alex chuckled huskily. 

 "What do you want?" he asked in a deep voice.

"First wear your shirt," she said, he looked at her and started walking close to her and she kept moving back until she hit the door when tried running he caged her with his arms, he moved close and whispered.

"first of all it's your mistake, you didn't knock on the door and you are summoning me now?" she shook her head no, she panicked because they both were so close. Alex sighed and moved away. he took his shirt and wore it. he sat on the bed and tapped near him indicating for her to sit near him. She took small steps towards him and sat near him.

 "What do you want?" he asked. 

"I have 1 month's holiday and you are done with your school" she stated.

"yea, so what?" he questioned.

"I want to go to my home town to check on my parents, can you please take me there??" she asked with sad eyes. 

"Alright, go get ready we will leave today," he responded. 

"Really? Thank you so much!!" she exclaimed and she ran happily to her room to pack. Alex chuckled and started packing his stuff. Alex packed his stuff and he was waiting near the car for Saaifa. She came out with her bags. She was struggling with them. Alex came near her took the bags from her hand and walked towards the car. he kept them and then opened the door for Saaifa to sit. She thanked him and sat. 

 "you have a license?" asked Saaifa, before he started driving.

"Yeah I got it on my 18th birthday" he replied. 

"oh, ok," she said.

"you know it would take a day to reach your hometown?" He said.

"Yeah?" she questioned him with bows raised.

"Yeah, but we might stop here and there for food and other stuff, we might reach your hometown by 7 or 7:30 or something like that in the morning," he said.

"Ok!" she says.

"I will stop nearby some restaurant for our breakfast," he stated and she just nodded her head ok. They had their breakfast and started the journey at first it was awkward for them but as time flew they started the chatter. It was noon and Saaifa slept because she woke up very early today. Alex stopped the car for lunch. when he turned to tell her to get down, he saw her sleeping he smiled and took off his jacket and covered her with it. 

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