-In the basement-

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-In the basement-

"She is sleeping?" asked Amelia, walking towards Saaifa.

"I guess," said Issac. Amelia splashed water on Saaifa, which made her gasp and wake up.

"Hey, Guess who I met today," said Amelia sitting opposite Saaifa,

"Who?" asked Saaifa.

"I will give you some clues," said Amelia smirking.

"His tall and seductive body, well-toned abs, and icy-blue eyes are truly amazing. How can I fail to notice his sharp jawlines?" asked Amelia smiling.

"Are you in love with my best friend?" asked Saaifa chucking.

"Your best friend?" asked Amelia confused.

"Yes, Alex is my best friend," said Saaifa smirking slightly. Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Why would I fall for him?" asked Amelia.

"The way you explained about his well-toned abs, tells me everything," said Saaifa.

"Just shut up, bitch," said Amelia smirking.

"Am I making you nervous, Amelia? I intimate you? you seem to be struggling to hold yourself together." said Saaifa smirking. Amelia gulped and looked away.

"I-I'm leaving," said Amelia, walking away.

"I heard that somewhere before," said Issac, chuckling.

"Yes, Unravel me," said Saaifa Laughing a little.

"Smart," said Issac sitting on the chair which is opposite Saaifa.

"Thank you," said Saaifa, smirking.

"So? Are you hungry?" asked Issac. Saaifa looked away.

"Here, eat this," said Issac pushing a tray towards her. Saaifa rolled her eyes.

"Oh my, your hands are tied, what can we do?" asked Issac looking around.

"How about? I will feed you?" asked Issac moving his chair closer to her.

"No, thank you," said Saaifa, looking away.

"come on, here, have some," said Issac extending the food. Saaifa hesitated.

"Don't worry, I didn't poison it, here you don't believe right? Let me have some," said Issac eating some.

"Woah, it's so good, I did choose good," said Issac extending the food. As Saaifa was hungry she couldn't hold herself anymore, she ate the food.

"Now, That's my girl," said Issac throwing the wrappers.

"I'm not your girl," growled Saaifa.

"Soon to be," said Issac smirking. Saaifa rolled her eyes. They heard some noise near the entrance, and Issac went to look over.

"Alex, what are you doing here?" Isaac asked in surprise.

Alex didn't answer but turned and swung out in a powerful kick. It took Isaac a second to react and he managed to dodge the kick and land a punch on Alex's shoulder. Alex let out a grunt of pain and the two quickly got tangled in a wrestling match. They moved faster and harder than either of them thought they could, and neither was able to get the upper hand until Alex grabbed Isaac and pinned him to the ground. Issac pushed Alex with great force.

Alex lunged forward again, determined to knock Issac out of the way and protect Saaifa. Issac dodged the attack and managed to grab Alex from behind. Alex tried to break free, but Issac held him tight,

"You won't ruin his plans. Not this time." Issac whispered into his ear.

Alex could feel Issac pressing the blade of the knife against his throat and he knew he was in a bad situation. Alex struggled harder as Issac pressed harder.

"Give up and she won't get hurt" Issac hissed in Alex's ear.

Issac tightened his grip on the knife as Alex struggled to break free. Alex managed to twist in Issac's grasp and get a solid punch in. The blow sent Issac staggering back, but he kept hold of the knife. He slashed at Alex again, nicking his face this time. Alex let out a curse and ducked away from Issac's next blow. Alex managed to grab Issac's arm and pull it behind his back, locking it in place. Issac let out a shout of pain and dropped the knife.

"You think, you can hurt her?" asked Alex, breathing heavily. Alex threw a hard punch, and Issac fell and groaned. Alex ran to Saaifa and untied her.

"Oh my god! Alex look at you," said Saaifa looking at his wounds.

"Now you believe me? that I can fight?" asked Alex winking at her.

"Alex, are you serious? you got hurt," said Saaifa.

"No, I'm fine," said Alex smiling.

"Thank you so much, for coming," said Saaifa hugging him.

"That hurts," said Ales hissing.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Saaifa moving away.

"Now, go away. Here take my phone. Check the notes, I wrote the hospital name and the room number, Joshua is there. Go there," Said Alex pushing Saaifa.

"Joshua? What happened to him?" asked Saaifa getting worried.

"This is not the time, Now run!" exclaimed Alex, raising his voice. Saaifa nodded and ran out. A hard punch greeted Alex as he turned around. He groaned and stumbled backwards.

"Why do you always ruin my plans?" asked Issac. Alex winked at him, spitting the blood out.

"I would have kidnapped her, at the reunion party, but you scared her away and now," said Issac groaning. Alex chuckled

"Stop laughing, It's irritating me," said Issac.

"Alright," said Alex suppressing his laugh.

"Why did you do that at the party?" asked Issac turning towards Alex.

"I eavesdropped on your plan when you were talking on the phone with your girlfriend and I didn't know how to tell Saaifa about it, she wouldn't believe me, if I said that, so I used my method," said Alex shrugging. Issac laughed.

"You framed yourself as a bad guy, just to save her," said Issac laughing. Alex rolled his eyes.

"Now, I'm happy," said Alex smiling at him. Issac stopped laughing and rushed towards Alex, He threw a hard punch, which made Alex fall.

"Arghh," groaned Alex.

"That hurts?" asked Issac smiling at him. Alex grabbed a rod and hit Issac. Issac fell unconscious on the floor. Alex sighed, spat the blood and sat on the floor.

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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