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    Next Morning

As it was the weekend Alex decided to stay home, and Saaifa had no choice but to remain home with him. 

"I'll cook breakfast," said Alex.

"Sure," said Saaifa. They had their Breakfast together.

"I'm going to clean the backyard," said Saaifa.

"Want some help?" asked Alex.

"If you don't mind," said Saaifa, scratching her nape.

"Yeah, I can," said Alex, chuckling. They tended the backyard together.

After cleaning, Saaifa sat in the hall to read a book, Alex sat opposite her with a book, but he couldn't take his eye off her. He grabbed his phone, silenced it and took a picture of her, and set it as his phone wallpaper, he was enjoying the moment. Saaifa who was bored looked at Alex who was enjoying himself on his phone.

"Is it something interesting?" asked Saaifa.

"Yep, very Interesting," said Alex smirking.

"What is it?" asked Saaifa.

"Uh, Just some random show," said Alex, Locking his phone.

"Do you wanna hang out?" asked Alex.

"Yes, sure!" said Saaifa. They went out to the park, and they had a walk.

"If you don't mind, can you click some pictures for me?" asked Saaifa.

"Yeah, sure," said Alex, smiling. Then, they had food in a nearby restaurant. 

 They returned home. It was evening and Saaifa received a call from her friends, asking her if she would join them for a party but she turned that offer down.

"Why did you turn them down?" asked Alex.

"I'm not interested it," said Saaifa. Alex nodded in response and was getting ready to take a nap on the sofa. Saaifa was stunned. 

"This isn't your home," she said to Alex who was almost slept

"I don't care, for now, this is my home", he said and slept.

She just rolled her eyes and went to do her assignments. It took almost 2 hours for her to finish her work when she looked at the clock it was past 9, she was astounded because she hadn't cooked food yet, she swore herself and got down to the kitchen. In the kitchen, she was surprised to see Alex cooking, she was just checking out that guy. 

"done checking me out?" Alex caught her off-guard. She blushed hard, and her ears turned red. "I was just seeing what you are doing, what made you think I'm checking you out?" asked Saaifa, Alex scoffed and continued his work, they ate their food and headed to sleep. It was late in the night and Saaifa went down to get her water-filled, she saw Alex sitting on the couch and drawing something.

"What are you sketching?" she questioned

"Nothing big," he responded,

"Can you show me?" she asked,

"Yeah of course," he replied and showed her the drawing, she was stunned to see beautiful scenery. she took the book from him and tried to turn to the prior page.

"Don't! Don't you dare to do that," he said,

"you're daring me? ok then let me do it" she replied and was going to do it. but Alex chased her asking for his book, but she kept running and saying no, then she stumbled and was going to fall but Alex grabbed her and pulled her, they were dangerously close and if one of them moved their lips would touch. Saaifa moved backwards, gave him his book

"Good night," wished him good night, and rushed to her room. Alex was standing and processing what just happened.

 "Just wait sweetheart, there is more to come,"  said Alex, smirking. 

*pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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