Next Day

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Next Day

Joshua woke up and saw tired Saaifa in his arms. he kissed her and went to the restroom to wash up. He prepared the bathtub for Saaifa, he came out and saw her still sleeping. He slowly kissed her.

"Princess, wake up," he whispered. Saaifa hummed and turned to the other side.

"Princess," whispered Johsua, pulling her close to him.

"What time is it?" asked Saaifa, turning to him.

"It's Nine," said Joshua, smiling.

"Alright, I'm gonna wash up," said Saaifa, getting up But, he pulled her back.

"What is it?" asked Saaifa.

"You forgot something," said Joshua, pulling her closer to him.

"Did I?" asked Saaifa, looking around.

"Look at me," groaned Joshua. She looked at him and raised her brows.

"you don't know?" asked Joshua. Saaifa shook her head no.

"Nothing," said Joshua, sighing. He let her go.

She laughed and kissed him.

"Oh, how can I forget it," she said, chuckling. Joshua pouted.

"I was just playing," said Saaifa, pecking him. He smiled at her.

"Alright, I'm gonna wash up," said Saaifa.

"Let me help you, princess," said Joshua, carrying her.

"Thank you, baby," said Saaifa, kissing his cheeks.

He set her down on the bathtub and kissed her forehead.

"I'm going to the hall," said Joshua. Saaifa nodded ok.

He went to the hall and saw Alex cooking.

"Hey, Good morning," said Alex.

"Good Morning, can I get a cup of coffee, please?" asked Joshua.

"Coffee?" asked Alex, raising his brows.

"Yes, please," said Joshua, smiling. Alex rolled his eyes and made some coffee.

"Your coffee," said Alex, passing the cup to Joshua.

"Thank you," said Joshua, gladly accepting the cup.

"Whose next?" asked Joshua.

"Kai," said Alex.

"Kai?" asked Joshua.

"Yes, Kai," said Alex, sighing.

"How to get him?" asked Joshua.

"That's easy, we have Toren, if we make Toren call him here, he will come," said Alex.

"That simple?" asked Joshua, raising his brows.

"Yeah, very simple," said Alex, chuckling.

"That Toren guy would be alive?" asked Joshua.

"Of course, he would be alive, don't worry," said Alex, winking.

"Good morning, guys," greeted Saaifa.

"Good morning sunshine," greeted Alex, smiling.

Saaifa pecked Joshua and sat next to him.

"Don't call her that," said Joshua.

"I'll," said Alex, winking. He passed her a cup of coffee. she mouthed a Thank you.

"I wouldn't hesitate to kill you," said Joshua, glaring.

"Chill, he is just playing," said Saaifa. Joshua glared at Alex.

Alex shrugged and winked.

"What's the breakfast?" asked Saaifa.

"Pasta," said Alex, smiling.

"You made it?" asked Saaifa.

"Yes!" exclamied Alex.

They had their breakfast while having a simple discussion.

"Any plans today?" asked Saaifa, while washing the plates.

"Yeah, me and Alex are having some work today," said Joshua arranging the plates.

"Oh, even I have some work today," said Saaifa.

"Are you free for dinner?" asked Joshua, hugging her from behind.

"Yep," said Saaifa.

"That's great," whispered Joshua, kissing her neck.

"I'm washing," said Saaifa, hitting him. Joshua chuckled.

"Hey Joshua, I need your help," said Alex, calling him out. Joshua groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Alex! You always ruin my fun time," groaned Joshua.

"I'm sorry man, but we have to leave," said Alex.

"I'll be back in a minute," said Joshua. He went to his room, took his coat and went to the kitchen.

"Princess, we are leaving, I don't think we would be here for lunch, but we'll be back by evening," said Joshua hugging her.

"Alright, Take care, don't take too long to come back, I'll miss you," said Saaifa, snuggling into him. She was too small for him. She fit perfectly in his arms.

"I'll miss you more," said Joshua, kissing her. Alex waved bye and left for their place.

"Hi Uncle," said Alex sitting in the chair opposite Toren.

"How are you doing?" asked Joshua, looking at Ezra.

"We need a little help from you, Uncle," said Alex. Toren raised his brows.

"I'll make a call to Kai, and you are gonna call him here. If you try speaking something else, I can't guarantee your family will live peacefully," said Alex.

"Will you do it?" asked Alex. Toren nodded.

"Give me some water," said Toren.

"I'm not that cruel, here you go," said Alex pouring some water for him.

"Now, let's start?" asked Alex. He dialled Kai's number.

-On the Call-

Kai: Good Afternoon mate.

Toren: How are you doing?

Kai: Great. What's the matter?

Toren: Got a new business to discuss.

Kai: Where should I come?

Toren: I'll send you the location.

Kai: Alright.

-End of the Call-

"It was simply indeed," said Alex, ending the call.

"Let's wait for your mate to come," said Alex, smirking.

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